Beloved Ones,
As the lunar energies bring in added clarity and the greater ability to give love and be love in all its many wondrous facets, remember that you are the ones who have ability to receive and transmit the light that falls down upon the Earth. Even in the midst of challenges, you can transmute the situation by using the energy and vibration of love, for love is the greatest and most powerful force in existence. Each time that you do this, another avenue for the light is established on the Earth. Kindness given in any instance is always met with an equivalent benevolent response. To those who are attuned to the higher frequencies, this immutable law of love is easily identified, observable and in constant operation.
It is becoming easier to continue the process of refinement within one’s own character. As each person looks within themselves to those areas that need transmutation in the way they are expressed and recognizes the patterns that now need to be changed in order for their higher aspects to be more fully integrated and aligns themselves to this purpose, the way forward opens and greater revelations of their blind spots are revealed. This helps in the process of elimination of all that has hindered one’s progress to become a fully realized divine human walking here on Earth. All ways of being that have been assimilated throughout one’s lifetime and held in the subconscious mind can now be exposed to the light of truth, recognized as an area that needs change and consciously make the adjustments necessary.
As each person takes full responsibility for their lives as they have been lived here on Earth and recognizes their inherent power to change what is no longer working for them, life becomes more simplified. A person knows themselves more fully and honors those unique qualities, their own likes and dislikes rather than those whom society has instilled within them and they can move unfettered into being who they really are as soul. They can honor their own truths and live according to their own precepts and this liberates each one to express those higher qualities that have always been a part of them without being held back because they fear someone in their acquaintance may not approve. Life then is lived in greater ease and grace and the element of joy and harmony within manifests with more frequency.
Being true to one’s self opens the doorway to greater and greater possibilities that may have lain hidden before. Each person has a treasure box that lies within them waiting for these moments to be discovered and brought out into conscious awareness, acknowledgment and expansion. Each day becomes an adventure as the hidden and wonderful aspects of one’s being come to the surface to be fully looked at and assimilated. As each person honors these aspects of their own being, they become free to express these qualities in all their interactions with others and this in turn has a liberating effect upon those around them. By observation those around them give themselves permission to be all that they can be and start implementing their own choices and changes so that they too, can be true to themselves.
As each person loves themselves more fully and with daily consciousness, gives themselves what they truly need, a greater degree of harmony and happiness, ease and grace flows through them into all areas of their lives. Life becomes more joyous in all of its aspects and each person blossoms into the greater possibilities of themselves. As the wounds from the past are healed and each person has regained wholeness within, the Earth is also liberated to move further into her own wholeness. When the human collective expresses love in action on a daily basis, there is no limit to the heights of achievement that can take place within society’s structures.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