銀河聯邦資訊 2011年12月06日 - 獵戶座最高議會
2011-12-06 22:15
We come to guide and support at this time of mass cleansingand clearing across the planet and we guide that all is now unfolding acrossthe planet earth. For many of YOU the last few weeks have been a strain with alot of emotion coming to the surface in order to be released. We have guidedpreviously about the need to allow emotions to come to the surface, to beacknowledged and then released. It is vital that the illusion teachings are nowrecognised for that which they are and are removed from the levels of SELF. 我們來到這裏,在這全球範圍內大規模清潔的過程中,我們引導大家,所有的一切正在沿全球範圍內展開.對於你們中的很多人,過去的幾個星期是個感情浮到表面從而被釋放的過程.我們曾經引導過你們關於釋放感情的重要性,感情是需要被承認,從而被釋放的.認清幻覺的本質,並且將幻覺從自身釋放出來是非常重要的. We are here to guide and support in this process and weguide that levels of SELF are navigated regularly by those who are now awakeningto deeper and deeper levels of TRUTH. Many of YOU are now aware of the newenergies but illusion taught that these new energies would give you freedomwithout showing the route to freedom. For freedom is not something that isgiven it is something that is FELT, freedom is a state of BEing and many arenot able to find this freedom as they do not venture into the heart centre. 我們在這裏引導並支援這個過程.我們引導大家,那些從更深層次瞭解真實的人們會引導人們的自我的覺醒.你們中的很多人已經意識到新的能量,但是幻覺告訴你們這些新的能量會在沒有向你們展示自由的道路的情況下從天而降.而實際上,自由不是一種可“給予”的東西,它是一種感覺,自由是一種狀態,很多人無法找到這種自由,因為他們並沒有探索自己的內心。 We are the High Council of Orion and we walk among you.Many are now able to connect to our energies and the new unfolding of energiesare now making the communication with other realms very easy indeed. We guidefor you to continue to communicate with the realms that step forward to helpyou. For they will step forward and wait for YOUr reaction, YOU have free willdear ones and we are not here to lead nor to tell, for that is not our role norour purpose. 我們是獵戶座最高議會,我們站在你們的中間。你們中的很多人現在可以連接到我們的能量,新的能量的展開正在使你們和其他領域的交流變得容易。我們引導你們和來到這裏幫助你們的領域的人們繼續交流。因為他們會走上前來,等待你們的回應,你們有自由的意志,親愛的朋友們,我們不是在這裏領導,或者強制性地告訴你們,因為那不是我們的角色,也不是我們的目的。 The dramas that are now unfolding around YOU and throughYOU are the illusion teachings that must be let go of, for they are notsupported in the new dear ones and it is not possible to create within the newwhilst holding on to the old. The old is the anchor that sees you “stuck”, itis the anchor that tells YOU that YOU “cannot”, “must not” and so on. For allthat is within YOU is reflected in the world that is experienced by YOU. Thisis a TRUTH that many are not looking at and as they look to the new world theyare dismayed to see that it resembles the old world. Dear ones each and everyone of YOU alive on this planet has a separate reality, all may compliment orfeed into others reality but only YOU are able to change that reality. It isdone individually and this is a TRUTH that many are not absorbing nor lookingat. For it is easy to sit and absorb the teachings of illusion that tell YOUthat YOU are one person and therefore powerless. If YOU had any idea howpowerful YOU each are then this would not stop YOU. For the road walked byillusion is one of “divide and conquer”, whilst each human BEing alive on theplanet believes they are the only one to feel and think the way that they doand they are anchoring the illusion teaching that tells them they must feartheir neighbour then the illusion walks through the lives of all it touches.The only way out of illusion dear ones is to follow the heart. 