





my email : Dearest Ronna,
The beginning of the latest posting that you provided the readers has many many people baffled...and seems to negate much of the material supposed to emanate from Lord Michael.This part here I find confusing " Beloved masters, first of all, we wish to clarify WHAT ASCENSION IS NOT. At your present state of evolution, ascension of the physical body will only be possible for a few very advanced avatars that have opened the path for humanity’s ascension into the next level of higher consciousness."
Many light workers are crestfallen as they have been working very hard to enable a physical ascension/transfer from carbon based to light based physicality.And now you are saying only very very few will succeed.
Please can you clarify. Much Light and Love Philip Reid of

國外讀者Philip Reid的提問郵件:
在你上次提供的資訊中的文首部分讓很多很多讀者感到困惑。。。 看起來好像在否定那些大概是由麥克所提供的資訊。我對這部分感到一些困擾“摯愛的大師們,首先,我們要澄清【哪種揚升不會發生】。以你們目前進化的狀態,肉體的揚升只可能發在那些極少數非常進化的神人化身(avatars)身上,他們已經開啟人類揚升之路,而進到下一個更高水準的覺知中”。很多的光之工作者感到有些心灰意冷,因為他們非常努力地致力於肉體揚升/從碳基身體轉化為光基身體。而你現在說只有很少很少的人能做到這樣。
致以光與愛      來自網站Lightworkers.org的Philip Reid


Her Reply :
Hello, dear heart. Re: last month's message. Please pass this on to those of your group who are concerned about AA Michael's July message.

What AA Michael is trying to do is to get people to focus on their "ascension in consciousness," so we can create a fifth-dimensional environment around us, as well as assist the Earth and humanity in the process. Everyone on Earth is in the midst of the "ascension process" just as the Earth and all levels of our Sub-Universe are.


What he is telling us is that we should focus on bringing the higher frequency patterns down to Earth instead of concentrating on "ascending and leaving the Earth."



If you were to lift your bodily vibrational patterns into the higher fifth dimension at this time, you would no longer be able to maintain a solid physical for, or to stand the density or to interact with those still vibrating to the 3rd/4th dimensional frequencies.
He continually tells us, as Jeshua said, "You must be in the world, but not of it." When Jeshua ascended, he remained on the Earth Plane, but he no longer was visible and present to the masses. It is the same way with the Ascended Masters. They are here on Earth, but they work from behind the scenes.


We, as Star Seed, came to Earth at this time to be the wayshowers for others and to be very present and in our bodies so we could be the examples. We are the anchors of the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, for these refined frequencies of Light cannot be radiated forth to the Earth and humanity in a blanket effect. We are the transformers / transducers of this Divine Light. We integrate it into our bodies and we activate it with our loving energy and then send it down into the Earth and out into the world. We agreed to do this and it is an important part of our Divine Mission. I, for one, am willing to stay as long as I am needed and can be of service.


I am sure AA Michael will explain this more fully in next month's message and I will probably add this note I have written, for there are a number of people who were puzzled or upset as you were.


So, please don't be concerned, dear hearts. Follow your heart and the whisperings of your Soul and you will not be led astray.


You will be guided along the ascension path in the manner that is most appropriate for you and your Soul family.


Much love and angel blessings, Ronna



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