We, the Angels and the Divine Self, DO NOT heal you from our perspectives. The healing occurs because you ALLOW the healing to occur. This is simple Spiritual Logic. Jesus ALLOWED people to believe in their own delusions of being possessed by "unclean spirits" and such nonsense, simply because he was not there to "take away" their myths.
我們, 天使們, 以及 ‘神聖本我’ --- 也沒有治療好你! --- 從我們的角度而言! --- “療愈” 只有當 ‘你’ 允許它發生時才會發生! --- 這是一個很簡單的 ‘靈性法則’!!! 耶穌基督 --- 允許人們去相信 --- 在他們的幻想裡 --- 他們被 ‘不乾淨的靈魂’ 所附身了, 以及其它的無稽之談, 只是因為 --- 他的目的不是要去 ‘消除’ 他們的迷思!!!
Rather, he was there to show them how to dispel their own myths through connecting with their Higher Selves, the "Kingdom within," you see, just as we are not actually dispelling your myths "for you," but rather it is a case that YOU have CALLED US to bring forth these messages through this human vessel, whether you like these messages or not.
反而, 祂的重點是去教導他們 --- 如何自己去 ‘消除’那個 ‘迷思’ --- 透過與自己高我的連接! --- “你內心的王國” --- 明白了嗎? --- 因為我們也無法替你去消除你的迷思一樣! ---- 反而, 這狀況是 --- 你們呼喚了我們來為你們帶來這些訊息! --- 透過這通靈者的人身載具 --- 不管你現在是否喜歡這個訊息!
If any of you don't, remember that YOU are the one who chose to read this message, dear hearts, and to have your particular reaction. Use discernment and remember to love yourselves, for you are the Love of God incarnate! Jesus actually taught that YOU are responsible for creating your own personal reality, just as did the Buddha and many others throughout the ages.
假如 --- 你不喜歡這訊息 --- 那裡就記得 --- 是你自己選擇來讀這個訊息的 --- 親愛的 ‘心’們, 並且去產生你現在有的特殊反應的! --- 請運用你的判斷力, 並記得去愛你自己! --- 因為你就是 ‘上帝轉世在世上的愛的載體’! 耶穌基督事實上教導了你 --- 你要為你個人的現實去負起責任! --- 就像 ‘佛陀’和許多其它歷史上的聖者一樣!!!
We have reminded the channeler here to re-read a particular passage in the King James version of the Bible in which it is CLEARLY STATED by Jesus (that is, it is an intuitive interpretation by a religious scholar of something that Jesus actually taught) that "Nothing outside a man can make him unclean." "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man." (Mark 7:15)
我們提醒了通靈人去重讀了 ‘聖經裡詹姆士王章節’ --- 在那裡耶穌基督很清楚的說到 --- (這部份是一個學者對 耶穌基督所教導過的話的解讀) --- 祂說: “沒有在人類之外的東西可以讓 ‘他’ 不乾淨!” “沒有任何事情的發生是沒有經過那個人的同意才發生的--- 假如有東西玷污了他的話. --- 反而是來自這個人內在的東西 --- 那些自我的東西玷污了他.” (Mark 7:15)
Dear ones, this is not an ambiguous statement! It is VERY CLEAR! Yet how many Christians (and most humans in general) actually LISTEN to what Jesus (their own Higher Selves, that is) is telling them through such inspired thoughts?
親愛的一們, 這不是一個模糊的宣佈! 這是很清楚的! 可是有多少基督徒(以及大部份人類)真的 ‘聽進了’耶穌基督(也是他們的 ‘高我’)所告訴他們的話? --- 這些引導他們思考的話?
Rather, you hear about such sillyness about "Dying on the cross to save people from their sins," which makes no sense, for another man cannot "save you," and to believe such a thing is actually to say that Jesus FAILED, for clearly there is still plenty of "sin" to go around, we jest! :) Dying on a cross is not going to save humanity from suffering, and that is not what actually occurred, anyhow, but we digress a bit.
反而, 你們聽到這麼愚蠢的話 --- “死在十字架上去拯救人們的罪惡”--- 這完全不合理! --- 因為別人 ‘無法救你’! --- 而去相信這種話--- 就是在說: “耶穌基督失敗了! --- 因為很顯然的 --- 世界上還到處都是罪惡. 不是嗎?” ---- 死在十字架上不會拯救受苦受難的人們, --- 而那也不是事實上發生的事! --- 但我們離題了!
The Myth of "Demons" Nothing from "without" can harm nor heal you!It is that which comes forth from your own "heart" (subconscious mind) that defiles you or purifies you. (The word "heart" is used in some translations.) "That which comes forth from within" = your own beliefs, your own thoughts, feelings, words, actions and character.
關於 ‘惡魔’ 的 迷思! --- 沒有任何 ‘不包括你在內的決定’ 可以傷害到你或治療好你! --- 事實上是從你內心(潛意識)的東西在玷污你或是潔淨你! (‘心’ 這個字是有幾個意義的) “那些來自你內心的東西 ---就是 --- 你自己的信念, 你自己的思想, 感覺, 語言, 行動以及性格!”
This verse of course totally contradicts numerous other Biblical statements in regards to "demons" being "real" and able to actually enter into you, "possess" you and make you do such things as foam at the mouth, spin your head around 360 degrees, etc. :)
(這個詞 --- 惡魔 --- 當然完全顛覆了其它聖經裡說的話 --- 關於 ‘惡魔’ 是真實存在的這件事 --- 而且有能力可以真實的對你做 ‘附身’, 而且會讓你做一些事 --- 比方嘴巴冒白泡, 讓你的頭做360度旋轉, 等等)
Yes, we know it doesn't say all that in your Bible, but actually says much worse about these supposed "unclean spirits." Dear ones, these so-called "demons" or "unclean spirits" are merely LOW-LEVEL THOUGHT-FORMS, mostly created "unconsciously" through negative self-images held by people both individually and collectively.
是的, 我們知道 --- 你們的聖經裡沒有說這些事 --- 但說了更多更糟的事 --- 關於 ‘不乾淨的靈魂’! 親愛的一們, 這些所謂的 ‘惡魔’ 或是 ‘不乾淨的靈魂’ --- 就是 “低階層的思想形式”!!! ---- 大部份的時候是被人們自己或是一整個群體的人聯合起來, 不知不覺的在 ‘下意識’ 中創造出來的 “負面”的 “自我形象”!!!
They are not "real" at all, in terms of what we Angels and the Divine Self know as REAL, which is Unconditional Love. Jesus simply allowed those who were very ill to believe they were "demon possessed," if this was the case, at times performing "exorcisms" for those who had this as part of their belief system, never getting in their face and saying, "Well, you know, my child, demons are not actually real.
他們完全不 ‘真實’! --- 這定義是依照我們天使和 ‘神聖本我’ 所知道的而下的定義的!!! “真實” 就是=== “無條件的愛”!!! 耶穌基督只是允許那些病重的人去相信自己被 ‘惡魔附體’了 --- 而既然如此 --- 那偶爾表演一下 “驅魔” --- 為那些相信這些事的人 --- 而不要去 ‘刮他們的臉’ 說: “你知道嗎? 孩子, ‘惡魔’不是真的!”好些!
They don't exist!" He would quickly be dodging stones hurled at him and would probably lose a sandal if he were foolish and irresponsible enough to actually tell these "suffering" people such things, even if they were metaphysically true! There Are No Causes From "Without" NOTHING from "without" you, including what you call viruses as well, can actually harm you, for NOTHING IS OUTSIDE OF YOU!
“它們(惡魔)不存在!” --- 如果祂(耶穌基督)這麼說的話 --- 祂可能要反應很快的去躲避丟到祂身上的石頭, 也可能會丟失一支拖鞋 --- 如果祂愚蠢的,而且夠不負責任的去告訴那些 ‘受苦的人’這些事的話 --- 即使這些話在 ‘形上學’的理論裡是正確的! 但是, 確實--- “沒有一個 ‘因’ 可以沒有你的同意而發生, 這包括了你們稱為 ‘病毒’的東西也一樣 --- 能真正的傷害到你 --- 因為沒有發生在你身上的事情是在你同意之外發生的!
You aren't functioning as a True Lightworker until you GET THIS metaphysical truth, dear ones! There is no running away from this lesson to learn. You can react fearfully all you want to such ideas as "dangers" that exist "outside" of you, until you will finally just get tired of playing that old game of victimhood and begin to increasingly accept the FACT that there is ultimately no "within" nor "without" to consciousness.
你如果對這點 ‘玄學概念’搞不清楚的話 --- 那你就不是一個 ‘真的光工’!!! 親愛的一們, 離開了這基本原理便沒什麼好學的了! --- 你可以用 ‘恐懼’ 來回應 ‘危險’ --- 認為它存在你自身之外!!! --- 直到你厭煩了扮演 ‘受害者’ 的角色的老把戲時 --- 而且開始逐步接受 ‘事實’ --- 知道 ‘覺知意識’ 的創造就是 無內無外 --- 一切都是 ‘覺知意識’ 的創造而已!!!
Consciousness simply IS, and Jesus knew this too, even when he spoke of finding the Kingdom within, for he needed a practical way to help people shift their focus from seeking for "power" in the "outside world" to seeking and finding it in a true spiritual way.
‘覺知意識’簡單說 --- 就是 “存在” 二字! 耶穌基督也知道這件事! --- 即使當祂談到你內在的王國時 --- 因為祂需要一個 ‘實際的方法’來協助人們改變他們的心思焦點! --- 從在 ‘外在世界’的權力‘追尋’ ---而轉向內在去尋求一種 ‘真實的’ ‘靈性道路’!!!
"And nothing that you take into you shall harm you." ANOTHER CLEAR, UNAMBIGUOUS SPIRITUAL TRUTH actually given by Jesus as to the power of your mind when you learn that the world is totally an illusion, and that you could even demonstrate drinking something "poisonous" to show that you would not be harmed (although, in most cases, such demonstrations do not have much practical spiritual value!).
“沒有一樣你放入你內心的東西可以傷害到你.”--- 另一個非常清楚, 完全不含糊的 ‘靈性真理’!”--- 也是 耶穌基督所給出來的! ---說的 --- 就是 ‘你心智的力量’!!! --- 當你明白外面世界只是一個幻覺的時候 --- 你甚至可以表演喝毒藥來顯示你完全不會受到傷害. (雖然, 在大部份的狀況之下 --- 這種表演完全不具有任何 ‘實際的靈性價值’!)
Christ Consciousness, Not Jesus, is the "Son of God" We have faith that we have shared some ideas and principles that may be of great practical use to you, spiritual seekers. It is time that many of you choose to QUESTION your own most-guarded convictions about what you think is "spiritual" and what is "real." Many of you still get in a tizzy when Jesus is spoken of in a way that you do not like, as if "secular history" is really what is important when it comes to practical spirituality.
“基督意識” 而非 ‘耶穌基督’才是 ‘上帝真正的兒子’!!!---- 到此, 我們相信我們已經與你們分享了一些非常實際有用的想法與原則給你們! --- 追尋 ‘靈性’ 的人們! --- 時間到了! ---你們許多人已經開始在 ‘詢問’ ---- 被嚴密保護得最好的問題 --- 到底 “何為靈性?”以及 “何為真實?” --- 你們許多人仍然感覺慌亂 --- 當耶穌基督以你們不喜歡的方式說話時 --- 就好像 “神聖的神秘歷史” 是比 “實際的靈性學”內涵更重要一樣!?
Does it REALLY matter if so-and-so actually lived and walked the Earth? NO! :) What matters is that you HEAR the Inner Voice of God for YOURSELF, for this is how you help your brothers and sisters; not by placing men and women upon pedestals and proclaiming them as "more Divine" than anyone else. That is ignorance and arrogance, and we know that you can do better!
