
The changes on many different levels are becoming powerful, and suddenly many aspects of normal daily life are not as comfortable as they used to be. There is a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty, unless you are the ones who see that they are a means to an end of the old ways. However, although it is not yet obvious, the changes herald the beginning of a new era that will reflect the wishes of the people. No longer will power be held by the privileged few who dictate the way of the world. The Dictators and Tyrants who resist change will not be able to carry on in the face of the demands of the people, and in some instances may have to be physically removed. Long before Ascension new appointments will have to be made in all areas of politics, so that the right people of spiritual understanding can lead you onwards. It has happened in the past, but at no time to the extent that you are about to experience. Your leaders must be beyond reproach and stand for freedom, honesty and a desire to be a servant of the Love and Light.




The Spiritual Hierarchy is well aware of your needs and has planned for the souls that are required to see you through to Ascension, to be there when you need them. They in turn know their destiny is to step forward when the occasion arrives, and that time is approaching very rapidly. Be assured nothing has been left to chance, but methodically planned for the greatest day you will experience in this lifetime. Ascension is a great event within the ever-ongoing process, which will be a giant step forward into the higher dimensions. It is beautiful and most encouraging to see the Light building up upon Earth. It is increasing all of the time and brings together those souls of a like desire, that wish to create a new Earth where there are no dark energies, and instead a heavenly like existence of beauty and harmony. By holding their vision they help it manifest and it will more than fulfill everyone’s dreams. You can have a foot in both worlds, but sooner or later you will make a permanent transition to the new one.




The pressure that our allies have been exerting to bring disclosure out is paying off, and once the facts begin to come out it will soon become an avalanche. After all of this time the people are ready to learn the truth about us, although the more extreme incidents and events surrounding some disclosures will cause considerable shock. It will come from learning that ET’s have been in touch with your governments for some 80 years, and are known to have bases inside the Earth, and on the Moon and Mars. Whereas you have been led to believe otherwise, NASA has removed traces of their existence from photographs and film. By all means possible you have been kept ignorant of our presence, and any other civilization that has attempted to communicate with you. Of course there have been individual contacts that have taken place, but it was hoped by the dark Ones that they would largely be ignored. The time has never been better for the truth to come out, and we are working with our allies to restore freedom of expression amongst your journalists and the news media.




Everything we talk of now is with regard to preparing the way for our arrival on Earth. It will be the next step in moving you all forward so that working together; we can begin to restore the Earth. There is clearly much work to be done but with our technologies it can be made a simple task. However, our principle responsibility is towards you, and to ensure that those who are on the path to Ascension arrive there safely. We have no doubt that you will be fully prepared and that your consciousness levels will have reached the required level. You are gradually experiencing new levels and by now some of you will be able to acknowledge such changes within you. It comes with a greater understanding of the purpose of life, and the intelligence that you call the Creator that exists in All That Is.




The Galactic Federation comprises of civilizations that have long ascended, and are now part of the Love and Light. To you they would appear as Gods, which in one sense they are, but not in the traditional way they are often depicted by you. Many are of human appearance but perhaps that is where the similarity ends, inasmuch that they carry the higher energies that can be strongly felt when you are in their presence. Their touch can be healing and their words so loving and re-assuring, although words are seldom used but instead telepathic communication. It is something you too will eventually master and use for its clarity of expression, unlike words that can sometimes be inadequate. Indeed, as you continue to rise up in consciousness, you will find that you will experience telepathic contact as a normal development. You already participate in it without actually realizing so, and for example you take it for granted where your pets are concerned. They usually understand far more than you would give them credit for, and you can easily put it to the test.




Be aware, and be awake as much is happening now that pertains to Ascension, and filter out that which has no bearing on the future. For example those who do not go along with it will in some cases spread doubt if not deliberate disinformation. You need to stick to your understanding of what you expect in the coming months. By now there should be expectations that fulfill the requirements for Ascension to take place, and these will come to pass. The plan has been active for a long time, but it is only now that the numerous occurrences begin to make sense. Look for the positive moves that will see new governments taking shape, and note those individuals who speak out with the truth. Anything less will not “ feel” right and should be set aside.




Dear Ones, the end times are really under way, and as you lift your vibrations you will find that you are able to more easily discern between the truth and untruth. You will be untouched by the negativity that still abounds upon Earth, and move more steadily upon you own path to Ascension. You need not look back, as little of what exists now has a place in your future. What does will be uplifted in a form that is in harmony with the higher vibrational levels.




I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that for those who have their eyes and ears open, the evidence is mounting to show that some positive actions are about to occur. We close by sending you our Love and Light to accompany you on your way.




Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tree of the Golden Light



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