來自星際的家人們 2012年1月16日 變化的第一塊多米諾骨牌即將倒下
2012-01-16 23:26
Newsstories will begin to trickle through to the viewing public concerning matterswhich we have already discussed with many of you concerning our presence inyour skies and of matters concerning your governments and financial systems.Soon, all truths will be quickly and efficiently shared with you concerning allmatters of your world, but for now, just a slight crack in the wall of secrecywill allow pinholes of light to begin to shine through. We are here. Many ofyou already are quite aware of this fact. With the cooperation of some of yourmedia outlets, considerably more of your world will learn of our presence andbegin to question why we are here at this time and what this has to do with theyear and prophecies of 2012. Pieces will begin to snap together, and soon apicture will begin to emerge from all the scrambled information. It will nottake long for many of your forward thinkers to see that incredible changes toyour civilization are at hand. Please see to it that many of the missing piecesto the puzzle are offered to help them see the entire landscape before them.This is your task. 新的事件很快會穿透重重迷霧進入公眾的視野,無論是關於在天空中我們的存在,或是關於你們的政府,以及你們的新經濟體系。很快,所有的真實會迅速而有效地分散在你們世界的各個角落,但是現在,還需要一點點力量擊碎已經殘缺不堪的秘密之牆,從而允許那光滲透入你們的世界。我們在這裡。你們中的很多人非常清晰地瞭解這個事實。伴隨著和地面一些媒體的合作,更多你們世界的人會瞭解我們的存在,會開始質疑為什麼你們在這個特殊的時間出現在這裡,以及先知們所預言的2012的本質。散落在世界各處的碎片會拼湊起來,很快完整的圖案會從散落的資訊中浮現出來。思考的先行者們,你們不會需要花費太多時間看到你們文明所發生的不可思議的變化。請知道,這些已有散亂的碎片是為了幫助人們瞭解到完整的事實。這是對你們的考驗。
Manyat this time are asking how they can assist the Galactic Federation, the AshtarCommand, and our Earth allies. We tell you again to share the news of ourpresence. Soon, all will see that you spoke the truth and that you were aleader of your fellow man. There will be those who scoff. There will be thosewho disbelieve and ridicule, but in the end there is only one truth in thisregard. We are here, and we are not leaving until our job is completed andhumanity and its living planet are escorted into the higher realms where theyhave long belonged. This is our mission. This is our purpose here at this time.See to it your brothers and sisters become at least aware of the possibility ofextraterrestrial life so as to lessen the blow of our announcements that willbegin soon. 在這個時間,很多人想知道他們如何才能幫助銀河聯邦,阿斯塔指揮團隊,以及我們的地球盟友。我們再次告訴你們,分享我們存在的消息是對我們最大的幫助。很快,所有人會知道你們所說的是事實,屆時,你們會是那些茫然者們的領導者。這期間,會有嘲笑的語言,會有懷疑者,以及奚落你們的人,但是最終的真相只有一個。我們在這裡,我們不會離開,直到我們的工作完成,直到我們成功護衛人類以及這顆美麗的星球安全進入更高領域,很久以前就屬於你們的領域。這是我們的使命。這是我們在此時間來到這裡的目的。請讓你們的兄弟姐妹至少瞭解到外星生命存在的可能性,這樣能盡可能縮短很快就要到來的對公眾宣佈我們存在的時間。
Finalpreparations have already been made throughout the Galactic fleets. We arepoised and ready for the commencement of the initial phases of the operationthat will entail several successive maneuvers. Initial broadcasts of ourpresence are just the beginning. Much must be accomplished in a very shortperiod of time, and therefore events will quickly transpire like rapidlyfalling dominoes. We are anxious to begin these phases of our mission, and weare all highly trained in each of our specific assignments. Many of you havenever before experienced the machinelike precision of such a large undertakingbefore, but you will witness these operations being handled quickly andsmoothly by highly trained and capable personnel. Each of us has undergoneextensive training in our particular fields to be of service to you, humanity,at this time and we are very eager to put all of our efforts to good use. Tosee the smiles on so many of your shining faces when you see the ills of yourworld quickly begin to be cured is all the recompense we require. It is ourhonor and pleasure to be here at this time, in service for the light and thegreater good of all our brothers and sisters throughout this universe. This isour oath, to extend our hand in friendship with the offer of assistance to allothers throughout this universe. Be vigilant to your skies, your media outlets,and your inner voice. Our presence will be made known to all through theseavenues. Continue to share this information and help calm the ripples of fearthat may spread throughout your societies. 所有銀河飛船已經為此在做最終的準備。我們鎮靜地等待著第一步行動的口令,而這行動口令會引發之後很多行動的發生。宣佈我們的存在只是第一步。很多事情必須在很短時間內完成。因此很多事件會相繼發生,就像快速倒下的多米諾骨牌一樣。我們在焦急地等待著我們任務的開始,我們所有人都為自己的任務做了全面的訓練。你們中的很多人從來沒有經歷過如此大規模的計畫像機械般精密地展開的過程。但是你們會親眼看到這些工作被迅速而平靜地被經過高度訓練的人們完成。我們中的每個人都接受過深度的訓練,尤其在如何幫助你們,人類,這方面的訓練。現在我們非常渴望我們的訓練能立刻派上用場。看到當你們的世界上的疾病被迅速治療的時候,浮現在你們中很多人臉上的閃光的笑容是對我們最好的回報。在這個特殊時間來到這裡是我們的榮譽,服務於光,以及為了讓全宇宙更多兄弟姐妹過得更好而努力是我們的快樂。伸出我們的友誼之手來幫助全宇宙中所有人,這是我們的誓言。請留意你們的天空,你們的媒體,以及你們內心的聲音。我們的出現會出現在以上途徑。請繼續分享這些資訊,並平息可能會散佈在你們社會中的恐懼的漣漪。
TheIlluminati are crumbling as are the fighting forces they control. Very soonthey will be powerless and be of no threat to anyone any longer. This is thetask of many of our fleet and of our Earth allies. Much continues to happenbehind the scenes and this information is been corroborated by several otherchannels of our messages. Be advised, not all that is reported to be messagesfrom the light are authentic, but we see many of you have strengthened yourpowers of discernment and are very capable of filtering out the false and fearladen vibrations of some of these communications. We will continue to keep youabreast of any last-minute updates or changes to our plans, but as it standstoday we are set to trigger the first domino and begin the phase of operationso many of you have long been waiting for. We thank you for your patience andyour hard work rolling out the welcome mat for us. We will be with you soon.Until then, prepare and be well. 光照派的勢力正在崩潰,如他們所控制的軍事力量一樣。很快,他們會失去他們的力量,不會再對你們造成任何威脅。這是我們飛船以及我們地球盟友們的任務,很多事件持續發生在幕後,這些事實有其他的頻道提供的資訊為證。請小心,並不是所有聲稱來自“光”的資訊是真實的,但是我們看到你們已經成長了,有能力辨別資訊的真偽,以及洞悉到這些假資訊背後製造恐懼情緒的企圖。我們會繼續將事情的最新進展公佈在我們的頻道中。今天,我們已經為推倒第一塊多米諾骨牌做好準備,你們中的如此多人也為此刻等待了如此久。我們感謝你們的耐心,感謝你們的為了迎接我們的到來而做出的努力工作。很快我們會和你們在一起。在那以前,請照顧好自己並耐心做好準備。
Weare your Family of Light from the stars. 我們是你們來自星星的家人們
通靈者:Greg Giles 時間2012.01.16 翻譯者:Cappuccino |