
2010/08/25 23:48

A message from Metatron channeled by James Tyberonn

Translated by Eleisia






 親愛的,變化是實相的本質,會像意識一樣的擴展,所有內在和外在蛻變的方式,是可以超越地球的全息圖的。你們許多人都已在進階的精練階段,遠超過你所瞭解多次地進入神秘學校,現在是完成的階段。第12道大門就是“精練起動Mastery Initiation”的能量重現。古代煉金術智慧學校的紀律適時地展現,即使真實的頻率仍維持相同的共振。

 大師們,要知道這些精練之地的能量與地球上的共振仍存在於某些節點上,在古代地球上這些偉大的神秘學校,都坐落在古代奧運會(ancient OG)(注1)所在,就是現今的玻利維亞與秘魯。這也是為什麼你們會被召喚到那裏朝覲,因為在那兒,可以讓你們頻率性的下載偉大的智慧與平衡。因此,大師們,我們說今日的地球,古代奧運會之地,第12道大門的守護者,是在玻利維亞的的喀喀湖(Lake Titicaca)(注2)。



黃金太陽圓碟(The Golden Sun Disc

 在的的喀喀湖中有一個巨大的“黃金太陽圓碟”,它是全能並依次活化其他的圓碟,這些圓碟都已被程式設計且活化為12股螺旋狀的螺旋,它們會從零場域(zero field)——無條件之愛中,放射出神聖的能量,這是第5次元以上才會存在的光之代碼。












第12道大门鈥斺敾平鹛粼驳"" type="#_x0000_t75">







目前你們科學上的瞭解,可能會認為陰離子和陽離子的存在、男性與女性在連接時會相互抵銷,看起來如此但實際不然,反而會彼此啟動!這在這星球是極罕見的,因為無論是人類的脈輪或地球的脈輪,都會有意識的依據需要平衡的地方進行自我指導與調整,你們瞭解嗎?我們告訴你們巨大漩渦的的喀喀湖的原始能量,以及那不可思議的平衡能量可以深遠的以無法被識別的方法療愈地球。因為的的喀喀湖中的黃金太陽圓碟是為西方所設計的聚焦發射器,像是羅斯林大教堂(Roslyn Chapel,位於蘇格蘭南方)之下的圓碟會調整歐洲、中東與非洲地區。事實上,每一個的的喀喀的能量都是宣告老鷹與兀鷹預言的一部分。













































1:網路尚未有Ancient OG的中文,查到應該是Ancient Olympic Games,如有高見,請不吝賜教。





The 12th Gate of the Golden Sun Disc

a message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Friday, 20 August, 2010  (posted 21 August, 2010)

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Greetings Masters, and so we greet each of you this day in a vector of Unconditional Love !

There are many paths for a human to walk and all of integrity will find their light. So it is always true that discernment is required.

Dear Ones, change is the nature of reality and is ever expanding as consciousness expands. All shifts within and without in a manner that is appropriate on and beyond the holograms of Earth. Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize.  And now is the time of completion. It is the 12th Gate, and the energy of this 'Mastery Initiation' is resurfacing. Disciplines in the wisdom schools of ancient Alchemy evolve in time. Yet the frequency of Truth ever remains the same in resonance.  

Masters,  be aware that the energy and earthen resonance of these enclaves of Mastery still exist in certain nodes, and these are among the portals where wisdom is resurfacing. Among  the greatest  mystery schools of ancient Earth were those located  in ancient OG. the lands currently called Bolivia and Peru . It is why many of you are called to make pilgrimages to the land of OG , for there is a frequencial download of great wisdom and great balance available to you.  And so Masters, we speak this day of sacred earth, the Lands of ancient OG, and of Bolivia ...and of the Keeper of the 12th Gate : Lake Titicaca .  

Lake Titicaca corresponds to the Ascension in many different ways. It is a consciousness that enlivens each dimension and relates to the individual within a specified frequencial resonance of these dimensions. At Lake Titicaca these frequencies are fixed to humanity and as such are more readily available to those who align with them.

The Golden Sun Disc 

Within Lake Titicaca lies one of the great 'Golden Sun Disc'. It is omnipotent and is in turn activating all of the others.  These discs are being programmed & activated into twelve-strand helixial spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of  unconditional love, a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above.

The Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. It was of Sirian B-Arcturian construct and was for the planet Earth, what the Crystal Skulls were/are for mankind: A composite library of the Perfection Blueprint. It was the DNA code for the planet, and there were 12 composite frequencies that will again in 2012 form the one.

