Let Your Light Shine
Andromedan Star-/mother-ship: Athabantian, Channeled through Mark Kimmel, June 17th, 2011
Greetings from the starship Athabantian, today we bring you a message of timely importance. Those of you who have read and absorbed our messages of the last few years will soon see the fulfillment of your waiting. Over the next eighteen months you will experience the emergence of the new Earth. As a lightworker, as a wayshower, this is the moment for which you have been waiting.
In these coming months you will continue to experience Earth’s cleansing. Depending on where you live, you will be faced with earth changes including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, and extreme weather. These will be challenging, and some of your Earth brothers and sisters will die according to their soul contracts. These events will present opportunities to go into fear, if you so choose. A more conscious attitude would be to lovingly observe them as the stage upon which the final act of your great drama is being played.
There will also be collapses of the debt-based monetary systems, of capitaliSΜ, and of governments, all of which do not serve the needs of the majority. More opportunities to go into fear; again, be a loving observer.
Religions that do not serve the need for truth of the larger picture will collapse amidst an understanding of true spirituality based on the Oneness of all. Likewise will your scientific and educational systems, healthcare systems, and legal systems collapse under the weight of truth. Stay with what your soul knows to be true.
We who are your brothers and sisters from around the universe will come to the surface of your planet in physical form within this period. We come to offer our support to you during these difficult times. Expect widespread announcements of the arrival of our starships, and every attempt to make it known that we come in peace and love, that our arrival is coordinated with the God of this universe. The many of us who walk among you will also become apparent.
At this same time those who would continue to control you for their own selfish ends will attempt to extend their 3rd dimension dominance. They will spread fear of the events of which we ha卝ve spoken: Fear of disastrous earth changes. Fear of the results of monetary and governmental collapse. Fear of religions collapsing. Fear of your space brothers and sisters. Fear of your brothers and sisters who live within the planet. Fear is one reaction; another is seeing the collapse of the 3rd dimension as the beginning of a wondrous new Earth.
In the midst of all these changes you may be tempted to fall into fear as those about you who do not know of these messages react in fear. Your job, the reason for which you came to this planet at this time and place, is now appearing. Your job is to let your understanding of events shine forth as a beacon of light amidst the chaos. Your task is to demonstrate calmness while events swirl about you. Your job is to stand tall among amidst the crowd, demonstrating that you are a wayshower. Now is your moment; you are the lights of the world among the population on every continent, among every race and nation. Now is your time to awaken. Show others that you, and others like you, will change the world through your intentions, through your vision of the new Earth, and by living from your heart in Oneness with all.
Honor Earth for all that she gives to us. Honor your space brothers and sisters who come to assist. But must importantly honor yourselves and all other Earth humans as your brothers and sisters. Regardless of their action and beliefs, love one another. Love those who are of a like mind; love those who are reacting in fear.
You who know the truth of these moments now have an opportunity to demonstrate to all your brothers and sisters — those of Earth and others throughout the universe — how to behave during these difficult time of change. Lightworkers, this is your moment to shine.
The most important thing that each of you can do for yourselves is to keep your energies at their highest. Focus on keeping your health at an optimum level. Exercise, sleep, and eat for the maximum benefit of your body. Find ways to elevate and maintain your highest vibration. Live from your heart, not your head. Let love flow from your every action. See all in Oneness.
It is by simply demonstrating your understanding of events based on a 4th and 5th dimension view of reality that you will help others to see the larger picture. Expect many to come to your for answers; be patient with them. It is by radiating your love that you will quiet their fears. You need not broadcast your message of love on a street corner or on a radio station. You need not write books or manage a web site. Whenever possible help others to understand that the earth changes and the collapses of the 3rd dimension herald the creation of the new Earth and a brilliant new day for Earth humans. It is your attitude, knowingness, and behavior, the way you present yourself as an individual rooted in love and Oneness that counts the most. It is by being that beacon of light that you will join with Earth’s millions of other points of light to transform humanity, and in turn the entire universe will be shifted.
We are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.