Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. Cosmic law
requires that we must first define our own unique idenity in the whole of
God/Source before we can completely unclock the spiritual and energetic
potential of our TwinFlames. We are always connected to our twinflames. The
twinflame is not 'the other half of your soul' but one soul
(masculine/feminine) in two individual bodies. 

雙生火焰的結合是終級的煉金術的婚姻。宇宙的法律要求,在我們的雙生火焰可以完整永存的精神和充滿活力的可能性之前,我們必須先明確我們自己獨特的在整個上帝/源頭的定義。我們一直連接著我們的雙生火焰。雙生火焰不是 ''你的靈魂的另一半'' 而是一個靈魂(男性/女性)在兩個獨立的身體裡。


flames must achieve a certain level of spiritual mastery and understanding of
oneness within their own personal and individual selves before reiuniting
together. If this spiritual level of mastery is not present then they may be
unable to cope with the weight of their own negative karma because this karmic
energy will be amplified by the very presence of their twin soul. The same
unique factor that gives twin flames their great spiritual power and identical
blueprint of identity can likewise cause the amplification of their positive
and negative patterns. 



one of us must learn to changes these negative patterns within our selves--the
base metal--of the human ego so they can be transformed into the gold of our
Real and Divine self. This is the alchemical marriage. it is the marriage of
the soul and both the feminine and masculine aspects of our true being--the
real and enduring spiritual self. The love of the beloved Christ self is the
true heart and the part of us which maintains constant contact with the the
Heart of God-Source. This authentic self is referred to as the I AM Presence.
It is an incomparable and unconditional Love. This is the sefless journey of
the heart and love of the many saints which are portrayed in the eastern and
western religions and mystical traditions.

我們每個人都必須學會在我們的自我裡改變這些負面的模式-基本合金-人類的小我,因為他們能夠轉化為我們真正的黃金和神聖的自我。這是煉金術婚姻。它是靈魂的婚姻和我們的真實的存在各方面-女性和男性方面的真正的和持久的精神自我。心愛的基督自我的愛是真心和我們的一部分持續不斷的接觸著源頭的心。這個真實的自我被稱為我是我所是。這是一個無與倫比的和無條件的愛。 這是許多聖徒的無私的心和愛的旅程,被描繪在東部和西部的宗教和傳統的神秘主義


one continues the personal inner spiritual work and continues to accelerate
their consciousness daily through communion with God/Source, one will gradually
transend the limitations of the human ego. Eventually the soul will merge with
the true spiritual self and ascend back to the pure heart of God. The
corrupt must be made inccorupt and the mortal must be made immortal. 



very quest to seek a 'soulmate' is as attractive and elusive as the quest for
the Holy Grail. Everyone wants one but few truly know what it is. Everyone
seeks a soulmate or divine complement whose love will lift them to spiritual
heights and whose companionship will fill each of their days with joy and
meaning. But for many the image of their soulmate is as magnificent as a
priceless gold and jeweled chalice. It is a perfect archetype of someone in a
beautiful body, intoxicatingly radiant, regal and handsome, complete with all
the perfected qualities we look for in a priceless gem. The quest for some is
to find someone authentic, that 'one in a million' who completes and spiritual
fulfills them on all levels. This is someone who is defifinitely worth
searching for and who would be worth the wait. 


The Holy Grail is a vessel of
spiritual illumination. It contains a mystery that is locked within us all. It
is a secreted that is housed in our spirtual hearts. It is not an object imbued
with a magical or spiritual power but it actually represents the container of
the heart through which one becomes conscious of the infinite light of unity,
love and of the creative potentials that lie dorment within, awaiting to be
awakened. This is the heart of Christ consciousness which is why the concept of
the Holy Grail is associated with the energy of Jesus Christ and the light and
love within that He represents. 

