【銀河聯邦】天狼星人SaLuSa. 11月3日信息


2010/11/04 22:59


【銀河聯邦】天狼星人SaLuSa. 11月3日信息

Many different messages confirm that you are great Beings and we cannot emphasize that fact sufficiently, to convey to you that you are far more than you appear to be in your physical incarnation. Your view of yourself, has been clouded by the veil that has covered you in the lower dimension. It has not been helped by those who have controlled you, and kept the truth from you. You have been led to believe that you are lowly Beings when in fact you are sovereign Beings, and should be treated as such . You are the equal to every other soul wherever they are in the Universe. Some religious teachings have claimed that you are born with sin, whereas you carry no such burden. You have entered each life you with a clean slate, to make good any mistakes from earlier lives. That is the result of fair and just laws that do not punish, but allow for the experiences you have chosen using your freewill.

許多不同的信息都“確認”你們是“偉大的存有”,我們也無法去充分確認信息的真實性,它們傳遞給你的的是,你是遠遠超越你物理化身的存在。 你們對自己的認知,被“遺忘的面紗”遮蓋,把你自身覆蓋在較低的維度。 那些企圖控制你的人不會幫助你,只會把“真相”與你隔絕。 你們因此認為自己是較低的存有,而實際上你們都是“至高無上”的存有,並且應該被如此對待。 你們與宇宙其他任何地方的靈魂都是同等的。 一些“宗教”的教導也聲稱你們因罪惡而生,儘管你們並不是這樣。 你們帶著“清理的標記”進入每次生命,去改變早期生命中的錯誤。 這是基於公平的結果,法則不會懲罰你,但是允許你運通你的“自由意志”去體驗你選擇的經驗。


Your purpose in duality has been to experience whatever you desire, and in so doing bring through your Light and Love. Many of you have now been successful in overcoming the negative aspects of duality, and are ready to ascend. This in no way reflects upon those who have not yet reached such a level, as you have always been given as much time as you needed to evolve. The only factor that affects you are the periodic cycles such as the one you are now completing. It is the end of a cycle, and a new one commences that will last thousands of years before it also ends. Nevertheless, it is possible for a soul to ascend at any time, but it will not be as easy as the opportunity that you now have with mass ascension. It is a unique occasion, and completes not just a solar cycle of over 26,500 years, but also a greater Galactic cycle.

你經歷二元世界的目的是去體驗你所有的慾望,經由此過程帶你通過光與愛的課程。 你們中的許多人現在已經成功的克服了二元世界的“黑暗面”,準備好提升。 那些還沒達到這種級別的人還無法給出反應,對於“進化”你們總是被給予了很多的時間。 唯一影響你的因素就是這種定期的循環,比如你現在正在完成的。 這是一個結束的循環,一個新的循環將一直持續幾千年的時間。 不過,一個靈魂的“提升”可以在任何時間,但是它不會像你現在體驗到的“大規模提升”這樣容易。 這是一個非常特別的機會,不僅僅是一個太陽系循環週期26500年的結束,也是一個銀河大周期的結束。


Dear Ones, the Creator is in your way of thinking the consciousness of All That Is and contains all life within. Your Mother/Father God is the creator of your Universe and has the responsibility for all that occurs within it, but bear in mind it is what you would call an experiment in Freewill, and you too have your own responsibilities. We know that many souls cannot understand why God has not intervened on Earth, to stop the dark Ones from abusing you and Mother Earth. It comes back to freewill and the Law of Attraction, and God cannot interfere with what you have brought upon yourselves. God will certainly protect other planets from your actions, such as the activation of nuclear weapons. Indeed, we of the Galactic Federation have been given that responsibility to contain the result of your tests, by protecting you from the radiation and nuclear fall out. You will know by now, that we have also prevented nuclear war and the possibility of the Earth being destroyed. Yes, we have done a lot of work on your behalf that you are totally unaware of, and that is the nature of our service to mankind.

親愛的,造物主在你的全部生命體驗和所有意識力的所有方面中。 你的父親(母親)之神是宇宙的創造者,對在祂之內的宇宙所有發生之事負責,不過要記住它就是你們會稱呼的基於一個“自由意志”的實踐路程,而你們也有自己的責任。 我們知道,許多的靈魂不能理解為什麼“造物主”不直接干預地球事件,阻止黑暗勢力糟蹋你們和地球母親。 基於這個問題就回到關於“自由意志”和“吸引力法則”的方面,要知道,造物主不能去干預你們自己帶給自己的事情。 造物主肯定會從你們的“行為”中去保護其他的星球,好比激活核武器。 的確,我們銀河聯邦要對你們測試的結果負責,從輻射和核洩漏中保護你們。 你們現在該知道,我們也阻止了核戰爭和地球被毀滅的威脅。 是的,基於你們的利益我們做了很多的工作,你們完全不知情,服務人類對我們來說是自然的。


Our role has been one of ensuring that you safely reach the end of this cycle, and that you all have the opportunity to ascend. The dark Ones would go to any lengths to stop you, as their agenda is to take over the Earth and enslave you. However that is not to be because the Creator has commanded that Ascension goes ahead, and is not to be interfered with in any circumstances. Rest assured we have carried out our responsibilities in this respect, and you are about to see the full extent to which we have planned to accompany you through to the end time. The energies that accompany disclosure have increased tenfold, and it is forcing the issue so that it must come out very soon.

