

2010/08/20 00:45




Hathor Planetary Message
Through Tom Kenyon
The Art of Jumping Time Lines

 Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timelineyour lifeis only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.


Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.


Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes.


Time nodes occur when two or more timelines converge. As a result of their close proximity oscillation effects sometimes occur when the realities of one timeline bleed through, or are psychically perceived by those on a neighboring timeline. Strong timelines can also literally affect the possibilities and/or probabilities of other timelines within a time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur within timelines when they enter a time node (proximity to other timelines).


These are evolutionary jumpstarts that hold tremendous possibility for accelerated evolution if you understand how to utilize them. As a result of the volatile nature of events on your planet, there are multiple time nodes emerging. This is a very complicated and complex affair, and we shall endeavor to break it down into its smallest segments, for we believe that this information has vital significance for those of you engaged in the ascension process, and for its sheer survival value. Let us turn our attention to the larger picture first and then to the individual strategies we suggest.



Your planet is poised on the brink of utter transformation. The form of this transformation has multiple expressions, and it is youthe collectivethat will affect these outcomes to a greater or lesser degree.


Some of these outcomes, these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions, reveal a different outcome. A sudden unexpected shift in human consciousness could bring the Controllers, who have so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines between these two polarities. There are vested interests in your society who wish you to remain hypnotized, which wish for you to continue in the delusion that you are limited to one timeline, one experience of life as they so deem it.


But you have, within your nature, the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last moment of any eventwhether it be personal or collective. We do not say this to be positive. We say this as a matter of fact concerning your evolutionary potential. Whether you will collectively reach this potential or not remains to be seen, but the path of an Initiate is to reach upward for the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not be happening around him or her. Thus, in this message we shall discuss what you can do, and how you do it.


From our perspective, your collective destiny is the summation of individual choices that you, as persons, make. This is combined with evolutionary and terrestrial forces that are far beyond your and your fellow humans abilities to control. This collection of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intentionality from areas of the cosmos beyond your local solar system, for you are a part of a complex cosmic matrix that is your universe.


If we were to use a metaphor, we would say that you, as humanity, are on a great ocean vessel. But many of you are asleep, and there is someone at the helm directing this vessel that should not be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we wont go into here, various beings have commandeered your ship.


But, ah, how the tides are turning. More and more of you are waking up, though some, still half-asleep, stagger across the deck as they watch the tempestuous storm of their world changing before them. The Controllers know that many of you are waking uptoo many for their comfort.


It is, indeed, an interesting time to be alive!


The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your medias grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.


In our previous message we addressed several possible timelines for this event. Which of these possible timelines will unfold into your three-dimensional reality is not written in mud or concrete, but is a changeable event or outcome. In this message we wish to discuss how you, the individual, can jump a timeline into a different destiny at a moments notice. This can be extrapolated to your civilization also jumping timelines, but that is a topic for another time.


For the moment we wish to turn our attention to you, the individual human and how you can jump from a disastrous timelinefrom an outcome you do not wishto something more benevolent, life-friendly, and full of evolutionary potential.


For the record, there are technological means to jump timelines, but our information here deals with human consciousness, and how you, through the power of your own awareness and intention, can jump timelines. For this endeavor, you already possess two of the greatest treasures in your very own natureyour sovereign will (to make choices) and your capacity to feel. These two, when combined properly will allow you to jump timelines as you so desire, as co-creators of your reality rather than being mere pawns on a chessboard.


The Fundamental Principle


The fundamental principle, for jumping timelines, involves the coordination of a few significant fields of intentionality.


1) You identify the timeline you wish to move into.

2) You shift your vibrational state to match the timeline.

3) You lock in the vibrational state so it does not waver.

4) You take an action that is an expression of the new timeline.

5) Persevere.



2010/08/20 00:49




In this fifth stage, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, making choices coherent with the new timeline and persevering with this despite sensory information to the contrary.


This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation of your beliefs and intentions. Depending upon the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a vast amount of energy in order to overcome the set pattern of your life.


The information we are sharing can be used to address any timeline or expression in your life, down to the most mundane situation. In this message however, we will be addressing this methodology for jumping timelines in regards to the ascension process and how you can move into timelines different than the timeline of the culture you are currently residing in.


This is, for some, a revolutionary idea; but for us it is simply a truth about your nature. You are creator gods and goddesses, and this information we are sharing is simply your birthright. We offer it to you at this time with the anticipation and hope that many of you will jump timelines and tilt the keel of the ship you are upon and take the vessel into safe and prosperous waters.


Enough of the metaphors now, let us get to the nuts and bolts of how you jump timelines.




