
2011/01/15 16:01

You are achieving a wonderful turn around in your lives, from having touched the depths of darkness. The way back to the Light has been a torturous path where you have successfully met challenge after challenge, and proved your ability and intent to stay fixed on your goal to ascend. Somewhere from within you have mustered the strength to rise above the lower vibrations. Now you are firmly established on a new a path, that promises completion within this cycle of duality. For eons of time it is what you have worked for, even if in latter times you have only known it through the promptings of your subconsciousness memories. It has always been the plan for your release from the lower energies that have held you back. Every credit is given to you for having overcome many obstacles, and today you stand tall and are beacons of Light in the darkness.你們正在達成一個生命的全新奇妙的轉變,從與黑暗世界的深度接觸中。回歸的道路是痛苦的,但是你們已經成功的從一個又一個的挑戰中戰勝了它們,證明了你們的實力意圖,繼續的保持你們的尋求提升的目標。你們內心深處的某個地方已經召集了力量提升了自我淩駕在較低振動之上。現在你們堅定的站在嶄新的道路之上,為了那個偉大之承諾結束這個二元性的週期做好了準備。經歷了千萬年的等待,這是你們一直在尋求的終點,甚至在近期你都已經覺知了它,通過啟動你的潛意識的記憶。這一直是你的計畫,從較低的能量中解脫自我,從這一直延滯你靈性的黑暗之力中提升。每一個決策都被給予了你去清理結束這許多的障礙,並且今天你站的更高,成為了黑暗中明亮的燈塔。There is no reason to drop back although there is a testing period immediately ahead. There will be ups and downs that will cause emotional reactions amongst you, but stay calm when it comes to the final battle between the dark and Light. The Light works in subtle ways that maintain the balance, so that it continues to transmute the lower energies. In the maelstrom that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any progress. It will ensure that they continue to be in array, and there will come opportunities for our allies to push for disclosure. The pressures are mounting from many quarters for it to go ahead, and when it does it will trigger more happenings that will lay bear what has been happening. Quite a few countries are prepared to go ahead with many new innovations, and that again is an area that has until now been manipulated by the dark Ones. There is so much to reveal and in all cases it will be to your advantage.沒有理由再倒退,雖然很快前方會有一個測試的時期。將會有起伏導致情緒的反應,但是請保持鎮定,它的到來是因為黑暗與光明在最後一戰。工作在微妙的方式中,維持著自然的平衡,所以在不斷的轉化較低的能量。在大混亂中將讓形成了自然的防線,讓這些黑暗勢力不能取得任何的進展。光之力將繼續陣列在前,我們的盟友會取得機會去推進大揭露。壓力在越來越大,從許多部分中傾瀉而出把事件推進向前,當它準備好了將觸發更多的改變,讓愚笨的人知道正在發生著什麼。許多的國家準備好了帶著許多新的革新去前行,那些直到現在為止依舊被黑暗勢力操縱的國家。有如此多的資訊要被揭示,在任何情況下都是你們的優勢。There has to be the release of various energy saving devices, and particularly those that remove your dependence upon oil. The Petrochemical Industry has squeezed the life out of you, whilst causing much harm to Mother Earth through the resultant pollution. It must stop and plans are in place to put a end to such archaic means of producing energy, when it has always been freely available. It is ironic that whilst you are saddled with the costs of oil-based products, there are secret military bases that enjoy all of the benefits of new technologies. It was never intended that they should be used exclusively for the advancement of military power. You are all One and should be sharing anything and everything that improves the quality of life, whereas you are deliberately held in a time lock to feed the ambitions of the Illuminati. Dear Ones the time has long passed when you should be moving beyond the restrictions imposed upon you. You are beginning to realize it, and your calls for changes are going to bear fruit before very long.必須釋放各種的能量來挽救裝置,尤其是你們基於石油的依賴。石化工業讓你們的生活脫離了控制,時刻的導致對於地球之母的傷害,結果只有污染。它必須停止,計畫在實施以終結這種古老的生產能量的用意,它也在一直被沒有節制的自由使用著。諷刺的是,你們卻要時時刻刻的背負著這些石油製品的成本,而讓秘密軍事基地享受著所有的新科技的便利。(人類其實早就不再需要石化燃料,只是被黑暗勢力獨享著更高的科技),它從未被納入意圖,而是被黑暗勢力獨享著來提高軍事實力。你們都是一體合一應該分享任何東西和每件能夠提高生活品質的科技。相反,你們被蓄意的控制在時間枷鎖之中去餵養光照派的野心。親愛的,時間已經過去的太久了,你們應該超越這些限制你們的所有一切。你們已經開始瞭解它,你們呼求改變的意圖在很久前就奏效了。We of the Galactic Federation will be instrumental in bringing an end to your experiences of lack and the denial of your rights. Certain of our representatives are already briefed and protected to ensure that the truth cannot be held from you for much longer. It will all be done above board, although where necessary we shall use our superior technologies to give us the advantage. We will empower our allies in such a way that no obstacles placed in their path will be able to affect the final result they seek. It does take time and we tread carefully so as not to infringe anyone’s freewill. If we did that would go against us, and we do not intend to allow that to happen. With the Brotherhood of Light on our side and yours, we will benefit from sound spiritual advice that will result in a glorious victory for Mankind. It is nothing less than you deserve, and as yet you have little realization of how magnificent it will be. You are souls of Light that have run the gauntlet of all the dark Ones could use against you, but have still retained your dignity and sovereignty. It is only fitting that you should enjoy the experience of a well-earned and well fought victory.