William LePar高靈議會: 人生的意義
The Alpha and the Omega Points via William LePar
As channeled by William LePar - The Council
Saturday, April 27, 2013
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130427
This is a rather long posting but I think you will find it of interest and worth reading. This information comes from WIlliam LePar's spiritual source, The Council during one of his trance sessions where they were discussing their purpose for these trances. The Council:
這文有點長但我想你們會覺得它有趣也值得閱讀. 這訊息來自WIlliam LePar的高靈議會 --- 在一次WIlliam LePar的通靈過程中提到的:
As a bit of general information, what are you really involved in? What is really going on? What can an individual expect out of dealing with us or dealing with the material? We will tell you. What is going on is the instructions that will bring you to the Omega Point, the Omega Point. What is the Omega Point? First, you must learn what the Alpha Point is.
做為一個普通談話的角度 --- 你們現在到底在什麼狀況底下? 現在到底在發生什麼事? 一個來找我們通靈的人到底期望從我們這邊得到什麼? 又打算拿這些訊息去做什麼? --- 讓我們告訴你們吧! 目前正在發生的事 --- 就是會把你們帶到Omega Point歐米茄點的事. 那什麼是Omega Point歐米茄點呢? --- 要知道這個首先你們必須先瞭解 “什麼是Alpha Point阿爾發點?”
The Alpha Point was at that moment in eternity when the Divine Source brought you into existence; complete; whole; beautiful; magnificent; power within yourself that would be unbelievable; purity of heart that would be unsurpassed by anything else; like a light that shines brighter than all the light in the universe.
Alpha Point阿爾發點是一個發生在永恆中的 ‘點’ --- 當神聖源頭把你帶入存在之中時(出生) --- 你是完整的, 完全的, 美麗的, 奇妙的, 你身上帶有不可思議的力量, 和一顆沒有任何人可以超越的 ‘純粹的心’--- 就像是宇宙中最亮的光束.
In this beauty, in the total magnificence and power, in the center of it, was you; busy in motion, busy at creation, the motion, the activity, the sensing, the examining of a world never seen by human hands, never seen by human eyes, a world unlike anything you have ever conceived or are capable of conceiving; not a world as you understand, limitations, but a heavenly world of motion, action, expansion; such beauty, of vibrant existence, a constant evolution of creation. That was each of you.
在這個美麗, 這個完全美妙有力的中間 --- 存在著 ‘你’! --- 忙碌著在運作著, 忙碌的創造著, 這動作, 這些活動, 這些感覺, --- 你探索著一個人類的手沒有觸摸過, 人類的眼睛沒看過的世界 --- 那與你曾經理解過的, 或是有能力理解過的一切都不一樣. --- 那不是一個你們現在理解的 ‘有限度的世界’, 而是一個天堂般的世界, 充滿了各種運作, 活動, 與擴張. 這樣的美麗 --- 一種振動的存在, 一種創造的橫性發展. --- 這就是你們每一個人!
The power of one thought from you could create an entire universe as fast as the thought could form, but the awe-inspiring factor was the warmth of love, the power of love that emanated with such strength that it elevated everything that would come in contact with it; add to it so that it would grow and blossom, like a beautiful rose, like a beautiful tree, yes, the Alpha Point. All was perfect; all was perfect; until that love no longer flowed out, but was turned inward, and then the Omega Point. Oh, oh, what a Point to reach. It was like an entire world collapsing in on itself, but the transmuting of that brought about a second Alpha Point in the material manifestation.
來自你的一個想法可以創造出整個宇宙 --- 速度快得跟你的思考一樣快. 但這令人驚歎的動能來自 ‘愛的溫暖’ 和 ‘愛的力量’ --- 它散發出了如此強大的力量並拉抬了每一件遇到它的東西. 它會加持增強所有東西, 所以所有東西可以成長, 可以開放 --- 像美麗的玫瑰花, 像一棵美麗的樹 ---是的, Alpha Point阿爾發點! 所有一切都是完美的, 全都完美! 直到愛不再流出來, 而被轉向了內在, 然後 Omega Point歐米茄點發生了! --- 這是一個多麼不可思議的 ‘點’ 來到達! 看起來就好像整個世界自體崩潰了, 但是這 ‘轉變’ --- 卻帶出了第二個 ‘Alpha Point阿爾發點’!--- 在這物質創造過程中.
This then was when you as spirit entities were entrapped in the material manifestation. From there on each of you as souls, as beings, as Children of God, have moved constantly in one direction or the other, forwards or backwards, through many times, through many changes, through many periods of darkness and through many periods of light, and so now mankind arrives at this time in the plan and each of you here are in this time. Our purpose is to bring you again to the Omega Point which will be the doorway to the original Alpha Point.