These were once displayed in MU in a magnificent Temple . They were objects of magnificence and perfection; beautiful, but not an object of art or worship, but  rather a complex scientific 'computeresque' tool. They glowed in a golden spiraling translucent sheen, maintaining, interfacing and regulating the dimensional synergy of the natural telluric forces of Earth with that of mankind and celestial realms.

The ongoing  reprogramming of the Sun Disc serve in assisting the  ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect  the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect.  The discs emit energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.

There are 12 such discs on the planet, but to be more precise we tell you that there are twelve distinct frequencial patterns of the Golden Sun disc that are being expanded into 12- strand refinement at the present time by the Sirians, & many of those connected to  the Guild of Hathors.

Many of you are part of this, and have been for a long time. We have told you this before. Indeed others will be drawn to the sun discs as the work intensifies in 2011 in preparation for 2012.

Regarding 2012, some have erroneously concluded in these changing times that the earth will be eradicated and we say it will not, cannot be. It matters not what sensational movies and programs are broadcast in your mass media about such destruction. The Earth cannot be destroyed and will not be annulled...so the transformation of the Earth is absolutely not a destruction, rather a requisite and joyous recreation of itself.

Do you understand?

Mega Vortex-Portal  

The energetic field, the very length, breadth and vitality of the mega-portal-vortex of Lake Titicaca , is one of the largest & most pristine on your planet. It is also one of the Keepers of the planetary equilibrium at this time in the dawn of Ascension. It is important that you understand, that Lake Titicaca is energetically balanced. And such parity is essential at this time, and yet hard for some of you to truly understand and achieve.   Accordingly Titicaca carries tremendous clearing potential for all advanced seekers on the path. The frequency therein is balanced in terms of duality polarity within and above the 3rd dimension...and that is the requisite model for humanity. Titicaca is neither male nor female, it is both. That is why many are drawn there.  We assure you, if it was either one or the other, the feminine energy or masculine, Lake Titicaca would not draw that amount of power, it would not contain the equilibrium, you see? It contains proportional levels of both, and as such the potency, the harmonic, and the harmony.

So the consciousness of this vortex will offer balance to any human that is in imbalance...and much of humanity is indeed imbalanced as yet, because your Earth is energetically, ionically and frequencially unevenly polarized. Yet at certain rare vectors, such balance does exist on Terra. There are several such locales. The greatest of these nodes is Titicaca.   That is why so many are drawn there. One who is overly macho or overly feminine will receive the opposite to obtain the balance. Such is the nature of the crystalline energies of the 12th Gate and Golden Disc.

 In your current scientific understanding, you might think that the presence of anionic and cationic, female and male would neutralize one another in bonding. It would seem so but that is not the case.  Rather, they activate one another. This rare point on the planet, which is BOTH a human chakric center and planetary chakra consciously directs & regulates itself according to what is needed for balance, do you understand?   And we tell you the pristine energy of the mega vortex of Lake Titicaca and its incredible balancing energies are reaching far and wide to heal the Earth in ways that have not been recognized. For the Golden Sun-Disc within Titicaca is the focal radiator that programs the Discs of the West, just as the one beneath Roslyn Chapel will regulate the areas of Europe Middle East and Africa . Indeed the energy each of Titicaca is a part of the heralded prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor    

The  'Eagle and Condor' Prophesies  

In what the Hopi refer to as the 'Eagle and Condor', the Eagle represents the energies of the North, and the Condor the energies of Latin America . Both were once as one and the prophecy states that when the Eagle and Condor again fly together, it will signify the return of wisdom and balance. But in current times, a key portion of the message is that without the Condor, the Eagle will falter. You see, it is the sacred wisdom of the Land of the Condor that has not been as scattered, has not been as corrupted as yet, we might say. The energy of the Condor must go north and that of the Eagle south. It is to heal the Eagle. That is why those Earthkeepers and Lightworkers of the North are drawn to the Land of the Sacred Lake , and those of the Condor are drawn to the North at this time.   The Eagle Must Fly

For the Eagle to fly, much must be done by Earth-Keepers and Lightworkers in the United States . The Harmonic must be raised. The United States has many powerful spiritual pockets, and these are growing in inertia. But, the great masses of the people in the United States are encased within gilded cages of manipulated misunderstanding, victims of their own insulation and subtle controls of the patriarchal narcissism of the ruling forces.

Few North Americans truly have sovereignty. The common man in the United States is enslaved by debt, manipulated by media and intoxicated by quantity. Sadly, America has become a corporation based on profit. The people of America are no longer citizens they are employees. Many are beginning to wake- up and working to change this, but it will not be easy.   Those on the path of Light will lead the way...and in time change must occur.

Now, because the governments of South America became colonized into Castilian aristocracies, a great separation polarized between the controlling patricians of the rich and the stark poverty of the indigenous.


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