The ascension process, from our perspective, involves the energizing of your second body, your KA, and its elevation in vibration so that it emits more light, eventually becoming the SAHU, the Immortal Energy Body. There are many ways to raise the vibration of ones KA. Most of your spiritual traditions have their own methods for raising your vibration, unfortunately, many of them are also riddled with dogma, taboos, and quite honestly, interference patterns from thought-forms placed by those who did not and do not desire your freedom, but who profit by your imprisonment.


And, yes, it is sad to say that some of your spiritual traditionsand especially your religionsare insidious traps, and if you are to rise upward in the ascension of your own being, you must separate truth from falsehood. Only you can undertake this task, for it is one of the necessities of mastery. This is a line in the sand of consciousness itself for those who have chosen the ascension of their own being. They become masters of truth and do not step aside from ferreting out falsehood from reality. They are not slaves to dogma. They bow to no one but their own divinity.
並且,確實,很不幸的說,你們的一些靈性傳統--尤其是你們的宗教--是陰險的迷魂陣,並且,如果你們想要向上提升進入你們自身存有的升揚的話,你們必須將謊言從真理中分離出來。只有你們才能承擔這個任務,因為這是精通/熟練掌握的必需品之一。這是那些已經選擇了去升揚他們自己存有的人,其意識自身的最後的底線(譯注:此處的a line in the sand隱喻著升揚不成功就失敗,也就是說不可能不熟練掌握這些而能通過升揚)。他們將變成精通真理的大師,而並不會去逃避從真實中查獲謊言。他們並不會屈服於教條。除了他們自己的神性之外,他們不屈身於任何人。


From an energetic standpoint, the ascension process begins when your life force, called Sekhem by the ancient Egyptians, begins its ascent up the Djed, or sacred pathway of the chakras. This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of consciousness and awareness. As your life force enters your higher brain centers and as your KA body becomes energized, you enter another phase of ascension. At this phase, you begin to metabolize light itself. By light we refer to spiritual light, a light that exists in the spiritual realms. This light feeds the KA body and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude, or strength of vibration, without wavering, it ignites with a type of etheric fire, turning it into the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body. This could be viewed as one of the final stages of this particular form of ascension. But what we wish to make very clear is that any movement upward in consciousness and movement of life force up the djed, regardless of the method used, is part of the ascension process.


但是,我們特別想要澄清的是,在意識上的任何的移動提升,和生命能量的向上運動至Djed--不論使用什麼方法,都是升揚過程的一部分。(譯注:這就是我一直說Hathor並不是來自于很高的次元的原因,因為從這最後一段話可以看出,Hathor認為只是生命能量的向上運動也能達到升揚,這實際上也是我看過在日本出版的Hathor的書後的感覺。雖說如此,我還是覺得這些資訊會幫助到很多人的,因為很多東西都是看似矛盾,可實際上卻是統一的。另外看過Hathor的介紹就可以知道,Hathor曾經在西藏與藏傳佛教有過接觸,所以以後大家會看出Hathor的觀點仿佛和藏傳佛教的某些觀點類似。另外Hathor在2009年和KRYON合出了一本書:The Great Shift: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond


We wish now to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that will impart a basic method for jumping timelines. We will then turn our attention to how you can create a new probability for yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be great difficulty. And most importantly, we will explore a significant evolutionary opportunity that exists within your current time node.



One of the first tasks facing you if you are to jump into a different timeline is the transcendence of fear. Most humans fear the unknown, but there is a much more insidious element involved here. The Controllers, those who wish to control your destiny and profit by it, are masters of the projection of fear and they are using vast resources of mind control and hypnosis through the media to convince the masses that there is much to fear. And while there is, quite frankly, some truth to there being reasons for fear, the higher truth is not being revealed.


The higher truth, as we view it, is your capacity to change your reality, your innate ability to use the two treasures of your sovereign will and your capacity to feel as a means to navigate into new timelines. Let us be specific here.


As we mentioned earlier, the type of ascension we are speaking about begins with the simple movement of your life force up the djed, or spine, into your higher brain centers. As this takes place, the energy wheels within your KA body, called chakras, become activated in new ways. This opens windows of new possibilities, and new insights, new forms of inspiration and creativity blossom. But if consciousness is locked into fear, it becomes imprisoned by the lower centers, the impulses for survival, sex, and power.


For various historical and trans-historical reasons, as we alluded to earlier, there has been and continues to be, a collusion to keep humanity locked into the lower centers, to perpetuate fear as a means to control destiny. Thus for any master who chooses the upward path, one of the first hurdles to pass through is the Valley of Fearthe projected thought forms of ones culture. You must then pass through the portals of limitation that would confine you, to recognize the lies that have been perpetuated, even by some of your most sacred religions.


But let us say that you have the courage and fortitude to undertake such a passage, and let us say, for the sake of example, that the timeline you wish to live in is one of benevolence: loving kindness. Here is how you would do this, remembering that the same principal applies to any timeline you wish to create for yourself.








2010/08/21 15:15


Preparation and Training




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