Beloved Ones,
There are mighty signs in the heavens that humankind can no longer ignore or deny. Something big is taking place that involves not only the planet Earth but the entire cosmos. You are the conduits who are now taking on an even greater role of keeping the Earth in balance. This is a most important function of your presence here on Earth. Daily ground your roots into the crystalline diamond core of Mother Earth and as you feel the Earth’s energies rising upwards through your column of light, connect into the great diamond in the great central sun. This intention will bring the energies of the higher dimensions into the Earth’s core and spread out in concentric circles throughout the planet through each of you. There is no place upon and within the Earth that will not be touched by these energies.
Transformation in all systems is now a moment by moment occurrence. No one knows what will happen next, for your planet is traversing the unknown and there is nothing to do but go with it. It is both exciting and exhilarating and rather frightening at the same time. By carefully watching the signs in the heavens and those upon the Earth, you can keep moving forward in faith and trust that all is well and according to the Divine Plan for all life in the cosmos. There is Earth changes taking place which are quite startling in their suddenness and many that are taking place beneath the oceans of your world that you are not aware of. The last vestiges of old programs and belief systems are insisting that you pay attention to them and it behooves each of you to be steadfast in your determination to stand in your light and your truth and go the distance.
Many mind boggling occurrences are about to unfold and it is necessary to stay connected within your divine heart space as much as possible. Be flexible in your expectations at the start of each day and takes what comes with equanimity. The unseen realms are making their appearance with greater frequency and are aligning in proximity at the edges of the end of one dimension and the beginning of another. You are the masters of alchemy and can now create the world of your deepest hearts desires. There will be many opportunities to join together in unity to focus on that which is needed in specific moments of time upon the surface of the planet. Know that as you connect with the rainbow portal of light as you come to this website, you are being activated to higher and higher levels of consciousness. It is a continuing work in progress for each and all.
The raising of your frequency level is absolutely essential each day if you want to be able to cope with all that manifests upon the surface of your planet and in your daily lives. Work together and help each other as you become aware of the need to do so. Love comes calling in its many facets and wonders. The people that you are meant to meet appear as if by magic, projects that have been put on hold suddenly complete themselves in complete grace and astounding ease! Life takes on the magical quality of synchronicity and you will find yourselves filled with enthusiasm to create new projects and tasks. You will be raising the bar on the standards needed to walk this Earth as a divine being, fully expressing your kinship with the creator of all.
You can access greater information and knowledge from the crystalline grid than was ever possible before. Tuning into the great crystals that reside in and on the planet will help align you to the hidden treasures that have been hidden within you. Embrace these gifts with zest and relish as they come to your awareness, for it is not only that which is not love within you that needs contemplation, release and reflection but also the celebration of that which comes to remind you of your magnificence. You begin now to experience your own greatness as the blockages to this knowledge are lifted in the upraised frequencies.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒
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