聖杯是一個靈性照亮的容器。它包含了一個被鎖定在所有的我們裡面的謎。它是一種隱藏,其被收納在我們的心靈中。它不是一個充滿著神奇或靈性力量的物件,但它實際上代表了容器的心通過其中一個變成有意識的無限的統一之光,愛和睡眠程式設計,等待被喚醒。 這是基督意識的心靈,這就是為什麼聖杯概念代表的是耶穌基督的能量和光與愛

source connection in the heart holds yet another mystery and that is the
connection to your own twin flame. You and your twin flame are linked eternally
in an intimate bond at the level of heart. Twinflames are connected through
their spirit or oversoul. Your intertwined intelligences are angelic in nature
and are synchronized to create a bind of love that will push you to grow
psychologically and mature spiritually. The Twinflame awakens you to the truly
authentic and spiritual power of unconditional love and they will unite with
you fulfil an important spiritual pupose. This is a re-union that is about
service to All instead of conditional or selfish egotistical love which is more
focused on service to self.


The twin flame, as your complementary
energy embodies both the unique masculine and feminine qualities that will
psychologically complete you on that level. The relationships acts as a mirror
into your own oversoul. This can be used to eventually bring more of your
hidden qualities and talents fully into conscious so that they can be
integrated and made your own to be used for service work--a highly Divine


When the door to your own destiny
open, it is the heart-to-heart connection of the twinflame energy that will
draw the two of you together in Divine timing. This is your chance to fulfull
the promises your souls made for this particular incarnation. When the
alchemical union of the Twin Flame occurs a divine spark of is lit within the
chalice of your heart and it is filled with the light of your communion. The
soul-level recognition is instantaneous for some, but for others it may take a
bit of time to awaken and recognize the divine connection that is


The quest for the Holy Grail or for your Twin Flame may be marked by dreams,
revelations and guidance from those many individuals and soulmates that you
will encounter on your path---your journey back to your authentic and Divine



destiny is set, your virtues are tested, and your prize awaits if you are
worthy to receive it. If you are venturing on the path to finding your
twinflame soulmate, there will be many tests and revelations along the way. One
must be ready mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They must be mature
enough psychologically to prove their genuine love and be ready to commit for
the long but worthwhile journey that awaits them with this union. 


With various soulmate relationships behind you you will learn what it is that
makes a relationship work and what doesn't. You learn more about who you truly
are. It is not unusual for a prior serious relationship to mimic some of the
same dynamics that you will have to revisit with your twin flame. Also, a
previous partner may hold some of the very same qualities and personality
characteristics that is shared by your twin flame. Because of this, you can
better appreciate those qualities in your soulmate and you will be more
prepared to deal with them in the twinflame relationship. 


Synchronicities may be abundant prior
to the meeting of the Twin Flame. Dreams are also very common on the quest for
the grail. Some individuals have had dreams or visions for years, months or
days just before they are about to meet their twin flame. These dreams, visions
and synchronicities often reveal key clues to a twin flame soulmates identity,
often pointing to some geographical location where they love or to some other
hidden factor that will identify them or how the two will be united. 



support and healing is the primary purpose of the twinflame union. In this
alchemical romance, the grail, or heart's restorative and healing power is
evident in the connection and commitment of the twins. On the unseen and
spiritual level it is felt through the desire to heal on a soul level. Miracles
are common within this union. Twin flames often commune using the power of
their hearts (the grail) to lend energy and healing power to one another. The
Divine and Unconditional Love between them proves to be the perfect magical
elixir to ease each other's pain and deep wounds on a profound and spiritual



you are on a quest for your divine complement you will be tested as you wait.
Do not seek your twinflame externally or outside of yourself. The spiritual
inner work must be done and you must realize the wholeness that already exists
within you. You must awaken your own heart to the heart of your twinflame. In
Divine time and by divine design your twinflame soulmate will arrive holding
the mystery of the Holy Grail out to you. Through their heart you will find
your own true heart and awaken to a greater and more spiritual understanding of
the mysterious and spiritual connection that you both share.




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