
By John Smallman



The old ways are finished!

The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share. As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It. It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.


你們的覺醒形成的時刻正在更嚴峻的接近; 保持快樂及打開你的心去接受來自天父大量的愛去擁抱及分享。當他的愛流動及圍繞整個地球,大家都能夠'以及被鼓勵去開放的接受它。這是你們在尋求的,不注意地思考你認為你所渴望的,它是一直在你內心等待你去察覺及接受它,讓你們享受那另人振奮的經驗,與天父在持續狂喜的歡欣中完全地合一。



Your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy. To have joy you must be free from anger, blame, judgment, bitterness, and resentment. When you harbor or hold on to those attitudes, or any similar ones, they smother the potential for joy within you. It is just not possible to be joyful when maintaining those kinds of attitudes: they depress you, and so you go into a deeper state of sleep, by having your attention narrowly focused on what is upsetting you. To be awake is to be fully open so that the inherent joy of Reality pervades your whole being and is reflected in your thoughts, words, and actions.




When you look out through your eyes, or listen with your ears, and use your mind to decide what response to make to the information coming in, you are judging – good/bad, nice/nasty, beautiful/ugly – and this smothers joy.


當你透過你的眼睛向外觀看,或者用耳朵去聽,你就只是在使用你的頭腦去決定如何回應接收到的資訊,你就在判斷好與壞,美好的/使人難受的,美麗的/醜陋的 - 它會掩飾快樂。


Joy is your natural state, fully alive and awake in each moment and at one with Reality. Any other state is of the illusion, separated, divisive, unaccepting, and confusing, and the more you try to make sense of it the more confusing it becomes because the illusion truly makes no sense. What does make sense is for you to awaken; that is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, and you will achieve it by releasing all attitudes that are incompatible with that holy state where all are accepted and loved unconditionally.


快樂是你自然的狀態,在任何時候都完全地活著及醒著,並跟真實合一。與它相反的狀態是幻覺,分離,區分,不接受,困惑。當你越嘗試去讓它變得有意義的時候它就會變得越混亂,這是因為幻覺是真的沒有意義。真正有意義的是你的覺醒; 這是必然發生及你不能避免的命運。在釋放所有跟那個一切都會被接受和無條件的愛的天堂不相容的態度後,你將會實現你的覺醒。


It is difficult, after so long apparently spent struggling and sometimes fighting for your very survival in an environment that is often extremely inhospitable, to open your hearts and lovingly trust one another. However, to do just that, by letting go of personal agendas, practicing trusting others, and being utterly and uncompromisingly trustworthy yourselves, is the way forward out of the illusion and into Reality. The amount of assistance available to help you with this task is vast and unprecedented. Many of you are availing of it and changing your attitudes as you let down the defensive barriers that have divided you and kept you separated for so long – so many of you in fact, that you are approaching the tipping-point, the point at which, quite suddenly, vast numbers of you realize that there is nothing to be gained by continuing to behave in the old confrontational ways that have served you so inadequately.


經過長期在表面上奮鬥,以及在極端冷淡的環境下生存,要打開自己的心及用愛去相信他人是很困難的。不過,儘管去做,把個人的日程表拿掉, 練習去相信他人,以及完全地和堅決地信任自己,是離開幻覺及進入真實的路線。來幫助你完成這個任務的援助數量是很龐大及空前的。你們很多人正受益於它。透過放下把你分開以及把你保持分開這麼長時間的防衛障礙,你正在改變你的態度。實際上你們很多人正接近一個臨界點,你們很多人正突然察覺到,持續用那個不適當地服務你的老舊對抗性的行為,得不到任何的東西。


The effects that these changes of attitude are having can be seen all across the planet, as more and more cooperative ventures, designed to reach out to help the unprivileged and poverty-stricken to attain a standard of living that honors and respects their dignity as beloved children of God, are set in motion. The experience of horrendous privation and suppression that they have been undergoing is to cease, because it has finally become apparent to all that there is absolutely no reason why anyone anywhere should have to live in such execrable conditions. These attitudinal changes and expansions of your awareness are the paramount tasks that you have undertaken on your path to awakening, and your increasing ability to carry them out ensures that there will be no turning back, the only possibility is for you all to move forwards towards your awakening.


這些態度改變的影響在地球上正顯現出來,越來越多願意合作的企業,提議向因為無特權及為貧窮所困擾的人伸出援手,讓他們獲得一個尊敬及尊重他們作為一個受神所心愛的孩子的尊嚴的生活質素。他們那忍受可怕的貧困和壓抑的經驗要結束了,因為最終明顯地浮現出來的是 - 對於為什麼有任何一個人跟有任何一個地方要在這麼惡劣的環境下生活,是完全沒有理由的。這些態度上的改變及你們意識上的擴張是你們在覺醒的道路上進行的至高無上的任務,以及你們用增加中的才能去實行它們可以確保不會事情不會往回走,唯一的可能性就是你們全部人都會往覺醒的路前進。


As you approach the end of this journey, which has oftentimes seemed endless, interminable, perhaps even impossible to complete, look around and make a point of seeing the enormous progress you have made in just this lifetime, and if you still have doubts about your coming awakening, what you see must surely convince you that the enormous attitudinal changes that need to be made to enable you to live eternally in peace and happiness are occurring rapidly wherever you cast your gaze.


當你們接近旅途的終點時,對於那些時常看似無休止的,無止盡的,或者完全不可能完成的,看看周圍和重視你在這一生完成的龐大進度,如果你對你即將來到的覺醒還存著懷疑,你所看到的肯定會使你確信- 無論你把眼光放在哪裡,讓你永遠生活在和平與快樂所需要的巨大的態度改變,已經在急速地發生。



Do not focus on the old ways of war, confrontation, corruption, and betrayal that can still be seen in many places – because those ways are finished! Instead, put your attention on the marvelous results that many loving and compassionate groups and individuals are achieving everywhere. Doing that raises your spirits and intensifies the energies that are lifting you all upwards and onwards towards your fully-conscious state. It is the divine Will that you awaken into that state, and so you will. It truly is inevitable.


不要集中在那些仍然在很多地方發生的舊方式:戰爭,對抗,貪污,背叛 - 因為那一些方式已經結束了! 作為替代,把你的注意力放在那些被有愛與慈悲心的個人和團體在各地完成的非凡結果。這樣做可以提升你們的靈魂及加強那些把你們提高及提前到完全覺知狀態的能量。你們覺醒到這個狀態是神聖的意志,所以你們會這樣做。這是必然會發生的。

With so very much love, Saul.


譯者 奈阿絲



    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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