
Beloved Ones,

We see you Beloved Ones, as staying true to your course. During your busy daily lives, you still make the time to maintain your Light and frequency and this is helping you to stay centered and in balance. There is greater detachment from the dramas of the duality paradigm that is now beginning to slip away from your consciousness. Each of you has at times experienced a period of lucidity and clarity, just knowing, without knowing why. These periods will increase in their appearance in your daily lives and you will begin to discern your right action and right path without the previous confusion that many of you have been laboring under.






As the days of this month progress, it is the quality of clarity that will become more noticeable and prominent; things will just seem to make more sense for you to move in one direction rather than another. Trust this quality that is coming to the fore within you, it is your Higher aspects manifesting within you and through you. You have now started on the road to a new adventure – the adventure of moving beyond your previously conceived limitations and going for the gold in all your highest aspirations and ideals. Believe in your abilities to bring these forth into greater manifestation and never stop reaching for the stars!




Truly, a whole new World of wondrous possibilities lies before you now and there will be so many possibilities opening to you that making a choice as to where to focus your attention can be a daunting task. Choose that which brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment. As you learn to do this, everything will fall into place and wonderful synchronicities will begin to manifest in your lives. By following the path of the heart’s promptings, you will experience inner calm and equilibrium and what used to cause you anxiety and stress will now just be registered by you as these move through you and away from you, never to return.




This is a sure sign of inner Mastery taking place within yourselves and it says much about your level of evolvement beyond third dimensional reality. It is your continual dedication and effort on a daily basis that has brought you to this state. It is not the end of your journey, Beloveds, it is a new beginning, the path of the enlightened One. This path requires a new focus and dedication, for always it is so, for Earth is a Planet for soul evolution and this is accomplished through personal effort, understanding and willingness to undergo the trials and tests that come before you.




Your capacity to endure has increased a hundredfold, as your Mastery of Self continues ever onward and upward. Remember that growth occurs in spirals of activity and begin to take note of these recurring times in order to gain mastery by becoming aware of them and taking appropriate actions to work in tandem with these spirals of activity. When it is time to rest, do so with great gratitude and enjoy every moment of your down time. By working with these cycles as you become aware of them, you will continue to make great strides.




Move forward with grace and ease, Dear Ones, and learn to utilize your energies in areas that bring the greatest good to yourselves and those whom you love and care for. Let go of the distractions that have kept you in bondage to the plane of duality and rise like the phoenix in freedom and majesty to a new level of the game of life. We are ever with you in admiration and support.




Until next week….

I AM Hilarion



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