圍繞在你們身邊的因果報應是一種你們必須釋放的幻覺,因為它們在新的世界中並不存在。你們不可能在新的世界中創造同時還保持著對舊世界的執著。所謂舊的,就是讓你們感覺卡在那的東西,它們告訴你們“你們不可以”,“絕對不可以”等等。因為所有的一切都在你們的內部,並且折射在你們所經歷的世界中。這是一個很多人目前並不認同的“真實”,當他們看新世界的時候,他們沮喪地認為新世界和舊的世界看起來沒有任何變化。親愛的朋友們,你們中的每個人都擁有不同的真實,別人的真實有可能是你們真實的補充,或者下一個“真實”的基礎,但是,只有你們,有辦法改變自己的真實。這個過程是獨立完成的,這是一個很多人都不這麼認為的真實。因為你們很容易吸收並受到幻覺的影響,幻覺告訴你們你們只是一個人,一個弱小無力的人。如果你們知道你們有多強大,幻覺將無法阻止你們。因為幻覺所建立的路是“分割並統治”的路,儘管生存在這顆星球上的人們相信他們是唯一的,以自己的方式思考並感覺的人,他們仍然受控於幻覺的影響,幻覺告訴他們,他們一定要提防自己的鄰居,然後幻覺在所有接觸到它的人之間遊走。唯一跨出幻覺的方法,親愛的朋友們,是遵從你們的心。 The heart cannot be fooled by the smoke and mirrors of theillusion teachings for the heart was seeded with TRUTH and is the only way outof illusion. Many are still looking to other humans to help them make theirlives better yet failing to see that the life that is led is the reflection ofall that is anchored into that life. When responsibility is ignored and thehuman concerned is in denial then this is fertile ground indeed for theteachings of illusion. For the road to illusion is indeed paved with gold. Allthat is sparkly, all that is nice and all that is glowing does not mean it doesnot hold illusion and many were swayed by the illusion of a new world withfreedom and love as its core. 心不會被幻象所產生的鏡像或煙霧所欺騙,因為心的深處是真實的種子,而心也是唯一走出幻象的方法。很多人等待著其他人來幫助他們,讓他們的生活得好些,然而他們沒有看到讓他們陷入如此生活困境的是他們腦中執著而不肯放棄的東西。責任被忽視,人們的需求被忽視,這些正是幻象滋生的理想土壤。因為並不是所有的閃光的,看起來好的東西就沒有幻象隱藏在其中,很多人被這種幻象吸引從而遠離了新的世界,以自由和愛作為核心的新世界。 What illusion did not reveal was the hard work that isneeded to unveil this creation, for to sit back and expect that to be handed toYOU is illusion. We do not guide to judge for that is not our role nor ourpurpose, we guide in order that YOU may clearly see that the person YOU waitfor is YOU. For only YOU can change this human life experience dear ones forYOU are the ones that created it. Each creation a reflection of what was goingon inside YOU and was projected around YOU. For if you walk now in grief andsorrow that is what is being reflected from deep inside of SELF. To walk in joymeans that YOU must give up the grief and sorrow, pour love and compassionthrough it and allow it to heal. Illusion will persuade YOU that this is toomuch, that it is not possible to swim a river of tears and emerge on the otherside, TRUTH will show you how to swim that river and the angelic realms willstand on the shore ready to welcome YOU to the other side of that river. Theother side is strength dear ones and beneath all the teachings of illusion is apowerful BEing of light that has strength beyond imagination. 幻象所沒有揭示的是,為了揭示這創造的過程,大量的努力是必須的,因為坐在那裏,盲目的等待一些事情自己完成是幻覺。我們沒有引導你們來判斷因為那不是我們的目的,也不是我們的角色,我們引導你們這樣你們才可以清晰地看到你們所等待的人就是你們自己。因為只有你們自己能改變你們的人類生活體驗,親愛的朋友們,因為是你們創造了它。每個創造物都是你們內在深深的自己在外界世界的折射。在快樂中起舞意味著你們必須放棄悲傷和痛苦,將愛和憐憫灑向你們的心,從而讓你們的心被治癒。幻覺會勸說你們,告訴你們你們已經做了太多,幻覺會告訴你們你們不可能遊過由淚水組成的大江。