Esu Speaks on Living the Truth


By Jess Anthony


May 5, 2011 - 9:39:22 AM







Esu, I need to connect. Speak to me, if you will, about what is happening, what is to come, and what to expect. This definitely feels like a sorting time.



Jess, it is time to talk more. Many things are happening, as you suspect. More than can be revealed or discussed here. You suspect some. You see elements of some in your main stream news, although much also is covered up or hidden. I can speak publicly on only a few topics.



Much has been played up with regard to the Obama/Osama story. Most that you hear is not true. The circumstances and the method were fabricated to allow public opinion to be further manipulated. The American people, as a whole, are easily led in the direction that powerful interests wish them to go. The broader circle of observers and onlookers are fed information that creates the illusion the leaders want.





The best sources of information are the alternative investigators and those few whistleblowers not afraid to stand up to the system that has long controlled them.  These voices of truth are generally ignored by the public. This was the intention in creating a perception in their minds of powerlessness until told to do something by the so-called political leaders. The few present half truths that serve their purpose and convince everyone else their version of reality is correct.




People are waking up to this deception and beginning to question what they are told. Generally accepted examples of lies told by the government or corporate leaders have made an impression and, as a result, people are less easily convinced.



This is part of the role I want you all to take on at the present time. Keep investigating and examining what is presented as truth in the light of your sense of connection with your creator. Your reactions and comments do create waves of energetic support that confirm the validity of one version over another. This is activism in the painless way. Your comments are considered believable if you back them up with strength of conviction.



In creating these waves of support, you have to be careful of how you shape your comments. You want to be informed and persuasive with verified information under-pinning your assertions. You want to present comments in a believable way, as well, with no intention of purposely antagonizing your audience by condescension or ridicule. These types of behaviour rely on emotional armour that has been constructed from past experiences and preconceptions. If you know you are right and you present your comments as matters of fact, then you won't feel the need to be demeaning or belittling. That serves no purpose in speaking the truth simply and clearly.



By doing so, you will avoid triggering a defensive counter argument designed to lead you away from the areas of vulnerability or suspicion the listener is unwillingly to acknowledge. In this way, you have made a successful breach in the defensive façade used as unthinking protection.  Your inescapable insight is more effective persuasion than an extended battery of attacks by you in the less effective method your listener suggests and hopes you choose.



What does this mean, you ask? I want lightworkers who are persuasive in simple ways that bypass expected approaches and mental defenses. Much education has to be carried out, and I want everyone to be an example of demonstrating truth by behaviour. Christed actions that represent the truth of Christ Michael Aton's vision are clear and obvious. They are balanced and harmonious and don't rely on emotional triggers to carry their argument. Lightworkers show this truth by their choices and their reactions.

你會問 ,這意味著什麼?我希望光工作者以簡單方式去說服,越過別人所期待的方式和思想上的防禦。更多教育需要被開展,我想要每個人成為一個用態度來展示真相的榜樣。代表著基督邁克艾頓洞見真理的基督式行為是清晰而明瞭的。它們是平衡的、和諧的,不依賴於情緒上的觸發去支撐他們的論點。光之工作者通過它們的選擇和反應來展示真相。


Conviction has calm strength; it is not passivity. Demonstrating truth is an ongoing action that demands commitment and resolution. Discovering the truth requires constantly seeking insight and awareness.   Insight needs appropriate behavior. Appropriate behavior chooses actions that reflect the fullness of a person's awareness.  True awareness includes a connection with the true essence of others.



As events unfold and misinformation is broadcast and posted, you must learn a sense of stability and sureness. Those helping me must be rocks in the midst of the chaos that happens around them. They must be examples of the truth because they have first asked to be aware of what the truth is. The truth is always evident to those who seek it.








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