
Sananda和新地球的資訊 10月16日
wayfarers of the heart,
The seasons are shifting once more. We have much to tell you. We are openly expanding and growing just as you are. It is also an exciting time as we witness more hearts opening across the world. Many are ancient souls who are finding their way once more. So many more are new to the world and do not require awakening as their hearts are already aware. There has never been more activity on your world. So many meeting and learning from one another.The new year will be all about completion this year. You begin a new day across the earth this year for the cycles are shifting once more.
The planet is being attracted more and more by the new earth. Bridges of light between heaven and earth are being constructed at this time. The hand of the divine is now being felt across the planet in a clearer way. All is shifting and changing and many feel unavoidably brought along by this new movement. The land of the heart is where it all begins. If you can begin to operate in a place of trust and love your universe will be changed
forever. For so many of you stress is experienced in this great land. Much of what is coming at you now in your daily life is more easily managed when you are focused from your heart space and heart centre. It is your guide and it is your friend.
Ashtar and I are doing some extensive work at this time that requires bringing new hearts to planet earth. These are great voyagers in consciousness and come to the earth in service. Many more are born like your precious children. There is a rise in the birth of all gifted children at this time. These awesome souls show you the open door to freedom in your heart. You meet their eyes and you are immediately touched. The special children carry a special coding in their matrix in order to manage this earthly life. Many succumb to the pressures of the real world and yet so many more are openly connected.
Mother Father earth is expanding at this time. It is moving into fresh waters once more. Many are also finding that their guides are changing right now. Simply as there is so much growth to be found now for awakening hearts. The crystal cities of the earth guide the affairs of the earth. This is where you live from in a slightly higher vibration. As I already shared with you the cycles are shifting. Earth is coming online to some exciting new energies through new doorways that are opening all across her being. These great portals are being constructed by all of the planet’s keepersand guardians.
Connect more and more to the earth as often as you can.There you will find the answer to any question you may have or need fulfilled. Mother Father earth is a multidimensional ship of so many diverse energies that there is always something new to discuss. At this seemingly strong time it is more important be centred and grounded than ever before. The energies of the mass consciousness create so much of the drama. It is important to be detached. This is how you can more effectively more through your day.
The earth and the universe are throwing up the drama of one and all now so that a fresh lesson can be learned. To move on from your past and to know that eternal now which is found directly in your heart.
You already know what I am saying however know that a reminder is important every now and again. Until we speak again,
My love to you all,
Message from the New Earth. By Mark Stearn
16th October, 2010
My beloveds
You are touching me more and more now. Time grows short on
your world before love becomes the one vibration of your planet Earth. Feel my
heartbeat as yours. Know that I am guiding you all the way. Noone of you will
be left of behind. The new earth has been created through the imagination of
all servers of the light. Also by the special children and of course all plants
and animals. I grow weary of releasing so much stress on a constant basis. My
heart is weary with the struggle that is ongoing on my dual form. I long for
release. My heartfelt thanks to one and all who assist me in anyway that they
can. I have to say that 10/10/10 was a power day for me.
It was special, light and exuberant although many of your
hearts were in process. A great and final release of the ego took place on the
10th. I am alive in my heart and wish to see all following the path
of love once more. The stress of the mass consciousness at times locks my heart
in place and I must release in order for me to move on. You have many unusual
happenings across your world and it is important as many have already said to
you to not pay too much attention to the ongoing world drama. You are finding
your way back to your hearts and have been looking everywhere but there for what
you long for. As Mark’s sylph essence already said it is all found in the land
of the heart. Time is speeding up once more.
I have to smile as so many predictions have been made around
the year of 2012. Beloveds there is still much that needs to happen before I
can lift freely into the newness that is the bridge between your world and the
next. You will learn the lesson eitherway. Miracles are always occurring across
my form. Nothing is written in concrete. All is shifting and changing just as your
eternal nature does likewise. Be easy and gentle with yourselves in all things
now for you certainly do not require any added stresses. My heart is with you
all in this time and is always there for you anyway. Simply call my name and I
am fully you and with you. Until next time,
The New Earth.