天狼星SaLuSa 2011/2/09  --我們在開始前的決定性時刻

Channeled by:


This is SaLuSa, my child, and so it Is. I would like to have come to you before, but evidently, your mistrust generated a bit of trouble, because you believe it was impossible I could come up to you, and that troubled my communication with you.




But I want you to know that for some time, I've been watching your work, and we are delighted with what you do, and have had in mind, to come up to you to transmit a message to the humanity. And before we continue, I want to advise you that this will not be the last time you do, because I want very much, to reach the greatest number of people possible, and through the greatest number of channels available, because we are in revealing times, we are in critical times, and we need the greatest collaboration and cooperation, from all our workers of light, on earth



And it for this, principally, that I have come today


To make a wake-up call in all the languages, in Spanish, in Portuguese and the English, so that this news is not delayed in being circulated, on the issues of lack of translators, or because the few that there are, are so full of work, that they cannot manage to serve, all the needs of information, for translation


Well then our message is very simple

We are in the moment, we are in the decisive hour, of starting ... to put things on a horizontal line and give the shout for departure


All is in their positions now, and only quietly wait, for the creator to give the final notice, in order to begin contact with the human beings, in a form much more open and direct


Do not fear our presence around you. Though we already are and you have not noticed it, now we will show ourselves openly to the world as we are.


We did it this way because it was necessary, as I mentioned previously, that this information come out at the same time in various languages.


Dear Ones, my terrestrial Brothers and Sisters, we are at a key moment, at a turning point, this is not a game and we need the greatest collaboration from all of you.


To all the Workers of the Light, only prepare to be in your corners, in your places of work, in the place that corresponds to you and continue doing your labors.


You will be called on the most urgent moments in a different way and you only have to answer and to do what you have agreed to do in this plan, at this moment.


The ones that are not yet aware of it, and have been working to achieve it will be activated immediately, at the right moment, when the wake up call is done.


For this, it is that they have been working constantly with us, in these last days

Nothing has happened by chance, everything happened for a particular reason, that only the chosen ones, and the ones called from the heart have felt and responded. Thus, you can be assured that at the right time all will be revealed and you will know what you came to do at the precise moment that you should know it, and that you have the need to use your gifts. And you will also know what you have come to do on this planet Earth.


My daughter, for now I move away, I have nothing more to say, for the moment. More, than to be grateful to you, for having permitted me to come, the way you have done, and you already know, in any other instant, I will be visiting you


A warm greetings of a brother, I leave to all the humanity on earth


See you soon





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