真實會向你們展示如何遊過那條河,天使領域會站在河的另一岸,準備迎接你們的成功。親愛的朋友們,令你們難以置信的強有力的光的能量正站在幻象的背後,在大江的另一側等待著你們。 We are here to move YOU to that SELF, for many are nowfinding it impossible to see light, as everywhere they look they see darkness.Dear ones the darkness must be illuminated for YOU to see the illusion thatthreatens to drown YOU. For YOU are that LIGHT that illuminates it, YOU seekoutwith YOUrself and YOU look to others to light the path that YOU are walkingon, that YOU create and that YOU own. For this is YOUr human life experienceand YOUrs alone. Many may walk alongside YOU but no one walks as YOU. Do youunderstand our analogy? Do you understand our guidance? 我們在這裏,幫助你們走向真正的自己,目前很多人似乎無法看到光的存在,因為不管他們在哪看到的都是黑暗。親愛的朋友們,黑暗必須被照亮這樣你們才能看到幻覺,威脅你們的黎明到來的幻覺。因為你們才是可以點亮它的光,你們從外面尋找自己,你們等待著別人為你們點亮你們正在走的路,你們自己創造的路。但是這是不可能的,因為這是你們自己的人生體驗,只是你們自己的。很多人有可能會和你們走相近的路,但是不會和你們走完全相同的路。你們明白我們說的話麼?你們明白我們的引導麼? As YOU weep into YOUr tissues, as YOU look around and seepain and suffering YOU turn away, convinced that YOU walk the wrong path andthat all guidance was wrong and that the world is going to end. Yet YOU fail tosee that this was what YOU lived, this is what the human race WAS and this iswhat the human race must HEAL. That is done human to human, by pouring love andcompassion through all that is brought up to be healed. Where YOU see sufferingpour love and compassion through it and change it, refuse to ignore it, voiceit and see it all change as other voices are added to YOUr voice. For ALL arenot in denial and all do not stand and watch a world sink. Many are of the samevoice yet the fear of that voice has stopped them from finding others. Thattime is NOW dear ones. The human race begins to build the new world promisedbrick by brick, human by human, soul to soul, it can be no other way. 當你們在獨自哭泣的時候,當你們環顧周圍只看到痛苦的遭遇的時候,你們轉身,這些痛苦讓你們認為你們在錯誤的路上,讓你們誤以為所有的引導都是錯的,世界末日就要到了。然而你們沒有看到,終結的只是你們曾經的生活,是人類曾經的生活,是必須被治癒的過去。這個過程是由人和人之間,通過將愛和寬容的心抛灑在周圍的人身上,才可以被治癒。請喚醒那些你們無法用愛和寬容改變的事情,你們拒絕,忽視的事情,因為在這個特殊時刻,別的聲音加入了你們的聲音,來幫助你們。因為所有人都沒有被拒絕,所有人並不會站在那等待著世界的沈默。很多人擁有相同的聲音,然而藏在那個聲音背後的恐懼讓他們無法找到身邊的人。現在,時間已經來臨了,親愛的朋友們。人類已經開始建造新的世界,一塊磚接著一塊磚,一個人接著一個人,一個靈魂接著一個靈魂,沒有任何其他方法。 Hindsight dear ones is YOUr enemy. The many humans who nowcry “if only”, that is illusion teaching you under the guise of love, detachfrom this teaching for it will disempower YOU and bring YOU to YOUr knees dearones. YOU did what YOU did at that moment with the information that YOU had atthat time. This information has changed, many have not realised the extent towhich the human race was contained and suppressed, decisions based on illusionare decisions based on illusion, they are not TRUTH dear ones. TRUTH is foundwithin the heart and we ask all across the planet to move to heart centredness.This is needed to pour the love and compassion through all the pain and traumaand allow it to heal. 消極等待是你們的敵人。很多人現在在想,如果……,那是幻象偽裝的愛在教導你們,遠離這種教導,因為這種教導會吸走你們的力量,讓你們屈服,親愛的朋友們。你們在當時那個階段,以當時瞭解的資訊的基礎上,做了那些事情。而現在很多資訊已經改變了,很多人並沒有意識到人類的生活在被壓抑和控制的環境下,因此他們的決定是基於幻象,而下一個決定又是基於以前的幻象,這些都不是真實的,親愛的朋友們。真實在心中,我們請求這顆星球上所有的人走到內心的深處。這需要將你們的愛和寬容的心灑向你們的痛苦和傷痕從而讓它們得到治療。 