





2012-02-24 11:43

The divine Light of Gods Love shines more and morebrightly upon you as you intensify your practice of behaving lovingly, and asyou work to release any attitudes or behaviors that are less than completely inalignment with those that will lead you Home. Opening your hearts and offeringlove, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness to all with whom you interact arethe most effective ways to bring yourselves Home to Reality, as the fullyconscious and fully awakened divine beings that you have always been. Yourarrival is assured because there is nowhere else that you can go! Focus on thistruth and allow it to lift your spirits in joy as your awareness that it isindeed true bubbles up into your consciousness, even as you continue toexperience the illusion and the problems and issues with which it presents youwhile you continue to wend your way homewards.



All of humanity is making this journey even thoughenormous numbers of them seem to be utterly unaware of the fact that they aredivine spiritual beings lost in the illusion. They may well feel lost, but itseems to them that that is humanitys natural state and so they accept itreluctantly and work with it as best they can. Needless to say, when theyawaken and discover the truth of who they are, their joy will be boundless. Andyour job is to assist them in this momentous task of which they remain unaware.By your loving behavior you spark a ray of light, or sound a gong within them,and that causes these temporarily lost ones to pause momentarily in theirheadlong rush for worldly satisfaction (completely unattainable, as it is) asthey wonder what on earth was that?



After this has happened to them a few times they begin toconsider the possibility that there may be more to living than just chasing thevarious carrots that the illusion seems to hold out for them to grab hold of.And initially that is a very unsettling thought which mostly they dismiss asirrational and try to forget; but it does not work, because they keep meetingloving behavior for which there seems to be no reasonable explanation, as thoseoffering it are obviously not gaining any benefits, hidden or disguised, frombeing so open and honest. It confuses them and worries them, and finally theymake a move to investigate what is causing these unsettling experiences whyare loved ones, people they know, and even complete strangers behaving in theseunfamiliar and unexpectedly loving ways.



Slowly but surely they start to discover that their ownattitudes and behaviors are far less than generous and this they find verydisturbing, making them question their motives, which until then had seemed tobe totally reasonable (just like everyone elses) but which now leave themwith a sense of regret, sometimes bordering on disgust. Realization isuncomfortably dawning that the virtues of honesty and integrity, which they hadassumed were of a most impractical nature and therefore necessarily avoided inthe real world, are essential behavioral traits that have to be embraced,lived, and demonstrated if they are to live at peace with themselves. And thatis a shocking realization, one they would rather not have had.



Nevertheless, they find that there is no going back whenthis realization breaks into their awareness, and from wanting to dismiss it orignore it they progress to seeking further information to validate it. And whenthey do they have to change themselves so that their lifestyles match their newunderstanding. At first it is quite difficult for them because they feeluncomfortable at being seen to have become, perhaps rather suddenly,understanding and compassionate individuals. But as they become more familiarwith their new selves they find their previous high stress levels stress ofwhich they were often almost completely unconscious falling away and beingreplaced by a feeling of peace and satisfaction that they had never beforeexperienced. And all their relationships show a marked improvement.




These ones are discovering themselves through the lovingbehavior that all of you demonstrate. You will have very little, if any, senseor knowledge of the effect you have had on them, but, like them, you will beexperiencing reduced levels of stress, improved relationships, and a new-foundpeacefulness and satisfaction with life even though you remain within theillusion. That will indicate to you that you are firmly established on yourpath to awakening, and enable you to remember that your homecoming is divinelyassured. You are fulfilling your sacred contracts beautifully and have everyreason to feel content and satisfied, so release any remaining needs forself-judgment or disparagement because they are completely misplaced andinappropriate.



With so very much love, Saul.



資訊由John Smallman 提供






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