Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of Lovecalled leadership. This quality enables One to uplift and inspire those aroundthem with their passion and enthusiasm, with their unfailing goodness, fairnessand integrity. A good leader has the ability to set a direction and followthrough on that direction. A good leader always chooses the high road andresponds from a place of harmonious balance within themselves. They are willingto ‘walk their talk’ and never ask others to do what they themselves would notdo. A good leader can always be relied upon in any situation, bringing theirorganizational skills and capabilities to be applied in the achievement of thehighest outcome.
A person who exudes this quality of Love comes from a placeof utmost honesty and truthfulness. They have the confidence and ability toinspire the best qualities in others to come forth. A good leader always takesresponsibility for all their actions and decisions and is not afraid of hardwork. A leader who knows every facet of their work, cause or project is able tocarry the knowledge and know how of the whole picture and also be able todivide the whole into smaller, more manageable parts. They are able to envisiona project from its mental concept right into manifestation in tangible form.They will persevere until the project is satisfactorily completed.
There are excellent leaders in every walk of life. Thehomemaker who prepares dinner for her family and then presents the dinner in anorderly and organized fashion, who keeps her home spotless and uncluttered, isvery organized in order to serve her family in the best way possible. Herunselfish service to others is done so seamlessly and well that many times, herfamily is unaware of this most excellent quality of Love that she gives themeach and every day. Through her constant efforts, her family thrives under hercare and she glories in their happiness and well being.
Another example of good leadership is the masculine counterpartof a family. He shows good leadership by regularly going to the workplace inorder that his family can have an abundant life. He repairs items around thehouse and his family relies on him to give and maintain order in all things. Hetakes the time to listen attentively when a member of his family needs to talkand gives them his undivided attention, then makes suggestions that would helpresolve any challenges they might be experiencing in a calm and balanced way.Everyone blossoms under his care.
In today’s World, there is an interchange between bothpartners of a relationship and they share these leadership qualities and dutiesbetween them. In this way they complement each other, nurture and love eachother. They lead by their daily example. They give credit where credit is due.They work in peace, Love and unity for the betterment of all whom they Love andcare about. Their families know that their best and highest interests are beingactively envisioned and brought into manifestation in whatever way is for thehighest good of all. They are always fair and just, positive and helpful intheir interactions with others.
These have been just a few short examples of the quality ofLove called leadership and what it entails. Good leaders can always be countedupon to be present and accounted for and are willing to take responsibility fortheir creations at all times.
I leave you now to ponder on this quality and trust that Ilead you well.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff