Seraphin through Rosie, 6. Dec 2010
http://abundanthope.net/pages/Rosie/COSMIC-NEWS-AND-CONSCIOUS-COMMUNITY-MEMBERSHIP.shtml (原文地址)
R: Dearest Seraphin: I have again been thinking about the enormity of billions of planetary inhabitants simultaneously realising that the framework they live in is a constructed façade, designed to exploit and control. I imagine I will have a lot of explaining to do when this knowledge hits the fan. I wonder if this will spread like wild fire, or whether it will travel in drips and drabs, or whether it will just seep through to those who are open to it? If I think of the many hours I have spent reading and comparing and trying to critically discern what is going on (and of course there are many others who know much more than myself) I am wondering how people who have been blissfully unaware for decades will be able to accept this version of a truth they have not personally researched or experienced – an incredible cosmic news bulletin rather than putting together a private jigsaw. I have no doubt that the celestial media office has thought deeply about this one, but still I wonder everyone will cope with the idea that the world was actually upside-down and that they did not notice ….
R:親愛的塞拉芬,我再一次思考關於億萬地球居民同時意識到他們生活在一個構建起來的有著虛偽外表的,用來剝削和控制的社會結構中是多麼的可怕(指即將發生的公開聲明)。 我想像在這個資訊被傳達給眾人後我將要解釋很多。 我想像它是否像野火一樣傳播,或是點滴的傳遞,或是只是深入到那些接受它的人。 如果我想像我花了許多個小時來閱讀和比較,嘗試分辨出這正在進行的一切(毫無疑問很多人比我知道的更多),我在想那些經年累月快樂無憂的、沒有意識到的人們如何能夠接受這個版本的真相,他們從沒親自研究或經歷過- 一個難以置信的巨大的新聞頭條,而不是把一個私密的拼圖湊起來(一個小道消息)。 我想毫無疑問天界的媒體部門會很慎重的思考這個問題,但是我仍在想像每個人將會面對這個世界實際上已經巨大轉變了只是他們沒有註意到。 。 。 。 。 。
S: That is exactly it: they have been living in apathy and complacency, on the periphery of “society” with no full connection to their sisters and brothers, unaware of the connections, unaware of the energy which binds and connects all. LIVING ON THE EDGE OF COMMUNITIES WITHOUT FULL INTEGRATION, MAROONING ONESELF ON ISLANDS OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT, BEING MORE CONCERNED WITH ONE'S OWN PROGRESS INSTEAD OF THE PROGRESS OF THE PLANET AS A WHOLE HAS LED TO THIS CRITICAL SITUATION.
S:的確是這樣:許多人生活在冷漠和自鳴得意中,他們處在“宇宙社會”的邊緣,完全失去了和他們的兄弟姐妹的聯繫,沒有意識到連接以及那聯合和連接所有生命的那種能量。 生活在一個沒有凝聚力的社區的邊緣,任憑自己被享樂和利潤的孤島所奴役,只關心自己的發展而忽略了整個地球的發展,所有這一切導致了現在這樣嚴重的局面。
But they still imagine that all is well. Even if they perceive of unpleasant events, they are naively comforted by the fact that they are far away and they naively state that they think good will win in the end. In a way they are right but they fail to see that “good” is not a vague elusive entity but a force of which they are an integral part and in which they play a central role.
但他們仍認為一切都好。 即使他們感知到一些不愉快的事件,他們仍天真地以為那些事情遠離他們,天真地說善最後會戰勝惡。 某種意義上他們是對的,但是他們沒有看到“善”不是一個虛無縹緲的存在,而是一種不可或缺的力量,它起到了一個關鍵的作用。
To throw “good seeds” onto the surface of the soil is not enough. They need to be tended, nurtured and protected before they can grow strong and bear “good” fruit. Shallow sewing brings no positive results. On the other hand, those who sew with evil intent have been nurturíng and protecting their seeds for many decades, showing so much devotion that the devotion itself evokes admiration, acting as a camouflarge for the evil intent of the seed.
只把“善的種子”扔到土壤表面仍舊不夠。 在它們能長大並結出“善”的果實之前需要被照料,培養和保護。 膚淺的培育不會產出積極的結果。 另一方面,那些種下惡的意圖的人一直培育並保護他們的種子許多年,表現出如此地投入以致投入本身竟吸引了別人的羨慕,而投入本身竟變成了惡意的種子的偽裝。
At the very final moment, when the confidence of the masses has already been won, when the strength and height of these plants have impressed themselves on unquestioning minds, the fruits are ready to emerge. The pods split to reveal their evil intentions. And the unsuspecting people, ignorant of this process, will be shocked that they have constantly helped to nurture these foul fruits without their conscious knowledge.
As you say, they will think their world is turning upside-down and will react with astonishment, initially rejecting the thought that they have been an accomplice in this gross creation. But gradually it will sink in that their choices and lack of critical discernment made this possible. THE FACT IS: IT IS NOT THE WORLD WHICH IS TURNING UPSIDE-DOWN. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO. THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT THE SLEEPING ONES ARE WAKING UP TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THIS.
R: I have just spent a weekend partaking in a family constellation seminar, which again showed me that keeping secrets of any kind can seriously disrupt the family system. Keeping secrets from the global family has disrupted the correct humane functioning of society and destroyed the prosperity of the planet. But each family member also has a responsibility to address problems, investigate into disruptions, to assume responsibility for themselves. Again, I see the parallel on a global scale. Putting up with disfunctionality in any one part of our lives leads to problems in another part, or in another relationship, or in the next generation.
S: Yes, Beloved, you are a global family where much has been tolerated, where many digressions from acceptable behaviour have become the norm, and where many emotions have been supressed. How can the system work harmoniously in such circumstances? EVERY PERSON COUNTS, EVERY ACT OF HONESTY AND SINCERE DESIRE TO SEEK OUT THE TRUTH COUNTS, EVEN IF THIS INVOLVES PAINFUL EXPERIENCES ON THE WAY. This is transformation on a massive scale. Transformation overnight, as it were. Those who are not able to understand will continue their experiences on another level. It will not be possible to force people into knowing and realising all at once. Some may receive and understand. Others may listen to a certain degree, but they may at some point withdraw from this presentation of truth, only assimilating that which they are able according to their present state of awareness or soul growth. Although it may seem to you and others that we – of the celestial heirachy – will appear with all the truths at our fingertips, made palatable in a way that everyone can understand, this does not ensure the acceptance of these truths. The degree to which they are accepted is – as always – a soul choice for each individual.
R. I am still so overwhelmed by all this. Is there anything else you would like to tell us so that we can prepare ourselves for this mass awakening scenario?
S: Beloved: whatever will be will be. Remember that we have prepared for this minutely, ensuring the best possible outcome for all in this event of cosmic proportions. Like the rain which is falling heavily on your window pane at the moment, we will rain the new information and the new joy upon you. Whether you run outside and dance in the rain, despite the danger of getting wet, or whether you closet yourself up in your warm cosy familiar rooms to remain safe but muffled from the news and isolated from the joy and ensuing participation in progress for the soul, this is your decision. And whatever the decision, the changes are upon you.