
2010/11/22 22:51

16-11-2010靈魂的特質 Spiritual Professionalism


Hazel's Higher Self



Your entire journey in physical manifestation is aimed at the discovery of self that self may unfold as your awareness expands through the education of your earthly experiences. Some of the experiences you choose before hand; others you create along the journey of mortal life. Seldom do you perceive the true value of your experiences until they are over and you have achieved a measure of emotional balance and perspective.

As you introspectively assess your experiences you will come to understand their role as a facilitator of self discovery. You may discover your inner strength, tenacity and distinctive character as you engage in an analysis of the purpose and meaning of these experiences.

Yet unearthing these experiential benefits should transcend a mortal understanding and assume a dynamic perspective bred by the spirit within. For you should be able to make the link that the discovery of your character or self is anchored in spirit. When you can make that link you will be drawn into conscious activity that leads to a harmonious working with your spirit that it may through your experiences unfold its virtues, qualities and assets for your greatest good. In allowing your spirit to work in partnership with your ego mind, the latter will eventually assume its rightful place as the servant, that the spirit within, through its blossoming in your physical incarnation shall teach you how to gain spirit mastery and thus control of self.

When the tendrils of spirit are awakened within, you shall hunger for greater attunement and as you seek through intent and sincere petition, you will begin to acquire instructions to forge a profound and continuous connection. Every effort shall yield rewards of higher understanding for never shall your spirit deny you that which you seek in truth. Your spirit will respond with the joy of its presence, the elegance of its balance, the beauty and fullness of its attributes and the wisdom of its knowledge. It desires to unfold and gleam through your experiences that in your physical incarnation you will assume the gloss of spirit. As you effort to sustain your connection your mastery will be enhanced and soon your perception of who you are will defy earthly definition as you feel and think of yourself as a cosmic being with a cosmic identity.

Your mortal life will begin to reflect cosmic truth and ways and you will knowingly contribute to raising of the consciousness of those within your sphere of reality. Spirit is already whole and for you to attain wholeness in your incarnation, spirit must be allowed to embolden your existence, meaning that, you must acquire the professionalism of spirit. Spiritual professionalism demands that you live to the standard of spirit which translates to being all that spirit is- whole and balanced. Always must you choose the celestial highway that you may avoid the traffic of human ego which impedes your journey and deters your unfolding.
你們的世俗生活將會開始反映宇宙真理和方式,你們將會知曉地去投入去提升那些你們現實周圍的那些人的意識。靈魂已經是完整的,你們要在俗世中獲得靈魂完整性,它一定要被允許在你們的生存中得到體現,那意味著,你們一定要獲得靈魂的特質。靈魂的特質要求你們依照靈魂的標準而生活,這些標準表達了所有靈魂所“是”的- 完整和平衡的。你們一定要不斷的選擇天際高速路(暗指靈魂的道路),這樣你們會避免人性自我的交通車流,這將阻礙你們的俗世旅行,妨礙你們的不斷發展。

Aim high in your aspiration to acquire and enjoy the accoutrements of spirit for only then will you find and live your power, your sovereignty, your humility, your refinement, your divinity, your love, yourself, by the God manifest within you.

Seek the education that will confer spiritual professionalism and you shall become master of yourself and a teacher of men. Allow your spirit its freedom from the density of mortal existence that you may broaden your vision and perspective of human experience and find immortal triumph which will usher you into the next sequence of experience in your journey back to the Source.


Leave the mark of your spirit in your mortal achievements that those who could see will know that your acquisitions through earthly endeavour were unquantifiable yet real. When you depart to higher dimension the reward of your achieved status as a spiritual professional goes with you; its permanence never to be overridden by the transient rewards of man created power and status which will forever remain earth bound.




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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