
銀河聯邦資訊 20111117日 當你們意識到自己的狀態,歡呼吧!

2011-11-18 12:25


As your issues break into your awareness, be glad!



11/16/2011 by John Smallman 


Humanity’s awakening is a done deal; it is going to happenas divinely intended; there are no other options. The divine energy fieldenveloping Planet Earth was enormously strengthened and intensified on 11-11-11to give you all the power and assistance that you need to enter into andcomplete your process of awakening. This process is very demanding, which iswhy you are receiving so much help from so many loving spiritual beings, andtheir love for you is way beyond your comprehension while you continue to holdon to and support the illusion with the energy of your fears and doubts. Yourfears and doubts are important issues that you need to address and release byopening your hearts to God’s Love Field in which you have your eternalexistence.



When you are not willing to open your hearts fully, onlythe minimum energy essential for your eternal existence reaches you, becauseGod will never override your individual wills, and so you maintain space withinyourselves to harbor doubt, fear, and anger – which enables you to sustain, andseemingly remain in, the strange, unreal reality you have built for yourselves.When you open your hearts fully – and that is what your guides and angels arehelping and persuading you to do – God’s Love will fill and occupy youcompletely, dissolving anything within you that is incompatible with Love.

當你們不願意完全打開心扉的時候,只有最少的可以讓你們永恆的能量能到達你們身邊,因為神永遠不會強迫改變你自己的意願,也因此你們在你們自己的心中保留了懷疑,恐懼和憤怒– 這些感情表面上讓你們繼續留在這怪誕的,不真實的,你們自己製造和幻象中。當你們完全打開自己的心的時候,那也是你們的精神引導者和天使們在不斷勸說你們做的事情– 神的愛將會佔據並完全充滿你們,將你們心中所有不屬於愛的感情統統淨化乾淨。


You are all in the process of opening your hearts fully toreceive the infinite abundance of divine Love that God offers you constantly,by facing up to and addressing your personal unresolved issues. Those basicallyare: the fear that you are unworthy of God’s Love; doubts about the existenceof God; and fear that if He does exist, He will judge you when you lay downyour physical bodies in death, and impose harsh and painful punishments on youfor your sins and misdemeanors. Frequently, you are in denial of those issuesbecause they seem too terrifying to address, and so you focus on the horrorsimposed by humans on other humans all over the world, and wonder how God (ifthere is a God!?) could allow all this suffering to occur. Maybe you evenbelieve that you belong to a country, society, or religious belief system thatis good and honest, and that should intervene wherever necessary to stop andprevent all this man-made suffering.



 Whatever form yourstate of denial or repression has taken up until now, you are finding itincreasingly difficult to maintain. Be glad of this! It is showing you thatyour shadow or dark side will no longer allow you to suppress it, but isdemanding that you acknowledge and integrate it so that you can become whole.Everyone has aspects that they think are unacceptable, even evil, but that isonly because by denying them and fearing them they have imagined them to be somethingwhich they are not. It may even seem that they drive you to think, speak, andact in evil ways. They do not. Your repression of them drives you to watch forthem in others, whom you then judge and condemn, giving yourselves a briefrespite from your fearfully buried sense of unworthiness.



Once you address your issues by acknowledging them and byaccepting their presence within you, you realize that they have absolutely nopower over you because they are just ideas and feelings, like everyone else’s,that you can choose whether or not to engage with, and this gives you a greatand totally justified sense of freedom. From that place you can reevaluateareas of your lives with which you are dissatisfied, understand why that is so,and then lovingly forgive yourselves for any mistakes or errors that you thinkyou have made. Once you have done that, your need to judge others falls awayand you can lovingly forgive them for the errors for which you have judged andcondemned them.



You are all divine beings. Love is your natural state, andby addressing your denials and repressions, you free yourselves to return tothat state. So as your issues break into your awareness, be glad! Because itmeans that you have chosen to address and release them, and because there areso many spiritual guides assisting you, it will be far easier than you mightthink.



With so very much love, Saul.




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