Illusion will teach YOU the wound will not heal and willteach YOU ways of picking over the scab so it bleeds once more. We guide forYOU to have love and compassion for EVERY BEing on this planet, for not onlyhumans walked blind. Many are now moving into place to change the frequenciesheld by humans across the planet and we guide for YOU to support TRUTH whereverit is revealed, for TRUTH will set YOU free. Freedom is YOUrs dear ones butillusion has wrapped it in many veils and placed it before you. Allow TRUTH toreveal itself to YOU, do not judge others for YOU cannot know if they are walkingin the same illusions that blinded YOU, have love and compassion for all. 幻覺告訴你們傷口無法被治癒,會讓你們將傷口撕開的從而讓你們的傷口流更多血。我們引導你們以愛和寬容的心對待這顆星球上的每個人,因為並不是每個人都閉著眼睛。很多人現在正在走到新的地方,他們在改變周圍人的頻率,我們引導你們只是真實,所有被揭示的真實,因為真實會讓你們自由。自由是你們的親愛的朋友們,但是幻象將真實一層層緊緊地包裹著放在你們眼前。讓真實在你們面前展開吧,不要判斷任何人,因為你們不知道他們是否正在曾經蒙蔽你們雙眼的幻象中行走,將你們的愛和寬容灑向所有人吧。 Many humans will not awaken in this lifetime, their lovefor their fellow soul family members so strong they have taken an incarnationthat sees them in the roles of aggressors. These are YOUr greatest lessons dearones, for how can a soul grow and expand if it is not pushed beyond where ithas gone before. ALL ARE ONE dear ones and yet we see that many are wrapped inthe illusion veils of good and bad. That is deep illusion for there only ISdear ones. The greatest lessons have been learned, many lifetimes ago and thetime to release and clear the pain is now dear ones. ALL realms stand ready tosupport and aid this release, connect and simply ask dear ones for ALL ARE ONE. 很多人無法在此生醒來,他們對他們的同伴和家庭的愛是如此的強,而他們中的很多人在此生轉生的過程中扮演者侵略者的角色。他們是你們最大的教訓,親愛的朋友們,因為如果一個靈魂無法超越以前的自己,他們如何成長和擴張呢?所有的人都是一體的親愛的朋友們,然而我們看到很多人仍然將自己包裹在對和錯的判斷迷霧中。那是很深的幻象,因為一切沒有對錯,只有“存有本身”親愛的朋友們。你們要學習的最大的課程已經在你們的多次轉生中完成了,到了釋放和清潔你們傷口的時候了,親愛的朋友們。所有的領域都站在你們身邊,準備支持你們,請連接他們,問他們,因為所有的一切本是一體。 The world may look as if it weeps and in many cases it doesdear ones, mother earth weeps with YOU for she sees the light that shinesbrightly from all her children and she weeps tears of joy. For the ascension ofmother earth is now dear ones, the unveiling of the beauty of the creation ofthe human race is NOW, FEEL it. ALL ARE ONE. 這整個世界有可能看起來在哭泣,而從很多角度確實是這樣,親愛的朋友們,地球母親在和你們一起哭泣,因為她看到光從她所有的孩子身上閃爍著,她因欣喜而哭泣。因為地球母親的提升正在發生,感覺她的提升吧,所有的一切都是一體。 The following weeks are a time of great cleansing and agreat release. Do not fear YOUr tears dear ones, embrace them, for the tearswill cleanse parts of YOUr soul that have lain in shadow for aeons. The newworld is here dear ones, let the old dreams go for they no longer serve. Lookbeyond what is dissolving in front of YOU and create the new world, visualiseit, FEEL it , DREAM IT, for YOU dream the DREAM that was always to unfold forthe ascension of planet earth. 在未來的幾周會是大清洗和釋放的時間。不要害怕你們的眼淚,親愛的朋友們,擁抱它們,因為眼淚將會清洗你們被放在陰影中上萬年的靈魂。新的世界就在這親愛的朋友們,讓舊的夢去吧,因為他們對你們不再有意義。不要再執著於正在你們眼前破碎的世界,將目光投向更遠的地方,想像它們,感覺他們,夢想他們,因為你們新的夢總是會圍繞地球的提升而展開。 We are the High Council of Orion and we are YOUr brothersand sisters, we are YOU and YOU are WE, for ALL ARE ONE. 我們是獵戶座最高議會,我們是你們的兄弟姐妹,我們是你們,你們也是我們,因為所有的人本是一體。
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved.