2012-02-24 11:43
The divine Light of God’s Love shines more and morebrightly upon you as you intensify your practice of behaving lovingly, and asyou work to release any attitudes or behaviors that are less than completely inalignment with those that will lead you Home. Opening your hearts and offeringlove, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness to all with whom you interact arethe most effective ways to bring yourselves Home to Reality, as the fullyconscious and fully awakened divine beings that you have always been. Yourarrival is assured because there is nowhere else that you can go! Focus on thistruth and allow it to lift your spirits in joy as your awareness that it isindeed true bubbles up into your consciousness, even as you continue toexperience the illusion and the problems and issues with which it presents youwhile you continue to wend your way homewards. 在你們繼續將注意力集中在充滿愛的行動中的時刻,越來越多充滿愛的神聖之光閃耀在你們的身上,當你們釋放任何和和那光有偏差的意念以及行為的時候,回家的路就離你們更進一層。對周圍的人打開你們的心,奉獻你們的愛,憐憫之心,接納之心和寬恕之心吧,這是最有效的回到你們真正的家的方法。回家的路上充滿了完整的意識,那是條完全覺醒的神聖存有之路,而那路上的一切一直是你們的本質,過去是,未來也是。你們註定會回到家,因為除了家你們沒有任何別的地方可去!請將注意力集中在這事實上,允許這事實伴著歡樂提升你們的意識,這確實是使你們的意識迅速成長的方法。即使你們仍然在幻覺中,面對著各種各樣的問題和困難,即使這些困難總是試圖彎曲你們回家的路。
All of humanity is making this journey even thoughenormous numbers of them seem to be utterly unaware of the fact that they aredivine spiritual beings lost in the illusion. They may well feel lost, but itseems to them that that is humanity’s natural state and so they accept itreluctantly and work with it as best they can. Needless to say, when theyawaken and discover the truth of who they are, their joy will be boundless. Andyour job is to assist them in this momentous task of which they remain unaware.By your loving behavior you spark a ray of light, or sound a gong within them,and that causes these temporarily lost ones to pause momentarily in theirheadlong rush for worldly satisfaction (completely unattainable, as it is) asthey wonder “what on earth was that?” 所有人類都走在這旅行的道路上,儘管很多人似乎完全沒覺察到他們是迷失在幻覺中的神聖的存有。有時候他們有感到迷失,但是似乎他們覺得那是人類的自然狀態,因此他們接受了這種迷失,並且儘量遷就這種感覺。不用說,當他們覺醒並發現他們的本質的時候,他們會感受到無限的欣喜。在這極其重要的時刻,你們的工作是幫助他們記起自己仍沒有意識到的部分。通過你們充滿愛的行動,你們可以在他們心中點燃一束愛的火花,或者在他們心中敲響覺醒的鐘聲,這會讓那些迷失者們在所熟悉的,盲目奔走的日常生活中停下腳步,反問自己,“那到底是什麼?”
After this has happened to them a few times they begin toconsider the possibility that there may be more to living than just chasing thevarious carrots that the illusion seems to hold out for them to grab hold of.And initially that is a very unsettling thought which mostly they dismiss asirrational and try to forget; but it does not work, because they keep meetingloving behavior for which there seems to be no reasonable explanation, as thoseoffering it are obviously not gaining any benefits, hidden or disguised, frombeing so open and honest. It confuses them and worries them, and finally theymake a move to investigate what is causing these unsettling experiences – whyare loved ones, people they know, and even complete strangers behaving in theseunfamiliar and unexpectedly loving ways. 當這樣的事發生在他們身上幾次以後,他們會開始考慮,除了追逐幻象有意不讓他們得到的幾根胡蘿蔔之外,他們的生命中還有很多,很多。剛開始,那會是讓他們非常不安的想法,他們中的很多人會認為這些想法太荒唐,並立刻丟棄這些想法。讓他們未曾經歷的方式張開自己的心,誠實的面對自己,這對他們似乎很難,因為這些行為從表面上沒有讓他們得到任何利益。這會使他們迷惑,焦慮,最終他們會試探性地邁出一小步,並觀察這些讓他們不安的體驗會帶給他們什麼:為什麼他們所愛的人,甚至完全陌生的人有著他們完全不熟悉,完全無法預料的充滿愛的行為。
