Dear ones we come to guide and support as the energies ofthe lunar eclipse begin to amplify that which is unfolding across the planetearth. For many of YOU now are able to view the human life experience throughthe veils of illusion. These veils are dissolving, YOU are dissolving for YOUcannot be defined. Where there is definition in YOUr human life experience thenpour love and compassion through it for definition is suppression andcontainment. Allow YOUrself to BE that which YOU are.
We wish to guide on the unfolding of the energies and theway in which to move through them whilst being in balance, for many are farfrom balance, such is the depth of illusion teachings across the planet.Balance is needed for the unfolding of the new, for whilst YOU are out ofbalance YOU are susceptible to the illusion teachings. Where YOU findfrustration within YOU find illusion, go within dear ones and root out thatwhich no longer serves. The energies of the new will help YOU, work WITH themand do not hold fast against them for YOU in essence prolong the dissolvingthat is necessary to illuminate the way forward for YOU.
Never forget that at ALL times YOU create this human lifeexperience, focus on that which YOU WISH to experience and realise thatillusion teaches YOU to focus on the negative. There is NO negative there justIS, in this equation is both positive and negative, know that when faced with anegative there is always a positive, for one cannot exist without the other,balance is achieved by anchoring IS. Do you understand our analogy dear ones?Do you understand how taking a stance in one direction on anything pulls youout of balance and tries to make YOU anchor duality? Duality cannot be anchoredfor it is not TRUTH and the path of the enlightened human BEing on planet earthis TRUTH.
We once more draw attention to the fact that not all humansare in the path of enlightenment, it is not appropriate to make the decisionfor another what path they are on, it cannot be worked out by either party ifthe path they take is one of enlightenment or one of illusion, that informationis not available to YOU in the human for YOU take on this planet. Many will tryto convince YOU that they know YOUr souls path and we guide for YOU to allowthis information to sit within YOUr energy system. YOU are in control of YOUrlife experience no one else, to that end NO ONE knows the soul path other thanYOU, for it cannot BE. Do you understand our guidance dear ones? Do you see howYOU in essence give away the power that IS to another if YOU believe they haveaccess to something that is YOUrs alone?
For the ways of the old energies were containment andsuppression, a lifetime of moving through the darker, denser energies is tiringand many are now FEELing that tiredness move within them. We guide for ALL tomove through the unfolding of the new energies with love and compassion forSELF, for many of YOU have gone through lifetimes of trauma and pain and thetime for rest and recovery is NOW dear ones. Step out of the illusion of timeand pressure and BE for the recovery of SELF is vital for the next stepunfolding.
The human race now moves to a period intense creation, forall of YOU dream the dream that is the human life experience, we cannotunderscore the need for the reality of this to be anchored, YOU DREAM THEDREAM, let no others tell YOU how to dream nor what to dream, for that is YOUrsdear ones, allow this to sit within YOUr BEing. YOU have full control of thisdream, for YOU are the creators and we are walking with YOU in each step thatYOU take in the new energies. For many of YOU the dissolving of the old ispainful, so attached to the outcomes and the illusion teachings that YOU cannotsee that which is before YOU. For illusion comes gift wrapped dear ones and weask YOU to look beyond the wrapping to see TRUTH. TRUTH is not found in themisfortune of others on YOUr world, for that is illusion wrapped in the guiseof knowledge and love. To love IS, it has no bounds and it has no definition.Whilst YOU take sides on the war that never was and never can BE you dance withthe illusion of duality. There just IS dear ones and that will be anchored bymany of YOU over the coming weeks and months as the veils lift and TRUTH is seenin its splendour.
There are many amongst YOU who will tell YOU that the newis not here, so focused on the nightmare they cannot FEEL the new and the newis FELT dear ones, move to the heart and FEEL the difference even if YOUr humaneyes have not adjusted to the new energies. For the eyes and ears are easilyswayed by the smoke and mirrors of illusion. Seek from the heart and not themind, for the mind is fooled by the eyes and ears. KNOW that the new is here,FEEL it and embrace it.
For every step out of the old is step into the new, allowthe old to dissolve for it serves no one, do not hang on where it tries toteach that it is TRUTH, allow it to go, for the old will dissolve and all thatis left will be TRUTH. Where YOU have people who are now moving out of YOUrhuman life experience allow them to go with love and blessings for YOU cannotknow their path nor they YOUrs, for much is agreed at soul level and YOU haveno access to this is human form. Know that if they were a part of the humanlife experience then they have played the role they came here to play, nothingis gained by holding anything but love and compassion within YOUr heart, forALL ARE ONE.
Know that if a job is now dissolving it was never TRUTH,for many are now taking up the places that were always to be theirs on theuncovering of the new. Know that anything that is not TRUTH will now begin tobreak down and dissolve before YOUr very eyes. TRUTH will show YOU it was neverto be, illusion will try to teach YOU that it defined YOU. That is not TRUTH,YOU are not the job YOU do anymore than YOU are the clothes YOU wear, for allis smoke and mirrors yet illusion will teach that YOU are.
