Beloved Ones,

Many of you are finding yourselves with a feeling of sleepiness that comes on in the early evening and you have no choice but to go to sleep, for the feeling is so strong. This is a period when we are working on adjusting your energy fields and this is best accomplished while your physical body is at a deep rest. If you are experiencing this symptom then know that it is your turn to be attuned and adjusted. Each and everyone of our Lightworking Family is being given this personal attention in order to accelerate the process of transformation.



Be nurturing and understanding of yourselves when this happens, you are not being indolent or lazy, it is simply part of the process, accept it and let it be. Some of you are feeling uncomfortable in your bodies at certain periods of the day
this, too, shall pass. Listen to the signals you are being given and rest when it feels necessary, take action when you are feeling robust and stay in a positive, uplifted frame of mind as much as possible. If negative thoughts come into your mind, shift immediately to an uplifting thought. In this way, you are mastering your thinking patterns.


Your heart chakras are opening wider each day and this can sometimes cause palpitations in this area. If this occurs, just relax and rest for a few moments until they pass. There will continue to be many unexplained pains coming and going in various parts of your body and this is a sign that attunements and adjustments are taking place. It is a time of acceptance of what comes rather than resisting because of preconceived expectations of what should be. Many projects might have to be put on hold as you each go through this process. Know that all will be taken up again when the timing is right and all will flow smoothly and with grace and ease when this happens.


You may have noticed the personal interactions between people are undergoing a positive change. Many people are now voicing their innermost feelings and thoughts much more readily than before and this is a very positive step towards unity consciousness. When we can all accept each other without criticisms and judgments, it opens the way for deeper and more meaningful communication to take place. This fosters trust in one another and in this way, the true person behind the mask that used to be in place can shine their Light unto the World.


Be proud of who you are. In the entire Universe, there is no other exactly like you. You are unique and an integral part of the whole. Without you in this World at this time, an important piece of the Whole would be missing. Practice holding loving and blessing thoughts as often as you can throughout your day, this will help anchor in your Christ Self. Identify as strongly as possible with the higher attributes of your Self, honor your Self and bring it into manifestation. Where your thoughts are, there you are also. These times require due diligence of each of you and you are each doing this. Our hearts are filled with Love as we watch you walk each day in your highest integrity, Dear Ones. Know that you are each surrounded by the Family of Light and that we walk with you.


Until next week.
I AM Hilarion





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