獵戶座最高議會 2012年01月13日 - 從混亂中分離的時刻
2012-01-13 23:55
Welcome dear ones we are here to further guide and supportat a time where many will feel like they are walking through a dream that nolonger makes any sense. Much of the information that is being put out acrossthe planet earth is now disinformation, chaos has reached such levels that manyare now having to process conflicting information and we guide for all to tryto find balance within. For all is within, the outer simply a reflection ofwhat is going on inside of you. The human reaction to change is often fear andthat fear is exaggerating the chaos that is now occurring across the planet. 親愛的人類,在這很多人感到正在進入不可思議的夢境的時刻,我們來到這裡進一步引導並支援你們。現在,誤導資訊正在遍佈這顆星球,混亂已經到達相當的程度,你們中的很多人現在必須同時各種衝突的資訊,我們在這裡引導你們所有人,走向你們的內心。因為所有的一切都源自內心,外界只是你們內心的折射。人類對變化的本能反應經常是恐懼,恐懼正在加劇著發生在全球範圍內的著混亂。
The Galactic Federation is here dear ones, it has alwaysstood watch over the human race and now unprecedented numbers of humans are nowexperiencing the light ships and able to digest that the human race is notalone. As many more humans begin to accept TRUTH and accept their stellarorigins then more and more of the light ships will be seen. You cannot see whatyou cannot understand and that is being shown to many, many humans across theplanet. All is in plain view dear ones and no one hides anything from you. 銀河聯邦在這裡,親愛的朋友們,銀河聯邦一直在這裡關注著整個人類。現在大量人類已經可以看到光之飛船,並且可以接受人類在宇宙中不是孤獨的這個事實。隨著更多人類開始接受事實,並且接受他們來自星星的本源,越來越多的光之飛船會被人們看見。當你們無法理解時,就無法看到它,這個事實已經被展示給這顆星球上如此多的人。所有的一切都在那裡,沒有人在向你們隱藏著任何事情。
The teachings that have kept your enslaved energeticallyfor many aeons are now beginning to thin and for those who are working atmoving through the veils this will reveal great wonders to them. Wonders thatwere always before their eyes and always there for them to see. We ask now forall to begin to detach from the chaos and the lower level energetic vibrationsof those who are not awake and who cannot feel what is happening across theplanet. For to fall in vibration and fall to the misinformation will see youhit chaos and be engulfed by that chaos. 對於那些正在穿越幻象的迷霧的人們,奴役了你們上萬年的幻覺正在變得稀薄。這會向他們揭示巨大的奇跡– 一直在他們面前,等待他們去發現的奇跡。我們現在請求所有人和混亂分離;和那些仍未覺醒,仍無法感受到正在發生在這顆星球上的人們釋放出來的低層次混亂能量分離。因為墜入低層次能量,墜入誤導資訊會讓你們受到混亂的傷害,甚至被混亂吞噬。
Many humans across the planet are in survival mode and thismode was implanted into the human race, we ask why you need to allow this modeto kick into your life experience if you are able to find silence and balancewithin. For the survival of the human race is secure, there is no informationthat has been given out that says otherwise and we ask once more for you toprocess ALL information from whatever source through the heart. Trying tologically work out the coming days and weeks will see you going around incircles, inventing scenarios with your mind that feed into and off the chaosthat is unfolding. 這顆星球上的很多人仍然處在“求生模式”,這種生活模式已經長久被植入人類的共用集體資訊中。親愛的人類,既然你們有辦法體驗內心的寧靜和平和,為什麼要讓這種“求生模式”闖入你們的生活體驗中?因為人類的安全是註定的,沒有任何資訊告訴大家人類會有危險,我們再次請求你們通過自己的心過濾所有資訊。在未來的日子,嘗試通過邏輯來前行只會讓你們陷入迷茫,因為意識創造的各種幻象會將你們引入正在不斷展開的混亂。
Chaos is a natural part of the cycle of life. Chaos isneeded to break down that which was there for it no longer serves the humanrace in any way. Many humans are failing to see this and are falling for themedia stories and disinformation that is being broadcast. We guide once more forall to detach from the media no matter the source and to process all with theheart. No one is having this life experience in exactly the same way as you arehaving this experience yet we note many humans being swayed by those aroundthem. Dear ones those around you who are not awake and who are deeply asleepare not having the same human life experience as you are having and do not havethe ability to go within and to centre and rebalance. We ask for you to holdthe space for these humans as you anchor yourself and find inner balance.Assuming that the world thinks as you do is the error that many findsthemselves making, only you have this life experience no one else in the exactsame way. 混亂是你們目前生活迴圈的一個自然組成部分。混亂需要被打碎這樣它才不會對人類在任何方面造成負面影響。很多人類沒有看到這點,因此他們落入了媒體所編造的故事,以及誤導資訊創造的混亂陷阱。我們在這裡再次引導所有人從媒體中脫出,不管任何種類的媒體提供的資訊,請用你們的心來過濾它們。沒有人和你們有完全一樣的生命體驗,然而我們注意到很多人類正在受到周圍的人的影響而搖擺不定。親愛的人類,你們周圍還沒有醒來的人們,以及那些仍在沉睡的人們並沒有你麼正在進行的生活體驗,他們並沒有走入內心,沒有調整自己平衡的能力。我們請求你們,將自己錨固在真實中,發現內心的平衡的同時,為這些人守住空間。很多人正在犯著這樣的錯誤:他們認為全世界和他們的想法應該一致的時候他們才在正確的軌道上。而事實上,只有你們自己才有這樣的生命體驗,沒有任何其他人和在你們在體驗完全相同的東西。