這就是當你們, 做為一個靈性存有, 卻被物質顯化所困住之時. 從那時開始, 你們每一個靈魂, 做為上帝的孩子, 開始往一個方向或反方向去走, 前進或是後退, 經過許多時間時代, 走過許多改變, 你們經歷了許多階段的黑暗, 也經歷過許多階段的光明, 然後現在, 人類到達了此時此刻在這行星地球上 --- 在座的每一個人都在這裡. --- 而我們的使命 --- 就是去把你們再一次帶回 ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’--- 這將是一個入門口去回到原來的‘Alpha Point阿爾發點’.
You wonder what is the Omega Point now? Is it like the one we described before? No, no, you are to grow from that collapse; you are to grow into the original Alpha Point. How do you do it? Let us tell you of the great love your Creator has for you. It is very simple. Perfection in an instant, if you choose. Each of you and every one on the face of this earth has a past. What should you do with that past? Should you let it devour you? Should you let it destroy you? Or should you allow it to teach you? All of you have a now. What should you do with it? Should you allow it to destroy you? Or should you allow it to teach you? And all of you have a tomorrow. Should you also allow it to destroy you or teach you?
那你們現在在想 --- 現在的這個 ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’又是什麼? 就像我們剛才說的那樣嗎? 不, 不, 你們必須從這個 ‘崩潰’ 中成長出來. 你們要成長回去原來的‘Alpha Point阿爾發點’. 那你們怎麼做到呢? 讓我告訴你們你們的造物主對你們的偉大的愛吧! 這事情很簡單. --- 就是 “立即的完美!” --- 如果你們如此選擇的話.
你們每一個人, 每一個, 在這地球上都有個 ‘過去’. 那你們要如何面對這個 ‘過去’? 讓它把你給生吞活剝了嗎? 讓它把你給毀了嗎? 還是讓這個 ‘過去’ 來教教你一些事情? 你們全部的人也有一個 “現在”! 你們要如何處理這個 “現在”? 允許 ‘它’ 去毀了你嗎? 還是允許‘它’ 來教會你一些事情? 而你們全部人也都有一個 ‘明天’! 你們應該讓 ‘明天’來毀了你還是允許‘它’ 來教會你一些事情?
The steps to perfection are relatively simple. Your past is your past, and you should learn to accept it. You should learn to affirm that it did exist and that is that. Regardless of what you may have done, do not let it hold you from growth. No one's past is without negativity, without, what some refer to as, sin. Do not allow guilt to destroy you because it was never meant to destroy but it was meant to create. Guilt, if handled in a proper way, is an extremely healthy thing, but, unfortunately for mankind, he turns a beautiful gift of God into something that destroys and annihilates the soul.
到達 ‘完美’的步驟非常的簡單. 你的過去就是你的過去, 而你應該學習接受. 你應該學習確認 ‘過去’的存在. 事實就是這樣. 不論你曾經做過什麼 --- 不要讓它妨礙你的成長. 沒有人的過去是不含有 ‘負面性質’ 的, 或是我們所謂的 “罪惡”. 但是不要讓 ‘罪惡感’來毀滅你 --- 因為那不是要用來 ‘毀滅’ 而是要用來 ‘創造’ 的!!! ‘罪惡感’ --- 如果處理得好, 是一件非常健康的東西, 但是, 不幸的是, 人類 --- 往往把上帝的一個美麗的禮物變成是某些毀滅並滅絕靈魂的東西.
Guilt is the finger pointing to the proper way. Man should learn to accept that direction that the finger is pointing to, and then learn to accept those sets of experiences or circumstances that brought about the finger of guilt. Accept it; affirm it; and then move to the present of now. Do not allow it to hold you in the past, for it was not meant to. That is man's laziness, his lack of faith.
‘罪惡感’ ---就是指向正確方向的指頭. 人類應該學會接受指頭指出的方向, 同時學會接受這一套經驗或是狀況所帶出的‘罪惡感’的指頭. 接受它! 確認這件事存在! 然後移入 “現在”的 “當下”! 別允許它把你綁在過去 --- 因為事情不是這個意思! ---反而這是人類的懶惰! --- 人類的缺乏信心!
Even now, what is there to do? How do we prepare? What must we prepare? Now is where perfection lies, not in the past, not in the future, but now. Perfection lies in the here and now, if -- oh, that treacherous little word that rises its head like a venomous serpent, -- if -- do you remember what we said about that large, large word? If is the difference between what you are and what you should be, what you could be -- if each of you were to do the very best you could or can do in your situation now, that is perfection, THAT is perfection.
