


Beloved Ones,


I would like to have discourse on the quality of love knownas consciousness. This quality brings f

orth the power and will to invoke intobeing the higher attributes of the Divine into play within y

ourselves, withinthe World around you and it reaches far out into the Omniverse to affect thewhole

of Creation. To be in consciousness means to walk in the awareness thatOne is more than a physical

body, that One is a Being of Divine majesty, and assuch are, in One's every action, a true emissar

y of the Light of God.


This Light is the result of the many lifetimes lived uponthis and other planets throughout infinit

y and the efforts and discipline thatyou have manifested and shown which reflect the purity, beaut

y, honesty andintegrity of your whole Being. To be in the highest consciousness means to bein whol

eness and perfection of Being as you were at the moment of yourCreation.Many have come throughoutt

he ages who had a greater awareness of God's Divine Plan and with this consciousness were able to,

or attempted to,raise the awareness and consciousness of Humanity upon this Earth by theircourageo

us and loving words, thoughts, intentions and deeds in an effort tohelp all upon this planet move

back to a higher order of life where all thequalities of love prevail.


This consciousness is now being manifested with greaterintensity within the minds and hearts of al

l who live upon this planet and manychanges are occurring because of it. It is this consciousness

that is love inaction. This quality of love entails taking total responsibility for the energythat

you carry and emit from the radiance of your Being and realizing that youare in fact, a unique par

t of the Creator and in this uniqueness, bring yourown special gifts and talents to further open t

he consciousness of all lifeupon the Earth. This quality of love requires courage and honesty with

yourselves and others, to see through the illusions that have kept you trappedin limitation and to

understand that you have the power to create changeswithin yourselves to become of greater conscio



When this quality of love is present, One sees through theeyes of the Divine, and wishes to be a g

reater blessing to those around themand indeed, to all life around them. As this quality of love d

evelops to evergreater levels, One understands that there is a vast and divine order to allthat ta

kes place within One's life, within the lives of those around you andwithin the order of the Unive

rse in which your planet moves. All movesaccording to Universal Law and encompasses far greater re

ach than can beunderstood at Humanity's present level of consciousness but this quality ischanging

at a rapid pace, for this quality of love called consciousness is increasingin concert with a grea

ter Plan that reaches beyond Human comprehension at thistime.



It is incumbent upon each person upon the planet then, todevelop their qualities of love to a grea

ter and greater consciousness ofservice to the Divine, for when One realizes that One is a part of

a greaterconsciousness, there is a great desire to assist in bringing that consciousnessinto full

use by everyone and everything around them. Also, when Onecontinually strives to raise One's consc

iousness, it automatically raises theconsciousness of everything and everyone upon, within and aro

und the Earth andin this way, each person, by intending and making the effort to raise their ownco

nsciousness, facilitates the raising of the consciousness of all upon the Earth.All is One and con

nected through the energetic fields.


I leave you now to ponder on these words in the desire toraise your consciousness to a greater lev

el of love.


I AM Archangel Gabriel








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