
Beloved Lightworkers,

As the days of summer go forth one after the other, you will find yourselves feeling ever greater effects of the energy upgrades that will be occurring which can have the effect of making you feel overwhelmed by all the changes within you and around you. It is very important that you stay focused and determined to stay the course. If you have not yet followed the simple rules of staying grounded, now is the time to start seriously considering it.





Take long walks in Nature, sit by a river or lake, listen to the sounds of the birds around you, close your eyes and visualize roots growing from your feet into the crystalline core of Mother Earth, listen to soothing, uplifting music that fills your heart with joy and peace, do something nice for someone else without being asked, read a good book, stand against a tree and talk to it and wait for an answer; there are many ways to feel grounded and fully in your body, just intending by stating out loud that “My intent is to be fully and 100 percent grounded into the crystalline core of Mother Earth throughout the day and night. So be it and so it is.” will also make it so.




As the increasingly intense energies continue to flow, many Earth changes will take place upon your Planet and the people of the World will be challenged to keep track of them all. The Earth is also transforming and as that alchemy takes place, it must be remembered that this is a time of great opportunity for soul growth and evolutionary expansion for all and great leaps in consciousness can take place during these times and so it is very crucial to keep on with your disciplines and intentions to be aligned with the Divine Plan and to practice these each day.




Another key during these times is to find many things many times each day to feel grateful for. Make a list each morning or sometime at least once each day listing all the things and people in your life that you are grateful for. You will find that this practice will bring a smile to your heart and consequently to your face and will keep you positive and uplifted and feeling confident that all is well in your lives and everything is as it should be. Remember that your thoughts are things in that what you think about and dwell upon will start to manifest in your life and this is something that is now beginning to happen within a shorter period of time than it used to. Ensure that your thoughts are about what you really want and desire to become manifest in your daily life.




Call upon the unemployed Angels who are waiting to be remembered by each of you. We understand that there is much that is occurring within your lives and in the World that keeps you distracted but it only takes a few moments to call them in and to ask for their assistance in any way that you need in each moment. There are Legions of these beautiful Angels waiting to be of assistance to you Dear Ones. It is their and our, your Family of Light’s greatest pleasure and greatest joy to help you upon your Spiritual journey. If you cannot see us, just have faith that we walk beside you with each step that you take. Talk to us as you would to your dearest friend, for truly there is nothing that we do not know about you and we can give insights that you might not see otherwise.




Above all, Beloved Ones, give kindness and compassion to yourselves and honor your Spiritual journey and the incredible growth that has been taking place within you. If you look back even one year ago, you will see that you have accomplished much and most importantly, you are here and making a real difference!




Until next week….

I AM Hilarion




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