
大天使麥可 2012117日 關於靈

2012-01-18 0:21

Dear beloved Souls of the wonder-full Creator



I A.M. Archangel Michael. Many of you seem sometimes tohave completely forgotten who I AM, or who God even is. When I say these words,I do not mean to say, you don't have a connection, you do. But the closeness weonce had, when Societies on Earth were more spiritual, became in the Dark Agesmore distant. If you want to talk about THE FALL, it would be a Fall inDimensions, bringing you to 3D and some Individuals even lower than than.



All of this happened, because of YOUR FREE WILL. God, inTruth, does not ever harm any Soul, nor does God or any of us, FORCE any Soulto ANYTHING. This is what free Will means, and this is the real Power you haveand always will have.



I would like to speak of something very essential to youtoday, YOUR WHOLE BEING, how it functions, what happens exactly when dealingwith the two opposing Energies of Duality.



In your memory, stored spiritually as well as physically,you have many Layers of Bodies in your Soul. Your physical Existence is only atiny Part of the WHOLE. You within yourself are a whole World and a wholeUniverse in itself. It doesn't really matter, what others around you might bedoing, feeling or going through, all that is important FOR YOU IS YOU.



Interactions with other living Beings on your earthlyJourney is an opportunity to help each other grow, look at situations andchallenges in a different perspective, romantic partners come into your life toassist you in learning how to LOVE, and that includes TO LOVE YOURSELF.



If you imagine, how much is still out there for your tolive, discover, and BE, how small seems then your physical Part? And when I sayphysical, I mean the way you KNOW physicality, for all manifested Creations arephysical, just in different forms.



It is part of the journey of free will and learning it'sconsequences freely for yourself, without any force or interference. We cannoteven get into your mind or energy field, if you push us away, or God. But evenin the worst circumstances, if you are OPEN, if you ALLOW God to help and giveyou Love, it arrives faster than you expect. And it feels GOOD, very good, toconnect with others with LOVE, once you experienced it in a deeper way and gotcomfortable again and found back to TRUSTING.



Some of you, go through ups and downs right now, due to theChanges happening in the Dimensions around you now. Earth is being pulled backup toward Heaven, and we ALL ARE AUTOMATICALLY GETTING CLOSER AGAIN. God isreaching out for you, and forgives you, but can YOU forgive yourself? Can youlet go and accept TO BE LOVED and know you deserve it?



This is truly what held many Souls back from ascendinghigher and higher, even during the physical Earth Life time, nobody ever saidyou need to pass in order to ascend!



What we are slowly focusing on now, is the next part ofYOU, which is your ethereal/astral Layer. It is visually very similar toChicken Eggs, like an Egg Shell Layer of Light around your physical Body. Thisis a more fine-tuned and sensitive Body, compared to your physical, and a veryimportant one to keep strong.



When you say something hurtful or harsh, accompanied alwaysby the equaling energies on topp, to someone else, you not only reach thephysical ears, eyes or intellect of the person. If you could see it, it wouldlook like an arrow, being shot into the other's protective aura layer. For theperson "energetically stabbed" or "pinched", it can havemany effects, including on the emotional condition. Sometimes, it influencesanother not in a conscious way or heavy way, but one feels tired and"sucked out" suddenly, which is a sign that the Layer has a hole.Usually it heals very fast and we are always at your Service to protect youfrom any attacks from another, in any way.



But since everything IS ONE and CONNECTED, above and below,on Earth and in Heaven, whatever you do here, does not only come back to you,it is already INSIDE OF YOU, which is why YOU took such action. As mentionedbefore, YOU ARE YOUR WORLD. It doesn't change anything to get angry at another,or distract yourself from your World within with another's Mission and Issues.And when I say this, it definitely does not mean that I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, orany Archangel of God, nor even God himself would ever take revenge on you, noractively DO ANYTHING.



These are Universal Rules, created by God long before theform of Life you even know, and they are a Foundation of the whole Creation andExistence and we all go by these Rules, Archangels and Humans. And one of thefirst "Rules" God created like a System in the Universe is: WHAT YOUDO ONTO OTHERS, YOU REALLY DO TO YOURSELF.



So, whenever anyone "falls" or gets"punished" in some Way, even after physical Death, it is nothing WEDO. It is YOUR FREE CHOICE, accumulated by all you do right this Moment, thisTime, that was given to you for a short period. In fact, all we try, is to keephelping and assisting and fighting for your LOVE.



Dear beloved Souls, trust in God a little bit more, onlyonce, try it with all your Heart, and understand that YOU GOT ALL THE POWER YOUEVER WANTED ALREADY. You chose your own Life, your own Path, your own Heaven orHell.



Do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of my fellow,dear Archangels, and of course and above all, the Creator himself. I am alwayson your side, and I will keep fighting for you and never get tired of it, for ILOVE YOU.






通靈者:Susan Elsa





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