Johan Chats While He Waters the Garden


By Johan, and celestials


Jun 11, 2011 - 3:15:19 PM



鳳凰涅槃翻譯, stohz校對


Good evening to all,


During watering the entire garden, I had my small outdoors talk with Gaia. When I asked her how She was feeling now, She told me: '' My son and brother who has showed me so much love and respect, my time has come. I feel heavy and have to let go, or I have no chance to survive. Tell my Children that I love them all, without exception. Tell then that those that loved me daily, I will love them daily when they return, those that loved me weekly, I will love them daily when they return, those that only loved me monthly, I will love them daily nevertheless. I mean no harm to none but know all will be in good hands since Our Beloved Father and his son Christ Michael Aton have not left one leaf unturned to show unconditional love to all involved, but all most go its course now. Fear not, but send Love and you will receive Love, as has always been. Go forth now my beloved, and go on doing what you were destined to do as your Light is shining brightly. ''



I thanked Gaia on all of our behalf and went on to ask Papa Source if there was anything to mention on the thread tonight. His respons was : '' My dear Son, some of you have been asked if they are Ready merely because Mother Gaia is ready and now we must act. All decision have been made, the pieces of the puzzle do fit and that will activate the Divine Plan my Dearest Son Christ Michael Aton has defended for so long to the utmost amazement of most, that got Him the attention from all from far and near. We are there, action is under way so Gird yourself in Love as never before, and if you never learned to breath very deep to find your balance, yesterday was the best time to do so, as we have asked you to prepare many many times. All will be taken care off, don't worry, still ask yourself twice IF YOU ARE TRULY READY !!! Go now and share that news with yours you have worked with so that they too may ask for themselves what to do next as Inner Guidance will always show the way. ''



As I truly enjoy taking care of the garden, the Celestial Ones must have liked it too, since Adama dropped in out of nowhere telling me : '' Hey my Brother, still caring for the babies, right? Its the only thing left doing, since We have reached the point of no return indeed. Thanks for your work as we have contributed from our side, in the advantage of being 5D already, but lifting you all through that unwavering support and love for our Mother. That is why many of you now hear the voices that give them the assurance and confirmation that things are at hand. The most important moment, the start of the inevitable release of too much pressure has come. Although tremendous work has been done to release very gently all over the world, the cleansing must proceed and as seen from our Side, there is not time left any longer since our Momma is at the end of her strength and will already need all the support available Say thanks to all your Brothers and Sisters who stood by in support and continue to do so for ALL involved in this glorious Event unfolding as we speak. See you. ''



Now, surprised by the High Visits, I thought it most normally to at least ask CMAton and Esu Sananda for some final words before coming inside and typing this up. I never thought I would remember it all, but my Golden Angel, my Higher Self assured me of this. CMAton assured me that He could speak on behalf of Esu Sananda, who has his mind more than occupied these days. He said: '' My son in whom I am well pleased as well, go tell your friends who participated in countless meditations, not to stop them now, as ALL Light and all of your Love will contribute to the wellbeing of Our Divine Plan that includes so much more than you can imagine. Therefore worry not, we are proceeding with what has been prepared for in meticulous fashion to carry out old time promises and new time strategies as Constant Change is the term that captured these last years the best. But the cosmic clock must be respected and so We do. Do not stand by idle but use your heart that will lead your actions to better end of all and fear not indeed, since Love conquers ALL. Salu. ''



This was my mirad of High Visitors, all in that little garden of ours, perhaps they visited my Mission Statement too, and saw the video to their liking !!!



So let go ahead my friends, and work even more diligent and ask your Higher Selves and souls to lead the way, to pray and bless and send love and light to the benefit and highest purpose of ALL involved, knowing that without excuse, the time is at hand to proceed!



in Divine Love, Light and Service,








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