轉載自http://hi.baidu.com/stohz/blog/item/f9c5783c51e962d0d46225d8.html (感謝網友86839399的翻譯,在他的譯文基礎上我做了進一步的修改與潤色,使一些理解上的難點被進一步的解釋) 原文:http://abundanthope.net/pages/Jess_Anthony_29/Esu-Speaks-on-Love-and-Connecting-to-Source.shtml
Esu Speaks on Love and Connecting to Source 伊蘇講愛以及與源頭連接 由傑斯.安東尼通靈於 Esu, I ask for an update and more commentary on our connection here on Earth with Universal truth. Speak as you can on the timetable and our role. Speak to your expectations of what we need to do to work to your vision for us. 傑斯:伊蘇,通過此連接我請求一個更新的資訊和更多關於地球和宇宙真相的說明。請儘量說些關於時間表和我們的角色方面的。從你的角度來告訴我們你希望我們做些什麼。 Jess, yes, I am here. The schedule of events as you call it has been tweaked again to allow more impact and produce a wider acceptance of what will take place. Certain events are planned and inevitable, and these happenings will determine the range of choices you inhabitants will make. You will be asked to negotiate with a changed living situation. You will be urged to accommodate these new circumstances with balance and creativity. Yes, creativity is the word I want to use here. The situations will allow preconceived courses of actions, but I prefer you to re-examine the options by selecting the one that best combines your past experiences with the goal of re-establishing a meaningful life on Earth. 傑斯,是的,我在這裏。你所講的事件計畫已被再次調整來產生更多的影響,並讓大家對將要發生的事形成更廣泛的接受。一些事件被計畫並不可避免,這些事件將決定和影響到你們居民的選擇範圍。你們將被要求適應一個改變的生活形勢。你們將被鼓勵用平衡和創造力去面對這些新的情況。對,在這裏創造力這個詞正是我想使用的。現在的情況會允許一些先入為主的行動路線,但是我更希望你們重新審視一些選擇,通過使你們的過去經歷與在地球上重建一個有意義的新生活的目標最好的結合,而做出一個選擇。
Your history of problem solving has been one of relying on established dictums or prescribed sequences of actions. You have blindly plugged in solutions because they have been workable in past situations. Your emotional comfort with these sequences has been satisfying to your system of analysis based on an archive of memories and experiences. Your thought system has informed your emotions and your emotions have shaped your memories. 你們過去解決問題往往依賴于已形成的權威意見或按規定的一系列行動。因為這些解決方法在以前是可行的,你們就盲目地被它們給限制住。你們情感上對這些次序存在的舒適感,使你們的分析系統感到滿足,而這分析系統建立在記憶與經驗的積累之上。你們的思維系統告知你們的情緒,然後你們的情緒就形成你們的記憶。
This will change. Your conscious thoughts are but visible solutions to the input you experience from the universal energy that surrounds you. The universal experience is vast and interconnected, and your higher self is a part of that network. You play your role in creating this network. Your higher self, to use that phrase, is connected with your lower self, your conscious self, and this conscious self operates your brains functions. There is also an unconscious self that is connected to the universe that similarly operates your physical system automatically. The two layers of your physical self function in tandem, although you are not aware of the automatic one unless you consciously focus on its operations. 這會改變。你們有意識的思維只是對你們從縈繞於你們四周的宇宙能量所體驗到的輸入的各種可察覺的解答。而宇宙體驗是巨大且相互連接的,你的高我就是那個網路中的一部分。你也是創造這個網路的一分子。你的高我,用那種說法,與你的低我(你的意識自我)連接,而意識自我操控你的大腦功能。還有一個無意識的自我與宇宙連接,同樣類似地自動操控著你的肉體系統。這兩個物理層面的自我功能相互協作,除非你把注意力放在它們的操作上,你才有可能覺察到那個自動無意識的自我。
This pair of physical selves can be made to connect consciously to your higher self through meditation and controlling your body's automatic processes. Your mind can direct your system to go to that higher level of connectivity. 這兩個物理自我可以通過冥想和控制身體自動程式而有意識地與你的高我連接。你的精神可以引導你的系統進入那個更高層次的連結。
Once the connection is made, you know this internally. Your body functions at a minimal level and your mind is predominant. You communicate instantly with the universe that surrounds you. This can be formed in whatever shape you wish to use. You generally have a preconceived style you prefer to use in connecting. Again this is based on your emotional coloring. You speak and hear in a fashion that your mind tells you is appropriate. 一旦建立連接,你就從內心感覺到了。你的身體功能處於最低水準,你的精神佔據主導。你會立即與圍繞你的宇宙溝通。你可以以你想要的任何形式去溝通。一般在連接時你有一個你喜歡的預設的樣式。而且這基於你的情感色彩。你按你的精神認為合適的方式來說和聽。
I will tell you what this information is and how you receive it. You connect with the love of the universe, and it warms your capacity to receive. Let me explain that further. There is a vast sea of connectivity that supports all of creation. This connectivity is the extension of the First Source and his vision for creation. He felt the need to create and his infinite mind told him how. The feeling came first, and the mind shaped it into an idea that could be manifested as a creation. 我將告訴你這個資訊是什麼和怎麼去接收它。你與宇宙的愛連接,它能增加你接受的能力。更進一步講,有一個海量的連接來支持所有的創造。這個連接是第一源頭和他創造意願的延展。他感知創造的需求,他無限的智慧告訴他如何來創造。先感知到,然後思維形成一個念頭,這個念頭可以被顯現為一個創造物。
This is the process that all creation uses to continue this connectivity with Source. The Source that links to everything becomes a focus, and the point of focus recognizes the connection. This is love. Love is recognizing the connection. Love is an awareness of the Source. Everything comes from this love and recognition of this love. 這就是所有受造物用來與源頭建立連接的過程。源頭與所有的連接成為一個焦點,焦點識別出連接。這個焦點就是愛,愛識別出連接,愛是源頭的意識。所有存有來自於愛並能識別出愛。