For the new to unfold the old has to dissolve yet many areholding onto the teachings of the old and this has to be shown to be theillusion that it is. Can you see our words? Do you understand how to allow allto go is to be balanced and centred? For you cannot see what is in front of YOUif YOU use the teachings of illusion to filter YOUr human life experience. Thatis what happens in the human life experience, for the teachings provide filtersthat allow illusion to appear as TRUTH. Move to the heart and allow all to beshown to YOU. Where YOU find drama YOU find illusion for it moves in the lowerenergies of emotions that are denser and more intense. For all intense drama isfuelled by the illusion teachings. Where YOU rage war with another both are inillusion, for there is no wrong and no right there just IS. The filters eachhuman applies will show the intensity of the illusion being played out.
We ask that YOU begin to anchor the new energies, where YOUare faced with trauma we ask YOU pour love through it and YOU detach from theillusion teachings that show YOU to continue the trauma by sharing it withother humans. This is the deepest of the illusion teachings, where humansbelieve they are showing compassion by pouring lower density emotions into asituation that just IS. KNOW that when a soul departs the body that soul isreunited with all the information not afforded them in the physical. They canclearly see the role they played and how it played out. Pain and trauma doesnot move from the physical to the etheric with them, they leave it all behind.Illusion teaches they do not, illusion teaches that someone must pay and thatall is despair. We ask that YOU step back from this and see TRUTH, the soul hasplayed the role it contracted to play, the lesson is there to be learned andthe emotions there to be experienced and LET GO OF. The act of anchoring deepdespair is the illusion teaching of remembering. Always the remembering istinged with the lower density emotions of despair, anger and angst. Whilst theyare anchored deeply there is no room for the repair and the healing of saidemotions, the vibrational field of the human concerned is lowered and willcontinue to stay low until love is poured through and healing has begun.Illusion will teach YOU to store pain in YOUr heart and YOUr body, TRUTH willshow YOU the lesson and how to move through it.
We guide in depth about the storing of emotion due theunfolding of soul contracts across the planet earth. We guide ALL to detachfrom what will be played out across the planet in the coming days. We do notguide to invoke fear for that is not our role, we guide for YOU to be aware ofthat which is dissolving. Such is the depth of illusion teachings that manysouls have contracts to show clearly the illusion and all it teaches, thesecontracts will be honoured. Free will states that at any time during a humanlife experience that human may alter the contract agreed on incarnation, thesecontracts are changed when the human has gone through a transformation or haslearned a lesson and has agreed the lesson not be repeated, all of this is doneat a high level with the soul. Free will also states that the human can alsocarry out the contract that was agreed on even if the lesson learned do notwish to be repeated. We guide this to make YOU aware dear ones that the reasonfor many of the deaths on the planet earth with the unfolding of the newenergies is to do with these contracts. Much has changed and shifted across theuniverse, humans have free will, souls have free will. No one dies on planetearth without the souls decision being one to transcend to energy no matterwhat the circumstances of the death.
This is a TRUTH that is not seen by many humans due to theteachings of illusion that do not allow the subject of death to be seen forwhat it is in TRUTH. It is a movement from physical to energy. That is all thatit is. There are no co-incidences, no freak accidents, all is under the controlof the human soul who has incarnated. Many are not able to understand our wordsso deep in the illusion of grief and loss that our words will be filteredthrough illusion teachings. Know that no one is ever lost, the physical merelytranscends back to the energy that IS and always will BE. The energy that YOUARE and always WILL BE. For none die, the physical merely perishes.
So many illusion teachings around something that is naturalthat stops so many from reaching into the heart. Many are here to show thehuman race how to move through this. Know that where YOU have undergone traumaand grief and allowed it to go, to move on, to heal, that YOU are the beacon inthe dark for many who cannot see the way forward. Know as the energies heightenacross the planet another soul group leaves on their journey forward into theenergy that they are. Please allow the illusion of death to dissolve across theplanet earth for it is not TRUTH.
We are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide andsupport ALL as the new energies are now anchoring into the human race. All canand will change if YOU allow it to change for we have guided free will and thatis what YOU are granted on incarnation. That works in all ways dear ones, forYOU have free will to stay within illusion or to walk out of it. The choice isalways there, for there is never not a choice, for all exists at once dearones, for all just IS. Do you understand our words and our guidance? Thecontrol of the human life experience was always with YOU, illusion persuadedYOU to hand it over time and time again, detach and become the observer torealise how it did this and then allow it to dissolve. For the new will set YOUfree if that is YOUr choice. We are with YOU as YOU begin to create that whichYOU want to experience. We are with YOU as the brothers and sisters that weARE, for ALL ARE ONE.
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved
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