Hang Tight/Loose
January 30, 2011
By CM & Esu thru Candace
Dearly beloveds, this is a joint message from myself and Christ MIchael. However, he is called to a council on an emergency basis, so I am entrusted with actually providing it to Candace. It is our joint authorship however.
Now, there were the two messages given thru Bela. Read these carefully if you did not already. Some of our readership is “wagging out” so to speak with these new events on the horizon around Egypt. While you are being entertained on that issue via your MSM news, there is much more being put in place behind the scenes, as this is spreading to many places in the world.
Now this is black ops games and one of the reasons we expected to turn the world upside down and inside out late in the 2010, was these were planned for then (during the various holidays). However, also they had planned a great deal more and we found it necessary to put the wraps on some of their projects. This one needs to continue for a time, it is what will help awaken, (we hope anyway) some of the populace on this planet.
We are not going to state publicly about what is planned and in what order, but it must manifest as part of bringing down this world. While the “rioting” is NWO generated, it will draw and provide outlet for those genuinely long suppressed. This is the “get of the fence allowance” for this. It will not play out that long. Had this manifested during the last 6 months of 2010, we would be in the announcement education process.
We have brought in many reinforcements and the dark know this. We are bringing more as we speak via the large transport craft. Candace sees these regularly and she admits to 5 of them visible today since she woke up. There are more but behind clouds now, from incoming storms and tremendous chemtrailing there over Denver .
While the chemtrailing is irritating and rightfully so to you and is black ops oriented, it serves purpose. It actually speeds up the heating and changing because the aluminum and the resultant clouds TRAP the heat generated within the earth. They still wish to think it prevents the heat from the sun! It does not, mother’s fever is not totally related to that sun. And we are removing much of it because the particles of aluminum and barium are being used to help rebuild your firmament. There have to be particles high in the atmosphere to hold the water necessary. The firmament was taken down producing the 40 days of rain story not by god but by the owners of the planet at that time, who were, you guessed it, trying a population control game. Forces here at the time did substantial evacuation, but the game was allowed, it provided some cleansing the planet otherwise needed at the time of various life forms.
Our thugs of course think they are also blocking all those good energies coming in, but this barrier they spray does not prevent the entry of any of those energies, and thus that is a waste. They have merely sped up their own demise in this sense, because as when you have a fever, you shiver, then bundle up, raising the fever, which helps you rid the bacteria or virus from your system. We have allowed the chemtrails for these reasons, as it also serves. MOST of the particles are pulled up by our craft to the higher altitude necessary for the re formation of the vapor barriers. You may have some problems at times with inhaling material, and that is certainly not good, but you will not be using these worn out bodies much longer anyway.
Now, we cannot fully predict the order of coming events, but we are fully embedded everywhere necessary. We have now on the ground about 3 million human star beings who are embedded everywhere it is important, in addition to our “replacements” we have spoken of before. Sometimes on your TV’s you are seeing ours, and sometimes “theirs.” As this progresses you will be seeing ours much more frequently.
Now this is GOING to hurt GAIA a bit, and the dark energies will swirl more, and when they reach a certain level, we begin our stasis activities.Hold your calmness. WE PLEAD to those who are falling away over dates, to carefully watch what happens. Even if you are not going to fully support us, you can however, do your various love and light practices and you CAN educate those around you in a more positive way. If ever there was a time to do this, IT IS NOW, regardless of your prove to us attitudes. BE THE LIGHT, which is a process of ACTIVITY and ACTION. If you can keep your minds CLEAR, you will see our works within.
Candace has drawn some attention to the lessons in the Course of Miracles. GO to the websites that carry the LESSONS, for the 365 days per year, for those are the ones that Christ Michael gave. The early ones will help you focus if you will take them seriously. You will better see the illusion and not buy into the MSM media stories.
There will be many more riots around the world, at least the dark are still pumping them up while you are watching Egypt . This is necessary, no matter who is caring them out to provide a final awakening for those of this world that can awaken. This is a deciding point action for many. Please have stocks on hand, we cannot fully predict what they will do with the banking and marketing and we are going to leave that in their hands. They are being allowed this actions for a reason. We cannot rebuild the Phoenix beloveds, any other way. The darkness has to collapse. It is a law of nature. Like attracts like.
You are going to probably find your Christian brothers and sisters staying with the Israel material they have been programmed with, and these coming activities many increase their hatred for Islam. This is OK, let them do it, but also explain other points of view in an effort to show them real thinking. Lectures will not work, just make non judgmental statements about how you are viewing it. Attempt to not side with either side, just remain neutral but gently encourage them to look at other angles. Many are going to consider Islam as the bad guys.
Point out that all are children of God no matter the race, religion and politics. Many are completely unable, especially your Christians brothers and sisters, to see that mother and fathers everywhere are human and have children and live the same sorts of lives as they do. This is a very important lesson for these ones at these times that will further discern their placement.
I am suggesting you do not go to any protests. There is risk to you personally and we have our ones there in the crowds. You stay at work and at home, doing your usual activities and simply find opportunity wherever you are to help these ones understand others ones are suffering too. We found it amazing, in the Western Countries that people had no interest in the terrible details of the Lebanon War and the Gaza War of recent years. NO concern about babies being slashed and burned for example. You can help in this regard. YOU CAN and SHOULD shed tears for these ones who will suffer. But in the shedding, let it be in love and not anger.
Now we know that some of you wondered where we were then in those previous wars. Will, it ended didn’t it? Yes. And also, the bible teaches and rightly so that those who kill by the sword must die by the sword. Will, there are many Khazars incarnate now in Gaza dear ones, experiencing the other side of that sword, and so it is now in many other places in this world. The thugs had their plan, and we had ours. This must play out. The thugs planned their wars long before Revelations was written.
This Middle East scenario was planned even in the times of Abraham. It is now to be played in detail as well as in other parts of this world. Those of the “receiving” end as it would seem are some of the very same thugs that caused others harm before in times past. That said, in terms of God’s laws, you must demonstrate what is RIGHT and lend your support to all of God’s children at this time. Some of these on the receiving end are and will grow up.
We have many back on this side from recent years who did have a change of heart and are now returning to their ascension journey. Man must learn by his errors. It has always been that way, and that will continue to be that way. He must LEARN cause and effect, and that his negative behaviors ARE CAUSE as well as his positive behavior.
This is what these lower worlds are FOR in the first place. They are always ugly. This is where mind vested in partnership with spirit is born. That partnership of mind and spirit is born no other way. Bless the process.
I am Esu, giving the message for both myself and Christ Michael in this missive. Hang Tight/Loose beloveds. I leave you to ponder that! Namaste, Esu.