Slowly but surely they start to discover that their ownattitudes and behaviors are far less than generous and this they find verydisturbing, making them question their motives, which until then had seemed tobe totally reasonable (”just like everyone else’s”) but which now leave themwith a sense of regret, sometimes bordering on disgust. Realization isuncomfortably dawning that the virtues of honesty and integrity, which they hadassumed were of a most impractical nature and therefore necessarily avoided inthe “real world,” are essential behavioral traits that have to be embraced,lived, and demonstrated if they are to live at peace with themselves. And thatis a shocking realization, one they would rather not have had. 慢慢的,但是確實地,他們會開始發現他們自己的行為遠遠不夠優雅,這會讓他們感到巨大的不安,使他們質疑自己的行為,儘管在此之前他們認為自己的行為都有完全合理的動機(合理是因為他們的行為和周圍的人完全一樣)。這種質疑會讓他們感受到一種愧疚,有時候難以接受。這種感知是黎明前的不適,他們曾經認為最不切實際的美德,例如誠實和廉正,其實是最重要的本質,因為忽略了這些本質的時候,他們遠離了“真正的世界”,因為如果他們自己想生活在平靜美妙的生活中,他們自己必須擁抱,展示,並以這些美德為行為的基礎。這是一個令他們震驚的事實,一個他們寧願不知道的事實。
Nevertheless, they find that there is no going back whenthis realization breaks into their awareness, and from wanting to dismiss it orignore it they progress to seeking further information to validate it. And whenthey do they have to change themselves so that their lifestyles match their newunderstanding. At first it is quite difficult for them because they feeluncomfortable at being seen to have become, perhaps rather suddenly,understanding and compassionate individuals. But as they become more familiarwith their new selves they find their previous high stress levels – stress ofwhich they were often almost completely unconscious – falling away and beingreplaced by a feeling of peace and satisfaction that they had never beforeexperienced. And all their relationships show a marked improvement. 然而,他們會發現當他們意識到這點的時候,回頭的路已經關閉,因為他們不會再想丟棄這些美德,或者忽略他們。他們會繼續前行去尋找進一步資訊去證明他們新發現的事實。當他們這麼做的時候,他們必須改變自己,這樣他們的生活方式才可以和他們對生活的新理解達成一致。剛開始,這對他們是非常困難的,因為他們害怕周圍人的眼光,害怕周圍的人看到他們突然間變成充滿同情心,對生活充滿新的理解的個體。但是當他們熟悉新的生活方式的時候,他們會感到這種高度壓力的狀態逐漸消失(很多時候他們無意識地感受著這些壓力),這些壓力感會逐漸被平靜而滿意的感受取代,這些感受是他們從來都沒有經歷過的。這種行為下,他們所有的人際關係會發生明顯的改善。
These ones are discovering themselves through the lovingbehavior that all of you demonstrate. You will have very little, if any, senseor knowledge of the effect you have had on them, but, like them, you will beexperiencing reduced levels of stress, improved relationships, and a new-foundpeacefulness and satisfaction with life even though you remain within theillusion. That will indicate to you that you are firmly established on yourpath to awakening, and enable you to remember that your homecoming is divinelyassured. You are fulfilling your sacred contracts beautifully and have everyreason to feel content and satisfied, so release any remaining needs forself-judgment or disparagement because they are completely misplaced andinappropriate. 這些人正在通過他們愛的行為發現自己。是你們向他們展示了這條充滿愛的路。你們幾乎感覺不到你們是用何種方式影響著他們,但是如同他們一樣,你們也會經歷壓力釋放的過程,人際關係改善的過程,在你們停留在幻像中的最後一段時間內,進一步感受到平靜而舒適的生活變化的過程。當你們感受到這點,就意味著你們確實堅定不移地走在覺醒的路上,這會使你們知道,你們回家的路是由神聖所決定的。你們正在履行自己神聖的契約。這是美妙,並且有充足的理由讓你們感受到滿意的契約。所以,請釋放任何殘留的自我評價,或者對自己不滿的需求。因為這些是完全不合時宜,也不恰當的。
With so very much love, Saul. 帶著如此多的愛,索爾
資訊由John Smallman 提供 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源網站:http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ |