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原文:http://abundanthope.net/pages/Rosie/THE-QUALITY-OF-COMMUNICATION.shtml THE QUALITY OF COMMUNICATION 溝通的效果 Seraphin through Rosie, 6th March 2011 來自塞拉芬,由羅茜傳遞,於2011.03.06
R: Dearest Seraphin, I sense that “the quality of communication” is the next subject to discuss, and I sense that my recent experience - my first attempt to play the didgeridoo – is connected with this. It seems like a very simple instrument, yet an experienced player can produce astonishing tones. I learnt that the most effective way of producing a meaningful sound was to relax, produce a steady flow of air and to enter into a semi-meditative state while still remaining alert. Pressure of any kind, or wanting to succeed immediately, is detrimental and disturbs the flow. Patience, a certain quiet confidence and practicing in a solitary place seems to be the best way to “progress”, in preparation for communicating a worthy tone to the outside world. Not only the modality of tone but also the varieties of this instrument are diverse: you can blow through a piece of bamboo, the branch of a Eucalyptus tree, a plastic tube or the dried out stalk of a poisonous plant … 羅:親愛的塞拉芬,我感應到了今天要討論的主題是“溝通的效果”,而且我最近所做的--初次嘗試吹奏迪吉裏杜管(澳洲土著人的樂器)--這也與今天的主題有關聯。這樂器看起來雖然簡單,但是一個“老手”卻可以用它吹出動聽的音律。從這上面我學到了要吹出“不凡”的聲音得放鬆,平穩地吹氣,在半沉浸狀態中保留一份警覺。任何方式的強迫,或追求速成,都有不利影響並會干擾氣息。耐心、帶著從容自信以及選擇在幽靜所在來練習,這些對“進步”來說最有意義,這些都是向外界傳遞有意義的音調的“基本功”。這種演奏(迪吉裏杜管)不光音調的類型是多變的,而且還可以運用各種各樣的“樂器”:你可以通過一段竹節、桉樹枝條、塑膠管或者不起眼的植物的幹透的莖等等來吹奏出動聽的聲音。 S: Yes Dearest; producing sound which is the equivalent of sending an effective message is an art, and it is mandatory to consider what sort of sound you are presently emitting and what effect it is having NOW. 塞:親愛的,確實,演奏音樂與傳遞有意義的資訊是一致的,都是一種藝術,都一定要考慮你目前發出什麼樣的聲音和它此時會產生什麼效果。
第一:用比喻來綜述資訊的特點 For we all send out sounds continuously, whether we notice it or not. And what YOU have just noticed the very definite and loud ticking of a clock in this room – a sound which you have never heard before although you have been here so often – simply because you have never sat here in silence. Usually, this room is a place full of laughter, music and culinary delight – a place of relaxation and abstraction. But if we listen carefully there are sounds beneath the sounds, like the music of the didgeridoo, and at this time IT IS ESSENTIAL TO DELVE BENEATH THE CUSTOMARY HUBBUB WHICH SIGNIFIES “BUSINESS AS USUAL” INTO THE DEEPER LAYERS. The didgeridoo is an instrument, used in various forms and places under various names, which can penetrate those deep layers with its ever-changing tone and range of vibration. 因為我們所有人都在不斷地向外傳出“聲音”,不管有沒有人注意到。而且【你們】才剛注意到這房間裏清晰且響亮的滴答的鐘聲--儘管你們經常呆在這裏但以前從來沒察覺到這個聲音--只因為你們從來沒有【安靜】地呆在這裏。平時這個房間充斥著笑聲、音樂和逗樂聲--這是一個消遣和提神的地方。但是如果我們認真聽,可以聽到那些雜音掩蓋之下還有聲音,就像迪吉裏杜管吹出來的音樂一樣,而且此時【有必要深入到表現得“一切照舊”的平日嘈雜之下去挖掘更深的內容】。迪吉裏杜管是一種樂器,通過不同演奏方法和在不同場所,用不同的人,可以淋漓盡致地展現它那深層的特點--多變的音調和廣闊的音域。 And I ask you: WHAT INSTRUMENT OF COMMUNICATION ARE YOU USING? YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RELY ON YOUR VOICE OR THE EARS OF YOUR IMMEDIATE FELLOWS TO COMMUNICATE YOUR TRUTH, FOR THE VIBRATIONS OF THE INSTRUMENT YOU CHOSE – WHETHER IT IS A TELEPHONE CALL, A SONG THROUGH AN OPEN WINDOW, A SCREAM OF DESPERATION BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, A FORGOTTEN APOLOGY, A BIRTHDAY WISH OR A SPONTANEOUS GREETING TO A STRANGER – WILL TRAVEL ANYWAY. A NOTE OR A WORD OR PIECE OF MUSIC WHICH YOU SEND INTO THE WORLD – VIA YOUR FINGERS, YOUR VOICE OR A PRAYER – ALL THESE ARE MESSAGES AND THEIR VIBRATIONS NEVER LOST. 我問問你們:【你們用什麼什麼工具來交流?你們大可不必依賴於用嘴巴及聽眾的耳朵來傳遞真相,因為你所用交流工具的“振動”--不管這是一通電話、放聲歌唱、關上門絕望地尖叫、被遺忘的道歉、生日祝福或對陌生人的誠摯問候--這些“振動”都會傳播開去。你用雙手傳遞給世界的一個筆記、一句話、一段樂曲,你的聲音或一個祈禱--所有這些都是資訊,它們固有的“振動”不會消失。】
第二:從接受資訊的角度 And some messages are authentic. Others fizzle out due to lack of energy. Yet others are limited by an inappropriate choice of instrument. And yet others are misleading because they are not personal and JUST PASSED ON without critically examining the content to assess how purely it reflects your own state of mind. 有些資訊是長久可靠的,另外一些因缺乏能量而失效,然而還有一些受制於選擇了不合適的工具,還有一些因屬於面向大眾而非個人,以及【只是被簡單流傳】而缺乏仔細推敲其內涵來評估與自己的思想有多大共鳴,等原因而被曲解。 Those vibrations which you produce YOURSELF are the most authentic, the most valuable, the most satisfying, as you yourself are then taking part in the creative process instead of letting others decide on the content of the message and the vehicle of delivery. 那些能表現出你【自己】的振動是最可靠的,最有意義的,最能滿足你的,因為你自己也參加到這個創造性的過程中來了,而不是讓其他人來決定這些資訊的內容和傳播的工具。(譯注:所以我們讀資訊不光簡單的瞭解,當你真正用心去體會,用自己的想法去解讀的時候,才能得到一個最好的效果。如果不能引起共鳴,那麼只能是跑馬觀花式的。別人的觀點只能是一個參考,如果自己沒有去理解,所有人都認為很好的內容都只是浮雲,自己才是資訊的主宰。)
第三:從發出資訊的角度 And I say that YOUR EVERY BREATH, YOUR EVERY WORD, YOUR EVERY SONG AND STEP ARE HARBINGERS OF YOUR FUTURE ON THIS PLANET. THEY WILL DETERMINE THE QUALITY OF YOUR COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR, YOUR PROGRESS, YOUR SURROUNDINGS, YOUR COUNTRYSIDE AND YOUR AIR – THE AURA OF GAIA. 我可以說:【你每一次呼吸,每一句話語,每一首歌唱,每一個步伐都是你在地球上的未來的“因”。這些決定著你們的集體行為,你們的發展走向,你們的環境,你們的生存之本--土地,你們的空氣…--圍繞著蓋亞的一切的質量】 The way you communicate and the degree of sensitivity and dedication you devote to your own very particular and unique mode of expression is essential to the days ahead. SO REFINE YOUR VOICES, PURIFY YOUR TONES, PREPARE THE ARENA, ISSUE THE INVITATIONS, TEST THE ACOUSTICS, OUTLINE THE SCRIPTS and prepare yourself for addressing the unknowing peoples in a way which penetrates to a deeper level and stirs their soul. 你交流的方式、起關聯的程度和你投入了多少自己特有的表達方式,這些對未來(資訊發揮多大作用)都至關重要。【所以請完善你的嗓音,提純你的音調,準備好演奏場所,發出邀請,測試聲音效果,描出輪廓】,並(把溝通)定位在--以深入到內心深處來打動你不瞭解的聽眾的心靈。 Do not burst upon them with the brilliance and bonanza of a trumpet, in short sharp blasts, taking their breath away. Nor present them with an indefinable wash of soft harmonics. Nor shall you trot out the same old familiar stories so that your listeners switch off. Engage their attention and monitor their response. Approach them with a steady, poised, continuous and circular movement (an echo of the circular breathing necessary to play the didgeridoo), with a sound which fluctuates into different ranges but which continues unabated and is rooted on a single basic note. 不要像用“突然以短促尖銳的調子吹響喇叭”那樣來突然帶給他人不能承受的智慧和財富,他們受不起這個驚嚇,也不要讓他們“像聽和聲”一樣糊裏糊塗不知所云,更不要老生常談一遍又一遍地重複而讓人厭煩。吸引他們的注意並察看他們的反應。以平穩、鎮定、持續和迂回的步調(用迂回環繞的氣息產生迴響是彈奏迪吉裏杜管必備的技巧),起伏有致而連綿不絕且基於唯一基調(要表達的核心思想或意圖)的聲響,來接觸靠近、帶動他們。 The single basic note, as we have said in previous allegories, is the essence of the Divine which underlies all things, on which we can rest, recuperate and rely. This should be the basic point of orientation, the root of all communication, the guide and motivation of all speech, the precursor of all action, the centre of gravity which is always the beginning and always the end. 唯一基調,我在上面的比喻中曾說過(滴答的鐘聲),是所有事物表面之下的神聖本質,在那我們可以得到休息、恢復和信賴。這應該是一切定位的基點,所有溝通的根本,所有談話的指引和動力所在,所有行動的藍圖,貫穿始終的重中之重。 |