我們銀河聯邦將有幫助的帶來一個結束,結束你們體驗缺陷和背離你們權利的事情。肯定的是來自我們的代表已經簡潔的,被保護著去確保這些真相不能在被隱瞞更久了。納入常式的所有都會完成,不過哪里有需要我們還是會運用我們的高端科技給予我們便利去完成任務。我們將授權我們的盟友用這樣的方法,以便沒有障礙影響他們的最終結果。需要花些時間,我們步步為營以確保不侵犯任何人的自由意志。如果我們做的會違背我們的初衷,我們就不會允許其發生。因為淨光兄弟會與我們和你們同在,我們將受益於靈性之音的建議,會帶來人類的光榮的勝利。沒有什麼會讓你失去應得的,也因為你將很難明白它將是多麼的壯麗宏偉。你們是光之靈魂遊刃在黑暗勢力的刀鋒之上,但是依舊保持住了你的尊嚴權利。它僅僅合適於你應當享受於應得的的體驗和勝利的成果。Stay within your Light at all times, and do not be swayed by any disinformation that is around that attempts to take your eye off the goal to Ascension. Creating confusion is a tactic well used to distract you, whereas if you are sufficiently enlightened you will see through it. Check everything against the provision that what is of the Light works for the good of all. It does not create fear, and does or feed your ego where it seeks only that which is for the benefit of self alone. In reality everything you have needed is available to you, except that it has been kept from you to prevent your independence. That will totally change as the months roll by, and your time will be spent in more enjoyable pursuits as you participate in projects that will jump you into the future. We are to eventually become One, and with Ascension that will be achieved.永遠站在你的中,不要被任何虛假資訊動搖信心,這些一直圍繞在周圍企圖遮蔽你們的雙眼讓你們看不到揚升的大門。創造混亂是一個很好的戰術讓你們失去焦點,反之,如果你充分的開明你就可以識破它。檢查每件違背服務於光,服務於所有之好的事情。它不創造恐懼,它餵養你的小我,因為它僅僅是因為自我孤獨而尋求刺激。(也可以解釋為最近很多人無厘頭式的混亂行為,比如分裂性人格行為)在對每件事情的明晰後你擁有了你需要的一切,除非是為了阻止你的獨立性而被與你隔離。這些會完全的改變,隨著月份的逝去,並且你們的時間將花費在更多的愉快的追求中,因為你參與在計畫中將會讓你跳躍著進入未來。我們最終成為一體,隨之提升會被達成。Like you we are waiting for a breakthrough that will allow us to enter your lives more fully. It is all part of the Divine Plan that has been laid down well into the future. In actuality virtually all of you have had awareness of us from many previous lives, and in some instances full contact. That is why we are not seen as the threat that the dark Ones would like to make you believe. In fact it is they who have rubbed shoulders with the more negative Space Beings, and allowed them secret bases upon the Earth. In the context of freewill that is not something we can interfere with, as it is covered by the Law of Attraction. You have in fact learnt a lot about it in more recent times, and having done so can use it to draw light to yourselves for your advancement and protection. The Universe is built upon the Laws that hold it in place, and accordingly will soon change as all ascends. It is an orderly Universe in spite of the apparent adversities you sometimes experience, that are themselves brought about by imbalances that are caused when all fails to move in absolute harmony.像你們一樣我們也在等待一個突破,它將允許我們更完全的進入你們的生活中。它都包含在神聖的計畫之內,為未來奠定了良好的基礎。實際上幾乎所有人在許多的過去人世經歷中已經認識了我們,某些人還經歷了完全的接觸。這也是為何我們被作為威脅而不被看到,因為黑暗勢力希望你們相信我們是威脅。事實上他們已經與更多的負面空間存有取得了接觸,並且允許他們(負面ET)在地球上建立秘密基地。在自由意志的背景中,這也是為何有些事情我們無法干預,由於它包含在吸引力的法則中。你們已經確實的在最近更多的交流中學會了許多,作為此即能夠運用它把引入到你自身中,為了你的提高和自我保護。宇宙建立在法則之上並全然的遵循著它,相應的會隨著所有的提升而很快轉變。這是一個有序的宇宙,雖然表面上你有時候在體驗著逆境,那也是因為自身帶來了不平衡才導致了逆境,而所有的失敗都是為了成功的進入和諧做準備。I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our combined efforts have at last curtailed the activities of the dark Ones. They have not get given up but their belief in their invincibility has been seriously undermined. They will not be allowed to regain their powers and as they disintegrate, their weaknesses will provide the necessary opportunities for our allies to expose them. We must clear the way for open contact, and be ready to prevent any form of retaliation. We want a peaceful end to their reign, and that is what we are working for. We bless you all with the Light of our Being.我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,為我們聯合而努力感到欣慰,最終消減黑暗勢力的行動。他們還沒有放棄,但是他們是無敵的這個信仰已經被完全的破壞。他們不再被允許贏得他們的力量,因為他們在崩潰,他們的弱點會給我們的盟友提供必要的機會去揭發他們。我們必須為公開接觸清理道路,並且準備好阻止任何形式的報復。對於他們的統治,我們尋求一個和平的結尾,這也是我們正在工作著的。我們用我們全然的存在之光芒祝福你們所有人。 Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light

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