We guide in relation to the grounding of your energies andguide most strongly for you to do grounding exercises daily to help with manyof the symptoms that are being experienced across the planet. As the newenergies flood across the planet many are experiencing extreme tiredness andchange to sleeping patterns. To address this we guide strongly for you to dovisualisation exercises that see you grounding into the planet fully. Many areunaware of the need to ground and reach out to us. Dear ones you are in humanincarnation and as such need to be connected to the planet that you areincarnate upon. The need for you to synchronise with planet earth is vital atthis time. Your mother goes through many deep changes and this is reflected inthe weather patterns that are now sweeping across the world. To harmonise withmother earth, your home planet for this incarnation it is vital to ground intothe planet. She will be able to energies and to stablise your energy system.Many are finding that they feel slightly “space out” and this is a result ofthe new stronger energies. It takes some time to absorb and to anchor the newenergies into your energy signature and drinking plenty of fresh water andbeing careful what you ingest in the way of food will see this anchoring movingat a pace that is acceptable to you. For many are continuing to eat and drinkas they previously did and this is at odds with the new energies and how theirbody is reacting to these new energies. 我們引導你們將新的能量錨固在你們的身體內,我們以最強烈的方式引導你們每天進行錨固能量的過程,這會幫助你們中的很多人減輕正在遍佈在這顆星球上的各種意識症狀。隨著新的能量彌漫在全球,很多人正在體驗著極度困倦,並進入困倦的生活模式。我們強烈地引導大家,試著想像“看到”自己完全地和這顆星球紮根在一起。你們中的很多人沒有意識到將自己和這顆星球紮根一起,並且將意識伸展到我們這裡的重要性。親愛的朋友們,你們降生在地球上,因此需要和你們生活的星球連在一起。在這個時間,和這顆星球進行同步尤其重要。你們的地球母親正在進入深層的變化中,這反映在正在遍佈全球的極端氣候模式中。為了和地球母親相同步,也就是你們所降生的星球向同步,你們必須將自己和這顆星球紮根在一起。她會説明你們建立你們的能量系統,並為新的能量系統提供能量。很多人感覺到被輕微地“拉開距離”這是因為這新的更強的能量。你們需要花一段時間去吸收並將這新的能量錨固在你們的能量體系中,請喝足夠的水,請小心選擇適合你們能量錨固階段的食物。對於一些繼續保持以往飲食方式的人們,他們會感到不適,因為他們的身體正在對新的能量做出反應。
It is also vital to rest where you can, we watch as manystruggle through the day, intent in continuing to do at the detriment to theirenergy signature, this leads to further confusion for in the extreme tirednessis the ability to absorb lower energy patterns which further make the energysignature wobble. Add all of this together and mass confusion results. If youare finding the chaos difficult, if you feel it is all overwhelming then weguide rest. To rest it may be necessary to further ground before attemptingsleep as the mind begins to try to find a logical reason for all that isoccurring within and on the planet earth. These are teachings of illusion dearones and should be detached from. Trust and faith in Self is what is needed atthis time of vast change. 保持充足的睡眠也是非常重要的,我們看到很多人仍然在犧牲睡眠來完成他們認為自己必須完成的事情。這將他們進一步引入混亂,因為極度疲憊會讓他們吸入低層能量,從而進一步給造成他們體內能量模式的紊亂。這些能量紊亂的漩渦疊加在一起會引起更大的困惑。如果你們發現自己正在面對難以應付的混亂,如果你們發現一切都失去控制,我們引導你們去休息。因為意識正在嘗試為發生在內部和全球範圍內的事情做出邏輯的解釋,這些解釋是幻象,你們應該從意識的幻象中脫離。因此我們引導你們通過睡眠引導意識暫時休息,從而幫助自己進一步和星球的新能量融為一體。在這巨大的變革時刻,相信自己是非常重要的。
We guide in relation to the experiencing of othersemotions. Many are now beginning to realise that the new energies are allowingthem to experience the emotions of those around them. We guide in relation tothis and guide to remind you to clear and shield your energy signature to helpwith overload. Overload is where you are unable to process all the informationthat is downloaded, this results in dramas being ignited around you. Unable tocope with more information you may find yourself experiencing lower energeticemotions such as anger and rage as you feel compressed and contained. This willpass if you are honest with yourself and take time out to rest. 我們來引導你們體驗其他人感情。很多人現在開始意識到新的能量允許他們體驗周圍人們的感情。我們對此作出引導,提醒你們保護自己的能量場,不要讓它超負荷。超負荷的意思是,你們無法處理所有下載的資訊,從而讓過量資訊傷害你們的身體。如果你們感覺壓抑,受到控制,是因為無法處理你們正在面對的低層次感情能量,比如憤怒,和恐懼。如果你們對自己誠實,並花足夠時間去休息,這些不適會慢慢過去。
We guide that the information that you are taking in is notonly in one format. To read words on a page sees you digest the informationcontained in the words but also the energetic vibration of the words. As humansare now anchoring more light then the vibrations they are able to processincrease, this may lead to overload as you begin to get used to this and beginto get used to processing higher and purer energies. The previous energies thatengulfed planet earth were lower level once as these clear the higher energeticvibrations will sweep in. This is uplifting and joyful for many humans who areawake but draining if not properly anchored and absorbed. 我們引導你們,你們所接收的資訊的方式並不局限於一種形式。在閱讀一篇文字並且試圖理解隱藏在文字中的意思的時候,請同時細細品味隱藏在文字中的能量振動。隨著更多人類將的光錨入自己的身體,他們對振動的敏感性也在提高。在開始,這可能會引起能量的超負荷,但是隨著你們對高層更純潔的能量的熟悉,這種超負荷情況會減輕甚至消失。以前吞噬著這顆星球的能量處在很低層次,隨著高層能量的擁入,這些低層能量會被自然取代。這對那些覺醒的人們是非常愉快的感受,但是對那些沒有正確錨固並吸收新能量的人們是極其疲憊的。
View this as a learning stage dear ones for you are now inthe playground that you were promised, no longer slaves to the old energies youare now free. But that freedom has to be accepted and anchored. The ways of thenew will see you begin to embrace all that you have dreamed but the creation ofthose dreams is now speeding up. Do not underestimate the energy that is usedin the creation of dreams, until you get used to the new energies we guide foryou to take it easy and not to try to push forward too quickly. It serves noone if you are drained and unable to function due to extreme tiredness. 請將這一切看作學習的時刻,因為你們正在你們被承諾的舞臺上,你們自由了,不再被舊能量所奴役。但是那自由必須被接受並且錨固。在新的能量中,夢的創造過程正在加速。請不要低估創造夢的能量,在你們習慣了新的能量後,我們會引導你們,請不要強迫自己走太快。你們的精疲力竭不會對任何人有幫助,它只會導致極度的疲倦從而讓你們的身體無法繼續運作。
We are the High Council of Orion and we come through ourchannel to guide and support and to reassure that all is well. The changes areneeded and indeed will be implemented. Much is changing at various levelswithin your world, many dimensional changes are taking place and the result ofthis are various symptoms, many of you may experience delayed or missing timeduring your day, this is the body responding to the changes in differentdimensions, for you are not only in this dimension, you may exist in many, manydimensions at once and all changes create a ripple effect. As you begin to workon harmonising the energies then your vision and your hearing will get strongerand you may be aware of us around you. Many are now experiencing energies muchstronger than ever before. It is vital to work with these energies and toanchor and absorb them for all is changing within and upon planet earth. Youare in human form and changes to the planet do affect every human alive on theplanet. 我們是獵戶座高級議會,我們通過我們的頻道引導並支援你們,我們告訴你們所有的一切都很好。變化會發生,而且已經在執行。在你們世界的各個方面正在變化,這些變化在很多維度同時進行著。你們中的很多人正在體驗拖延或者突然丟失的時間,這是身體在對不同維度的變化做出反應,因為你們不僅存在在這個維度。你們有可能同時存在於很多個維度中,一旦變化產生,會產生大量的連鎖反應。當你們開始和新的能量融為一體的時候,你們的視力和聽覺會加強,你們有可能會感受到我們就在你們身邊。很多人正在體驗比以前強很多的能量。吸收並錨固這些新能量是非常重要的,因為所有的一切都在地球表面以及你們的內部變化著。你們正在人類的形態,這顆星球的變化確實會影響生活在這顆星球上的每個人。
We step back now to allow you to absorb our words, we arehere for all humans at this time, simply reach out to connect with us and wewill answer. Your hearing will continue to hone itself and your eyes willcontinue to adjust. Look to the skies dear ones, for we are all around you. Wehave always been amongst you, for ALL ARE ONE. 我們暫時離開,從而給你們充足時間來吸收我們的話語。我們在這個特殊時間來到這裡,來幫助這顆星球上的每個人,請伸出你們的手和我們聯繫在一起,我們會回答你們的問題。你們的心會繼續自己的跳動聲,你們的眼會繼續調整。我們一直在你們身邊,因為所有的一切本是一體。
通靈者:Karen Doonan, 英文資訊來源網站:www.crystalline-sanctuary.com 翻譯者:Cappuccino |