即使是現在, 該做什麼? 我們該如何準備(轉變)? 我們必須準備什麼? ‘現在’就是 ‘完美’ 存在的地方 --- 不是在 ‘過去’ --- 不是在 ‘未來’--- 而是 ‘現在’! ‘完美’ 就存在 ‘當下’ 此時此刻. ‘假如’ --- 喔! 那個 詭計多端的字眼的頭像個充滿毒液的蛇頭抬上來了 --- ‘假如’ --- 你們還記得我們以前說過的那個大大的字嗎? “假如” --- 就是這個差異點 --- 就是 ‘你到底是什麼?’ 和 “你應該是什麼?” “你可以是什麼?”的差別 ---
如果你們每個人都在自己的狀況之下, 在現在, 盡自己最大的努力做到最好 --- 這就是 ‘完美’!!! 那就是 ‘完美’!!!
If any one of you were to actually enlist all the powers within you, all the forces that God your Father has given you, if you were to actually enlist those and apply those to any set of circumstances or situations or problems or what have you that would come up in the here and now, if you would apply yourself to the best of your ability, you would reach perfection right then and there.
假如你們其中任何一個人真的列出你內在所有的能力, 所有上帝---你的天父給你的能量, 如果你真的把它們列出來並且用出來在你所有狀況與問題上, 以及任何你在這裡那裡產生的問題,
假如你能把你最高的能力使出來, 你在此時在這裡就會達到 ‘完美’ 了.
And then what? Then the Omega Point. What is the Omega Point? For you here and now the Omega Point will be the most glorifying experience in your entire creative existence; in that it will be the meeting of your existence and your essence. The Omega Point; the rebirth of you to the state that you were originally created in. How simple it all is. The mystery of all of man's creation, all of his efforts, given in one simple statement: the Omega Point. You want a mystery? You want a secret? You want something very profound? You have been given the key to God.
然後怎麼樣呢? ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’就到了! 什麼是 ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’? 對當下的你在此時此地而言 ---
就是你整個創造存在中最光榮偉大的經驗! --- 這意思就是說 --- 你的 ‘(神聖)本質’以及 ‘你的存在’相遇交叉在最完美的點上了.
所以‘Omega Point歐米茄點’就是你的 ‘重生’ 到剛被創造出來的那個狀態! 這一切是多麼的簡單!
所有人類的創意創造, 所有的努力的 ‘神秘’ --- 被歸結到簡單的一句話上面 --- ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’! 你想要一個‘神秘事件’嗎? 你想要一個 ‘秘密’ 嗎? 你想要一個如此深墜有學問的神聖的東西嗎?
對上帝而言 --- 祂早告訴你 ‘鑰匙’ 在那裡了!!!
For more on William LePar and The Council visit www.WilliamLePar.com
Posted : Greg Giles
RL總結: 做為一個老師與教改提倡者 --- 我深深能夠明白此文所說的意思. 大部份人並不夠努力 --- 這才是最大的罪惡! 就像此文說的 --- 既懶惰信心又不夠! 只會怨天尤人, 還有一招更很的 --- 嫉妒攻心, 以為只要把對方用下三濫手段搞死了, 就沒有競爭對手了, 別人也不會知道他其實是 ‘老二’ 而不是 ‘頂尖’. 甚至不會知道他的下流無恥 --- ‘白雪公主裡的後母情結’!
而大部份人不瞭解 --- 一個蘿蔔一個坑! 上帝在每個人本質中都埋藏了無人能比的特殊優點或才華, 我們必須要找到那個才華才能明白上帝對我們個人的安排, 而不是去搶別人的飯碗, 東施效顰, 或是自甘平凡. --- 這些都是錯誤的人生態度.
做為一個老師我一直努力協助學生們發現自己的才華, 開發自己的智慧, 但是我常面對的是-- 學生的懶惰與自我放棄. 人往往對自己太好到害了自己! 所以人生只有一個挑戰就是超越自己! 即使是超前我們的人也仍然是有挑戰考試的. 比方, 假如李白或是曹雪芹再世的話, 恐怕也得像 Harry Potter哈利波特作者一樣領貧苦救濟金幾十年, 抱著偉大傑作四處碰壁, 直到時機到時遇到貴人為止. 然後立刻成為富可敵國的大富豪. 所以誰也不需要羡慕誰 ---
你的責任是 --- 找回 ‘原來的你’ ---
讓你的神聖本質與你的存在交叉出光亮 ---
從 ‘Omega Point歐米茄點’回到 ‘Alpha Point阿爾發點’ --- 如此而已!