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最終編輯 86839399





Seraphin through Rosie, March 23rd 2011


R: Dearest Seraphin: last night while walking I suddenly stopped to wonder at the stars. A minute later I noticed a movement in the CORNER of my eye. When I looked down again I was shocked to find myself staring straight into the golden eyes of a very large tabby cat, sitting on a doorpost. Corners, and their surprising revelations, seem to be significant for me at the moment. I have found dust, spiders, lost money and old diaries while cleaning out. Frustratingly, one lamp does not work, making one of my dark corners difficult to spring-clean. Presently there seem to be so many dark uninvestigated corners and issues in our world (the dangers of nuclear power, to voice an immediate concern). What I know for certain is that there is always something “unknown” beyond the perimeter of my present vision or perspective. I feel that it is this cleaning of corners which you would like to comment on today…


在我清理(房間)的時候,我發現有很多灰塵、蛛網、遺失了的錢幣以及過去所寫的日記(譯注:這裡舉例列舉的每種物品都有它的代表性,很形象貼切的比喻),有點鬱悶的是,房間裡一盞燈突然熄了,這就讓我很難徹底掃乾淨那些黑暗的角落。目前看來我們世界上好像有如此多的黑暗不明的角落和問題(核輻射的威脅,呈現出一個迫在眉睫的憂患)。我確信在[我們目前能看到的或現有視角範圍 ]之外一直都有很多“不明的”事物。我覺得你今天會願意對“清理死角”發表一些看法。。。

S: Dearest: it is of utmost importance for everyone at this time to OPEN THEIR EYES AND CLEAN OUT ALL THE CORNERS THEY HAVE BEEN AVOIDING. This is a time of personal and cosmic spring-cleaning. It is as if a very finely meshed net is being pulled systematically through and across your planetary system, through every cell of every person, SIFTING OUT EVERYTHING WHICH IS NOT OF GOD. NOTHING CAN HIDE WHEN IT IS ILLUMINATED BY DIVINE LIGHT.

塞:親愛的,此刻對所有人來說最重要的事情莫過於【睜大雙眼(去查看)以前不曾注意的死角,並把它們打掃乾淨】。這是一個[個人清理和宇宙淨化]的時機。這就好像是把  用細絲線密密麻麻地編織出的一個篩網,覆蓋且貫穿在你們的行星系統身上和體內,穿透進每個人的每個細胞,【把那些不屬於老天爺的所有事物過濾掉】。【沒有東西可以躲過神聖之光的照射】。

If you so desire – and this is my greatest wish and highest recommendation – you can examine your corners previous to the arrival of this mantle of light which comes to reap the harvests of seeds sown. This includes not only the state of your immediate physical surroundings but the condition of your minds. WEED OUT ALL SENTIMENTS WHICH YOU STRIVE TO KEEP UNDERCOVER, FOR IF YOU CONTINUE TO HARBOUR THEM, A GREATER FORCE WILL COMPEL THEM TO SURFACE. 


This is an appeal to look at everything – without exception – straight in the eye, in full awareness of your surroundings, in full awareness of your concealed thoughts, of your unexpressed resentment and your unexpressed LOVE. Attempt to understand the roots of why you find it difficult to have loving thoughts about any particular person, however horrific their crime appears to be, in the knowledge that you are not yet privy to a further enlightening perspective.


The time for stargazing – drifting away from immediate reality – is over. The more you have drifted, the greater the shock. The more you have failed to investigate, the more appalled or delighted you will be at the results of your investigations. The more you have been asleep, the greater the wake-up call. And if you wait too long, you will not be staring into the eyes of a cute kitten but the eyes of a lion.


So we say to you all: GET YOUR LAMPS WORKING and look eagerly to discover the truth. Do not allow truth to be presented to you conveniently on a plate, always coloured by the same perspective, always flavoured by the same familiar and reassuring condiments, always at the same temperature for exactly the same tastes. Go beyond the boundaries of the familiar, for this will serve you well. Search the dark corners and you will throw out the cobwebs of neglect and the dust of resignation to discover your inner wealth and the true story of yourselves and of this planet. Retrieve your own biographies and reclaim your divinity, realigning your purpose with the incoming light before it arrives to force open your eyes. Your wellbeing will depend on the degree of your authenticity, and the intensity with which you have searched out your shadow worlds.

所以我們告訴你們所有人:【點亮(你房間裡)的燈泡】並且趕緊去找找看真理藏在什麼地方。不要認為真理是服務周到地擺在盤子上的一道菜,盤子端給你的永遠帶著那同樣的畫面所著上的色調,永遠帶著那同樣的熟悉且可靠的調味品調出來的味道,也永遠都有著同樣的溫度,準確說來就是嘗起來跟以往比 沒有任何改變。(要想吃到都吃膩了的東西以外的美味,你不能將就桌上別人做好的,大食堂只有青菜土豆蘿蔔,路邊的餐館才有小炒,不過你得多走幾步路) 仔細搜索陰暗角落,你會把以前忽略了的蛛網和任其堆積的厚塵給拋掉,以此來找到你的內在財富(遺失的錢幣)和關於地球和你自己的真實故事(過去所寫的日記)。去找回你自己的個人傳記(靈魂記憶),召回你的神性,重訂你的目標,在它強迫你睜開雙眼之前用這即將來臨的光去做(這些你應該完成的事吧)。你們的幸福取決於你有多“實在”,以及你們在陰暗世界裡的搜索力度。


And I say THE HIDING GAME IS OVER. Precede the wave. Purify yourselves to better serve as an instrument of peace. Use these moments to examine your relationships in gentleness, knowing that this process of recognition on all levels in all areas has already begun. We joyfully await its intensification until it is clear to all that paradise is living in eternity in a room with no corners.




Instrument of peace和平之道,由Olivia Newton-John演唱





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