誰曾經來過這地球真的這麼重要嗎? ---不! 真正重要的事 --- 是你可以聽到上帝在你內心跟你為你所說的話! --- 因為這是你可以幫助到你兄弟姐妹們的事 --- 而不是忙著把 ‘偶像’ 擺到祭壇上去 --- 然後宣稱他們比任何人都 ‘神聖’ ! --- 這就叫做 “無知”與 “傲慢”! --- 而我們相信你應該比這聰明許多!
"No man comes to the Father except through Me" is not a statement that was made from the consciousness of the "Son of Man," but rather it was CHANNELED from the Christ Consciousness, AKA the "Son of God," which is NOT a human being at all, but is a Holy Aspect of God Manifest. The "Son of Man" refers only to the physical human being.
“沒有人可以不透過我而見到天父” --- 不是一句來自 ‘上帝之子’ 的 ‘覺知意識’ 的話, 而是替 ‘基督意識’ 通靈時所說的話! 所以所謂的 ‘上帝之子’ 不是一個人類 --- 而是 ‘上帝的神聖面的化現’!!! ‘上帝之子’指的只是 耶穌基督的人身而已!
Understand the difference! There are endless versions of "Jesus," and you get to choose which one you like, if you so choose. The wisest among you will not center their spirituality around one particular "master," except for the Master Within, your Higher Self! Did not Jesus himself REPEATEDLY suggest that you seek for God within you?
請理解這其間的差異! 關於 ‘耶穌基督’ 的版本有許多, 你可以選擇你喜歡的那個 --- 如果你要選的話. 你們裡面的 ‘智者’ 不會選擇把他們的 ‘靈性’ 綁在一個特別的大師身上, 而只綁在自己內心的 ‘大師’ 上面 --- 你的 ‘高我’ 之上! ---- 耶穌基督沒一直告訴你 “往內去尋找上帝”嗎?
Sometimes he spoke while in a type of "divine trance," which is where those powerfully authoritative statements of I AM came from. The origin of the word "Christ" is FAR OLDER than most of you would suspect, and essentially means CLEAR, CLARITY, CREATOR. Thank You For Being Shining Examples of God's Eternal Light!
有時候, 他是在一種 ‘神聖的恍惚’ 中說話 --- 這就是那些非常權威性的有力的 --- ‘我是’ 宣言 --- 出來的地方. --- "Christ" 這個字比你想像得到的更歷史悠久 --- 而本質上的意義是 --- CLEAR清楚度, CLARITY明晰度, 以及CREATOR造物者. --- 感謝你們示範上帝永恆之光的亮麗典範!!!
We do not discourage anyone of you from taking on a role as a healer, and we certainly do not wish you to avoid seeking out help from others when you feel called from within to do so. We simply love sharing our "unconventional wisdom" with you, dear humanity, for we know that there are those among you who can deeply understand what we are REALLY saying, which is not what these words say upon this screen.
我們不反對你們任何人扮演 ‘療愈者’ 的角色, 而我們當然也不反對你們向別人尋求協助 --- 特別是當你的內心向你如此建議的時候. --- 我們只是很高興與你們分享我們 ‘不同流俗’ 的智慧! 親愛的人類! 我們知道你們裡面有些人是真的能深度理解我們所說的話 --- 而不只是銀幕上的這些字而已!!!
Discern with your Higher Mind instead of with your human intellect. Thank you for allowing us this stage again, dear ones, and thank you for being shining examples of God's Eternal Light, Lightworkers! Namaste. Amen.
請用你的 ‘高我智慧’ 來判斷事情, 而不是你的人類腦袋! 謝謝你們允許我們再一次在臺上說這些話. 親愛的一們, 感謝你們示範 上帝永恆之光的亮麗典範! 光工們! Namaste. 阿門!
All Healing is Self-healingDivine Self and the Angels Dispel Common Myths About Healing (and About Jesus and "Demons" As Well!) /channeling/Channeler: Simon NightStarr
Posted by Meindert Arends on February 15, 2013 at 7:28pm
Channeler: Simon NightStarr
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130216