Meditation Journey to the Will of God Temple in Telos
冥想 神游泰樂斯神廟---阿達瑪冥想引導(地心文明泰樂斯第二冊)
We have in Telos a temple consecrated to the Will of God. There is also such a temple in Darjeeling, India, near Tibet. The retreat of the Will of God is under the guardianship of the master El Morya, both in Darjeeling and Mount Shasta. Many of you go there at night or come here to Telos to learn the initiations of the First Ray, of surrender to Divine Will. Darjeeling is the original temple for the Will of God and it existed long before we built ours in Telos. They both exist in the fifth dimension frequency, and thus are not visible to you. Today, I would like to take you in consciousness to our Will of God temple in Telos.
I ask that you focus in your heart and take several deep breaths. Consciously ask your divine Presence or your higherself to take you on a journey with us to Telos.
See yourself arriving here in your personal merkaba, accompanied by one of your guides. Notice a fairly large opalescent blue structure, quite tall, in the form of a six-sided pyramid. As you approach, everything around you resonates with the beautiful blue energy, so refreshing and soothing. Allow yourself to walk up the mother-of-pearl stairway to the main entrance of the temple. Observe and feel the majestic blue mist emanating from various high fountains all around it. Many varieties of blue flowers growing in white and gold boxes flourish in great abundance around the fountains, including the sweet forget-me-nots. Walk now through the entrance, where three Blue Flame angels are waiting to escort and welcome you.
As you enter the large hallway, see a transparent chamber in the center containing a huge Blue Flame diamond, the biggest diamond that you will ever see, about 15 to 18 feet in height. Your guide invites you to enter that sacred chamber. The diamond contains several thousand facets, each one representing a different aspect of that Diamond Heart of the Divine Will. This diamond is not so different from the one living within your heart, and in time all the wondrous facets of your own diamond heart will become completely activated and restored. Your Diamond Heart and your sacred heart are one and the same; they are components of each other. They are made of an infinite number of chambers, each one corresponding to a facet of your own diamond.
As you come into the sacred chamber of the Divine Will, you are greeted by master El Morya, a tall being with brown eyes who looks very much like a Zen master. He is wearing a blue robe partially covered by a luminescent white cape, with a bluish white and gold turban on his head. He greets and welcomes you to His Diamond Heart, and invites you to find a seat on one of the "blue-flame" cushions. He guides you to focus on the energy of that diamond heart and to breathe in the energies so that you may bring as much of this energy as possible back with you when you return to your physical body. This Blue Ray is the one that gives the power to the Love Ray. All the rays contain love plus the specific attributes of each ray.
In the presence of this diamond you can open all the facets of your own diamond heart that are full of fears, and let them go. Allow the energies of this huge diamond to magnetize and absorb your fears, dear ones, and let them be released and healed. As you release these fears from your heart, you will receive a tremendous healing.
Be aware that it may be difficult to release all your fears and burdens in one visit. This is why we invite you to re- turn to this temple in Telos or in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /> Darjeeling as often as you wish to receive deeper levels of healing. Inner healing is an ongoing process until you reach completion. Consider your
efforts as a work in progress, and be willing to stay with the process until all the veils are lifted. Then you will know you are complete.
Now connect with your higher self right above you. Your great I AM Presence, the unlimited being that is really who you are, is waiting for all your fears to be released and healed. Connect with this Divine presence, and if you feel ready, make your commitment to surrender all the fears that have kept you in so much pain, so you can be restored to wholeness.
No matter what may show up in your life tomorrow, it is only a mirror of a fear or old pattern of belief held within yourself that still needs to be resolved and embraced. You will soon come to know, as you do this work, that there is nothing to fear except the illusion of fear itself.
不管明天的你生活中可能會出現什麼,它只是一面恐懼的鏡子或你自己的陳舊的信仰模式需要解決和面對。你很快就會知道,當你這樣做時, 你就會沒什麼可恐懼的,除了恐懼本身產生的幻象。
Keep breathing in this wonderful blue flame right into your lungs and heart. Do this consciously because you want to bring this energy back into your physical body. Know that all your multi-dimensional aspects and all the beings of the light realms are supporting your journey home to Divine Grace. You are not alone in your journey; you have so much love and support available to you. You can do it if you choose to.
Feel the soothing action of the blue flame. It has its own way of bringing you comfort and easing all your pain.
Now Master El Morya and I have a gift for each one of you sitting in front of the diamond in our temple. We are going to superimpose a smaller etheric diamond of total perfection,radiating the qualities of the blue-essence, within the energies of your own sacred heart chamber.
This diamond will reflect to you the divine perfection of the diamond heart you are striving to acquire. With this gift, the perfection of the Diamond Heart will be reflected to you constantly, as long as you choose to work with it. We invite you to begin breathing in its energies every day in your meditation. Work with these energies in any way that seems appropriate for you. In your meditation, ask your higher self to show you which facets of the diamond still hold pain or unbalanced attitudes that need to be healed and re-aligned. The diamond you have just received will continue to reflect everything you need for the complete opening and healing of your heart. It will take you to the path of surrender with joy and grace. It is alive and vibrant. Its color reflects a luminescent peacock blue.
Keep breathing its energies with allowance and surrender to what is. Be resolute in walking this path and feel free to communicate with your guide. Stay with this energy and be thankful for the grace you have just received. (Pause)
When you feel complete, return to your body, taking this treasure with you. The more you remain conscious and work with the Diamond Heart, the more its energies will amplify and bless your life. This is a gift or tool we give to you, but it will not help you unless you use it. Remember, what you don't use, you lose. This Diamond Heart also carries the vibration of self-confidence. Tap into this energy to assist in releasing your fears so that your surrender can be accomplished gracefully.
All the Blue Ray masters are available to you at this time, offering their assistance. When you feel ready, open your eyes. We invite you to return to this healing place often, to meditate with us on the Will of God and to continue to seek your spiritual freedom. And so be it, Beloved I AM.