Love is light. Love is energy. Being affected by love is being connected to this energy. The result of this connection is being loved by Source. 愛是光,是能量。感受到愛就是正與愛的能量相連接了。這個連接的結果就是被源頭愛著。
You on Earth receive this love by feeling this connection. This sense of oneness and connectivity changes your physical system. The outer portion of your auric body, to use that description, makes the connection continually and then sends this point of focus throughout the energy system that makes up what you see only as your physical body. You become aware of this connection, and your system starts to analyze this awareness. Your brain takes the link your heart has made and categorizes it within the archive of memories and experiences you recognize. Your analysis is connected to the categories of emotional reactions you have had in the past, and you start to react automatically to this input based on your memories. This reaction colors your mental perception of the universal input and then filters down to change your physical shape by engaging the systems linked to your brain. Your mental reactions manifest as your actions and your ultimate bodily shape. Your physical form in this dimension is designed to allow this to happen. Your memories and emotional categories can cause you to reject input from the Universe of Source. This ability to choose is the experience you are learning from. 你們在地球上通過感受這個連接來接受愛。這一體的和連接的感知改變著你的肉體系統。你的輝光體(人的身體週邊的光體,又被稱為乙太體)(用這個描述)的外部不斷地建立連接,然後把這個焦點,通過能量系統(能量系統構成你僅能用眼看到的肉身)發送。你注意到這個連接,你的系統開始分析這個覺知。你的大腦捕獲到內心產生的連接,並在記憶和經驗的資料庫裏分類。你的分析與你過去的情感反應分類相連接,你開始基於記憶對這個輸入作出自動反應。這反應賦予宇宙輸入的精神感知以顏色,然後通過作用於與大腦連接的系統向下過濾來改變肉體形狀。你的精神反應顯現為你的行動和肉體形狀。你這個維度的肉體形式被設計成產生這樣的反應。你的記憶和情感類別可以使你拒絕來自宇宙源頭的輸入。這個選擇的能力就是你正在學習的經歷。
You must learn the true picture of what your life is on Earth. Your continued experience here as part of Gaia's ascension will require that you re-condition your perceptions and assumptions. That is why I say you will need to begin to react creatively. Old patterns are comfortable, but limited and repetitive. The new approach will require awareness that your heart is the means for connecting. All revolves around feeling the connection with Source and the universal vision of Christ Michael Aton. 你必須學習你在地球上生活的真相。你在這裏持續的經歷,作為蓋亞提升的一部分,要求你重新定義你的感知和假定。這就是為什麼我說你將需要開始創造性的改變。舊的模式是舒服的,但是有限且重複。新的道路需要你認識到心是產生連接的方法。所有都圍繞著感知與源頭連接以及與基督麥克.艾頓(大天使麥克與基督麥克不是同一個人)的宇宙遠景相連接。
This vision does involve a game plan. Your current preoccupation with timetables and dates is an expected reaction to the sequence of decision and actions that are most productive. Our view of this is circular rather than linear. Since all is connected, each individual action affects all other actions. There is no one course of action because all must be considered. Love connects all and the sequence of interactions involved with one focus is no more or less important than any other. 這個遠景的確包含了一系列計畫。你們當前對計畫表和日期的迫切感正是一個對一系列最富有成效的決定和行動的預期的反應。在我們的角度這是迴圈的而不是線性的。既然所有都是相連接的,每個行動步驟都影響到其他行動步驟。由於所有都必須考慮到,就不存在只有一條行動路線。愛連接一切,涉及愛的一系列互動與其他任何事情一樣重要。。
Mention has been made of the elimination of the need for what has been termed a mini-stasis. Those planning this possibility have determined that its effect can be produced more tellingly by a more public removal of offenders prior to a public explanation of what has transpired. The proposed scenario has solidified into the shape it takes now, although this form is also being analyzed and changed as needed for a better result. A better result is always the criterion as steps are taken to achieve the final result that has already been determined by Source. You must think in those terms and not be locked into a single system of cause and effect. 我們曾提到過取消小型停滯期。那些計畫這種可能性的人認為在一個公開的揭露解釋之前,通過在一個更公開的對妨害者的移除會產生一個更明顯的效果。。現在曾提出的劇情已形成雛形,儘管這種形式仍會為了得到更好效果而正被分析與改變。為達到源頭設定的最終結果而制定的每個步驟,將始終以得到一個更好的結果為標準。你們一定要理解這些術語並不要被單一的因果系統所限制。
Other guides and receivers are telling you more specific timetables. The tendency on Earth is always to look for a pre-formulated system and follow that recipe for success. Everyone's ability to receive and communicate information is affected by his or her physical system. The brain functions within its programmed parameters. Messages from guides are directed to fit these parameters, and receivers perceive these messages through the language arsenal they have learned. Nothing is complete; all are parts of one whole. Discernment and creative thinking means learning to combine and evaluate sources within the parameters of universal truth. This is not necessarily the same as using previously taught or conjectured patterns. Examine all and think independently within the context of universal connectivity and love.
Esu, for today. 伊蘇,今天就這些了。 |