

As we shift our awareness into higher vibrations, what is ‘wrong’ with our life becomes very obvious to us. New vibrations feel wonderful and bring us great joy, but they also make us very aware of what isn’t working for us, where our needs are not being met and where we have settled, accepted and been happy with far less than what we now know we deserve. There is nothing wrong or right, and every shift in energy is an opportunity to start with a clean slate.




It’s like putting dessert on a plate that is covered in the remnants of the first course. To truly enjoy the taste of the dessert we need to get a clean plate. While we may have enjoyed the dinner, we don’t want our dessert to taste like turkey and mashed potatoes. There is a point at which we have to stop the thinking cycle and give ourselves an opportunity to enjoy the shift we have made, which is our gift for resolving the karma and energies of the past. The healing is complete, so when do we start living in our new energy?




It is hard to let go of the past as we think, from our new vantage point, that the past could have been different. We can now see where our choices led us to the place of fear, sorrow, lack and loss. If we had made a different choice five years ago, would we would have been at this place sooner? Or if we had been more clear about our needs, would we have been able to avoid this pain? The answer to those questions and every one like them is ‘no’, because we choose what we are able to in each moment and there is no right or wrong choice, just the one we made because it was the only one we saw at that time.




The step after healing is action and action is less about doing than it is about being. We aren’t fully healed if we hold ourselves hostage to the past, martyr ourselves to our previous choices and don’t forgive ourselves for doing and being less powerful in the past than we are today. Each experience is a stepping stone to the next step on our journey and pain is as much a part of our life experience as is joy. The next step is to fully embrace our new energies, allow ourselves to have an ending and closure with the past so we can be wholly in the present, allow ourselves to enjoy this victory and chart our course for the peace, love and abundance that this next step holds for us.






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