Beloved Ones,
Many of you are beginning to
see and feel the light at the end of the tunnel now. All that you have been
experiencing in your cleansing phase during the past several years is coming to
completion. What is important now is to continue to maintain your higher
vibrations on a daily basis, as this makes the way forward easier and more
filled with grace and ease. You have been slowly finding that ecstasy is your
new frequency and the moments of experiencing states of joy are becoming more
and more frequent. This state is your natural state of being so welcome it into
your lives.
You are also beginning to see that what you intend in your
lives becomes manifest. It is a magical time when all that you have dreamt of
is coming into your reality in ways that are wondrous and amazing. Be open to
receive the good that has always been waiting for you. As you move forward,
keep looking for and acknowledging all the good that is pouring into your lives
on a daily basis as this action will continue to bring more of this into
manifestation. Realize that all the good that you are deserving of is now
coming in as the blockages that have held it back are quickly dissipating.
Continue to keep centered within your core and all will be
well. You may be experiencing strange sensations within areas of your physical
body that are continuing the changes and transformation of your physical body
into your higher dimensional body template. When this happens, just breathe and
relax and it will soon pass. It is important to also protect your own energy
field from the increasingly fluctuating energies that surround you. Repeating
the Tube of Light decree several times a day will help surround your energy
field with the light of your higher essence. Each of you are well aware of this
activity but sometimes as you get caught up in your daily activities, you
forget this most important discipline.
The energies are being stepped up in frequency yet again so
it is important that you stay in equilibrium as much as possible. Again, we
advise more time spent outdoors surrounded by nature, as this is very soothing,
healing and grounding to your physical, mental and emotional being. Staying connected
with the Earth helps in the process you are all going through. There are many
changes on the horizon and it helps to be ready to flow with them without resistance
for it is the resistance that makes your life more difficult. Know that you are
never alone and are always surrounded by your guides, angels and teachers. We
are but a thought away and ready to be of service.
It behooves you all to watch and observe the signs of change
around you. In this way you are always ready and prepared and won’t fall into trauma of any kind. Believe in the power of love within
you and watch it grow and expand. All of life is changing and going through a
metamorphosis and the end result is being heralded with great anticipation.
This process naturally will take time to become manifest in everyday existence.
Patience is the most helpful quality during these times.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