Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. It is so nice to hear from you. Here is ourfirst question: “SaLuSa, You have already referred to us as Ascended Beings inprevious times. Being so, why cannot I feel like that? I am sure that I am in adifferent stage of evolution from the brothers with whom I am related to (I wonderif I am not estimate me too high). In fact though having been aware of mydegree of evolution and trying the best to evolve and expand my consciousness,I am always in doubt if I will have the gift to ascend also this time. How canI know if I am doing all the needed to achieve it? Light and Peace”.
SaLuSa: From its moment of creation, a soul strives for self-perfectionthrough many lifetimes, on various planets. Although all souls are of divineorigin and part of divine creation, there are various stages of maturity andconsciousness for each and every soul. Creation is forever expanding andreinventing itself through many forms and aspects. The level of consciousnessof a soul is often referred to as the level of dimension it dwells in. This iswhy people often speak of a soul’s journey.
There are, at this time on Earth, a high number of incarnated AscendedBeings, of Angels and other highly evolved beings. However, there are also agreat number of younger souls incarnated at this time on Mother Earth, who areblocked here because of the law of karma. Although all living beings areequally loved and receive equal help from the High Spiritual Hierarchy, manysouls present now are stuck, so to speak on Earth for many lives.
We could compare this to a school with many children, in variousclasses. Although all children are equal as universal beings, their knowledgeand consciousness are far from being equal. However it never means that a childof 4 years old is less loved, respected and helped than a 12 years old child.The level of knowledge and consciousness is just not comparable. All thechildren will eventually come out of school with their diploma if such is theirwish. So you see, there can never be judgement on any of you dear souls.
Many of highly evolved beings chose to experience duality, in order toraise the vibrations on Mother Earth in view of Ascension. Mother Earth havingexpressed her wish to permanently leave duality, the High Spiritual Hierarchyhas answered her call by asking many Ascended Beings to re-enter duality andshow the way to those stuck in negativity and in karma. Originally all soulscame from Source, and undertook various journeys in their evolution andexploration. However there comes a time when all souls must undertake a journeyback to Source. This is a return and a homecoming. So, dear friend, you toowere once an Ascended Being, there just is no exception to this rule.
The self-doubt and fears that you are experiencing are quite legitimatewhen souls dwell in duality. You are living in physicality and your bodies, onMother Earth, are not what they are in other planets. The fear that most of youare experiencing is coming from the lack of connection to Source. Indeed dearones, duality requires a conscious effort for your reconnection to the above.This connection can be achieved by bringing your attention to your physicality,to your experience in duality in the Here and Now. You human bodies are sotense that it is virtually impossible for most of you to experience yourconnection to Source, or Higher Self. Your emotions are high and low throughoutyour days. What matters most is to bring your attention, your consciousness,your light to the realization of having a knot in your stomach, as you oftensay, of having your chest tight, of experiencing how ready to jump your musclesare, while you are in your normal environment on Mother Earth.
Dear ones, all these emotions, fears, and tensions are seated insideyour body. Your body is the seat of your heart, of your hormones, of your spineand brain. Your breath, food and water processing do not require your activeparticipation, as Mother Nature has granted the mechanical functioning of yourinstinctive functions. However bringing your attention to sensing your body andto your feelings is bringing light into your life. By so doing you are bringingabout somebody who is watching over you. One can then wonder who this energywatching is. We tell you that this Watcher is your Godspark, your I AMpresence.
When you are in such a presence, you will feel different. You will havea renewed understanding, your feelings will be revealed to yourself, higherconsciousness will pour into your ordinary thinking. You will open up your mindand your heart to higher consciousness, to higher dimensions. You will beconnected to your inner world as well as your outer world. You will be presentin the moment. Maintaining this connection with your higher self requires agreat deal of will and of energy. Ordinarily it is impossible to do outside ofyour meditative state. You can also try this connection while you are walking,eating, or doing physical work. This is true prayer. All is possible to thosewho can achieve this level of connection for prolonged moments of their dailylives.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Would you like to give us an update please?
SaLuSa: Yes of course. We are continuing our negotiations with the darkhats. As we approach Ascension at a fast pace, they begin to see how theenergies are awakening you, dear friends. They can now see that they will notbe able to keep you under their tight control for much longer. Some are nowmore willing in striking deals with light beings on your planet in order to beaccepted in your new forming society. Others are eager to leave Mother Earth,as they know, by now, that they no longer have any hope of holding you down andpreventing your Ascension. There are still a few dark hats in denial about thecurrent situation, however, these will soon find themselves alone andsurrounded by the light.
Many lightworkers are experiencing fatigue, emotional tensions, anddoubt. We ask you to be aware of these, but not to let them take over yourlife. Remember who you are, remain connected to Mother Earth as much aspossible. You can not embody love and feel fear at the same time dear friends.So please be kind to yourself, accept what is, and bear seeing your limitationsin duality. Do not place judgement upon yourself and upon others. The time forliving outside of the illusion is coming near. You will soon see withoutblinkers all that is around you and inside of you. Transforming these remainingenergies is your final mission dear friends. Bearing to feel your body and yourfeet on Mother Earth while the superfluous disappears will demand courage andyour loved ones will look up to you at this time. Be the love and light youchose to embody for this celebration of Mother Earth’s Ascension.
As the dark hats will withdraw, Disclosure will soon become a reality.Many will be in a state of shock at the news of all that has been hidden fromthem. Your government’s acts and secrets will shock people on your planets farmore than the Disclosure of intelligent life in space. This is something allchildren know about and that everybody will have far less difficulties inaccepting than was originally anticipated. As your vibrations are taking awaythe illusion about yourself and about your world, the existence ofextraterrestrial life will come as a fait accompli to many on your planet.People will experience little fear ofus, and you will experience the love and joy deeply entrenched within yourhearts towards each other and towards us.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and send you my love as well as myencouragements for weeks ahead. Your world will be transformed in many ways,and looking back on this, you will be amazed at the speed changes were createdby you. Much light and joy will manifest on your world in the coming weeks.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
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