
Beloved Ones,


These are the days of endurance,
steadfastness and of the exploring of the different aspects of your many
faceted selves. Take the time to sit in stillness, in quietness, to open your
heart, your willingness and allowance for further insights that may come during
these moments. Be willing to go beyond the confines of your former perceptions
of self, to step into the unknown with courage and persistence. Look beyond
seeming appearances of the outer world to the world that exists within you.
There are treasures waiting to be discovered, claimed and tapped into; the
treasures of the spirit.








Behold in these moments the
magnificence of your true Being and try it on for size. Bask in the glow of
your shining spirit. You are beginning to comprehend the unlimited nature of
your Being and the tremendous power for good that you hold to make a decided
difference in the world around you. In whatever way you are called, it is the
time to make choice to begin your new journey into uncharted territory. As you
ride the waves of change, stay steadfast in your alignment to your higher
presence. Many hearts are opening as you do this. You have been experiencing
the pull of polarities within you and this is a common experience for many souls
during these times. Remember that it is what you resist which keeps you in
these conflicting energies.






Step back when this occurs, take a few
deep breaths to steady and balance yourself and realign with your higher self in
its divine essence. Remember who you are
a courageous and adventurous soul who
came into this lifetime prepared to make a difference just by being here and
this you are all doing exceptionally well. Many of you are processing and
experiencing the dualistic energies of the collective energy field that is in
play around you and by doing this work of balancing you are helping many others
to experience a gentler cleansing and recalibrating.






The times before you demand a greater
accountability and acceptance of personal responsibility for all that you
create by each thought, word and deed.  This is the ideal that you are all
working towards, it is not expected of you to transform immediately so be
gentle with yourselves and with others in your sphere of influence. It is an
ongoing process and this is something that happens moment by moment allowing
your human operating system to adjust in a way that is more comfortable. The
more of you who allow your greater divine essence to become integrated with
your consciousness and in your cellular structure, the greater the force field
of Light becomes in the surrounding atmosphere.






As this continues, you will find
yourselves feeling at greater ease and at some point that is individual for
each one of you, the heavier and denser energies will one day be considerably
lessened and this will be felt as a lightening of your spirit. We suggest that
you call upon and work with the Violet Flame each day to help bring in these
higher frequencies, as this has every potential to accelerate the purifying of
everyone and everything in a safe and balanced manner. Calling upon St. Germain
often will bring in the new Age of Light that much sooner. Stay in your
personal integrity in all that you do and all will continue to be well.






Until next week

I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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