我們的角色是保證你們安全的抵達這次循環的終點,讓你們所有人都有機會提升。 黑暗勢力會不擇手段的阻止你們,因為他們的目的就是控制地球並且“奴役”你們。 然而這個不會發生,因為造物主已經下達命令,提升繼續,它不能被任何的情況干擾。 這個支持保證了我們基於尊重履行了我們的責任,你們也會知道我們將全方位的陪伴你們通過這最後的時間。 能量將由於“大揭露”的發生增加十倍,它同時也施加壓力讓事件必須盡快顯現。


Like you we can get excited, particularly as your achievement in having come so far is quite remarkable given the opposition you have encountered. Levels of consciousness continue to rise, and that means that more people are awakening to their true selves. Not only that, they are demanding a better government that truly carries out its duties and responsibilities to the people. That will in fact come into being, but first events must enable the old government to be removed. It will then be possible to bring in those souls who are here for that purpose, and in many cases have already made themselves known.

我們和你們一樣興奮,尤其是由於你們的成就,迄今為止在遇到的強大阻力面前取得這麼顯著的效果。 意識覺醒的級別在不斷上升,這就意味著更多的人已經“覺醒”於他們的“真實自我”。 而且還不止這些,他們正在要求一個更好的政府,能夠負起它的責任服務人民。 那也會變成事實,但是第一個事件是必須移除“舊政府”。 這樣才能允許給那些靈魂一個“可能”去實現“目的”,這在許多案例中已經使他們明白。


Deep within you know that success will be yours, but you still have to work at it by bringing to Earth as much Light as possible. The going may get tougher but as we take pains to point out, it will all be turned around much quicker than you can imagine. It was never intended or envisaged that you would have to suffer right to the end of the cycle. In fact, it has always been known that you would be released from the control of the dark Ones, well before the final days. Matters are coming to a head now, and once the ball starts rolling there will be no stopping it. At times you will find your heads spinning as you absorb the information that is to be given you. It will cover your history and our involvement with you, and the path we shall take to ensure Ascension takes place as planned. Some of you will be joining us, as others take their ordained paths that will take them into the higher dimensions. You could say that the end of this cycle is in fact more a beginning of something entirely different to what you have been used to. It is desirable and merited by your perseverance and determination to see out duality successfully. Those who are not ready for Ascension will take the benefit of their experiences with them . It means that they will have a head start in the next cycle of duality, which will take place on a planet similar to Earth.

在心靈最深處你都知道勝利是屬於你們的,但是你們還要繼續工作把更多的“光”盡可能的帶到地球。 進度由於我們煞費苦心的指出,將會比你們想像的更快速的轉變。 沒有任何“企圖”和“設想”會讓你們經歷痛苦的結束週期。 事實是,你們將會在黑暗勢力的控制下得到釋放,在最後的日期之前。 事件已經全部浮出水面,一旦圓球開始滾動將不可能再讓它停止。 有時候,你會發現你的頭腦止不住思緒,不斷吸收你被給予的資訊。 覆蓋你的旅程,我們與你們一同參與,我們會確保“揚升”如計劃中的一般發生。 你們中的一些人會加入我們,其他人會接受他們的“受命”旅程把他們帶入更高的維度。 你可以說這結束的循環事實上將開始於與你以前完全不同的習慣方式進行。 它(提升)是可取的,值得你去花費“毅力”和“決心”見證二元世界的最終退出。 那些沒有準備好提升的人也將從他們所經驗中得到益處。 這個意思是,他們將對進入的下一次二元性循環更加理解,那裡發生和存在的都和地球相似。


Evolution never stops, and it is paced according to your desire and intent to progress through the higher dimensions. You choose how quickly you proceed, and will find that you always have an inner urge to keep moving forward. At present that same urge pushes you onwards, as you have your sights set upon taking the opportunity to leave duality. When the hard lessons have been learnt, there is no need to prolong your stay in the 3rd dimension, and you look for new challenges in the higher ones.

進化永不會停止,它的節奏根據你的“慾望”和“意圖”去取得進展揚升到更高的維度。 你選擇你提升的速度,也會發現在你內心深處一直都有一個“督促”讓你不斷前進。 目前,同樣的“督促”也在推動你向前,因為你有了覺知去贏取機會離開二元世界。 當困難的課程被學習,就不再需要把你停留在第三密度中,你需要在更高的維度中迎接新挑戰。


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be associated with the Human Race. You have shown great courage to experience the lower vibrations, and enormous faith in the Creator to plan for your release and Ascension. I bless you all and send my love to uplift you wonderful souls.

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且很高興與人類種族建立聯繫。 你們已經表示出巨大的勇氣來體驗這較低的振動,造物主也有巨大的信心以計劃把你們釋放和提升。 我祝福你們所有人,並且把我的愛送達給你們這些令人驚嘆的靈魂。


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light 


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