The forces of Light are doing all they can from the higher dimensions to bring a quick end to the stand off in Libya. We do not want to see needless death and bloodshed, and the regime change cannot be stopped. Everything is continually changing and the time has come for many countries to move on. Throughout the world people are waking up to what they have been experiencing, and only now realizing how they have been kept down and denied their rights. The old paradigm allowed for control and separation but the Light has now fully entered the equation, and is breaking down the hold that the dark forces used against them. It will make the changes much easier to introduce if the right people are installed that put the people first. That is being addressed, and even in countries that appear more stable changes are still necessary. Have no doubts that such souls are waiting in the wings for their cue, and it has been planned that way all along. The desire of the people and the positive energies they are giving out, is your assurance that what you need to bring about a successful conclusion is at hand.
Needless to say, the Galactic Federation is taking a major part in the events that are happening right now. We have to bide our time for a while as the proverbial “right time” is very important to us. If you also wish to see an efficient and positive end to the disruption occurring in many countries, certain changes must first take place. Be trusting and continue to send out your Light wherever you see a need for it. You can certainly take a lot of credit for what has already been achieved, and it was always intended that you should take an active part in the changes. We are in fact a team whether or not you realize it, and we shall be able to come much more together once we can openly work with you. We know that many of you are keen to be part of the joint efforts that will occur, and you may be sure your expertise and knowledge will be used. We never intended that the cleansing of the Earth should be solely carried out by us, but you need our technologies to get the work done as quickly as possible.
At present the waiting game is being played but the longer it goes on, through our allies the more we apply pressure upon those blocking progress. You might say that matters are at breaking point, as the flow of energy for change cannot be contained for much longer. There are just months to go before certain issues are sorted out, and that is as much as we can say at present. Our presence in your skies is increasing and disclosure is almost a formality, as our existence can no longer be denied. It is more a matter of the authorities and governments of the world being quite happy to admit to it. However, they are scared of the outcome that will result in some awkward questions that they prefer not to answer, but the truth must come out. The excuse of holding back because of “National Security” will not be valid for too long as a stop will be put to all wars, and troops withdrawn from foreign lands. The people’s sovereignty must be returned, and as the Creator’s representatives we shall exercise our authority to ensure that it is so.
當前,等待的遊戲一直在上演著,但是它持續的越久,通過我們的盟友我們也把更多的壓力放在那些阻礙的進程上面。你可以說事情就要爆發了,因為能量的流動在讓轉變無法再被遏制更久了。在某些事件被整理完畢之前只有幾個月的時間了,這就是我們能夠說的當前的事態了。(意思是一切必須儘快進行了,時間已經不太夠了)。我們存在於你們的天空之中的數量在不斷增加,就等著【大揭露】的正式手續了,因為我們的存在也無法再被掩蓋。這更是一個世界上的政府和權貴們的問題,能夠高興的接受它。然而,他們害怕結果,因為這會造成一些棘手的問題讓他們寧願不予回應,(腐敗的污漬怕被大眾知曉) 但是真相是必須被澄清的。隱瞞的藉口是因為所謂的【國家安全】,這也不會有效太久了,因為這將斷絕所有的戰爭,軍隊也會從駐外領地回家。(這個說法和CM的很相同)。人民的主權必須被返回,並且作為造物主的代表我們將執行我們的權力確保一切因其奉行。
Ascension is drawing nearer and the energies necessary for it to take place are being beamed to Earth. It is carefully planned so that you are not overpowered by too much at any one time, and we know that many of you are beginning to feel their benefit. In another sense the build up is powerful so as to ensure that the mass consciousness is lifted to the right level. Many of you are feeling the changes within you, and that alone should convince you that you are on the path to Ascension. The feeling of peace within and being at one with all else, will lift you into a position of being able to sail through any adversities, because they will only affect you if you allow them to do so. It is the Golden Age at the end of the rainbow that is ever bringing you nearer to Ascension, and you will finally be well prepared for it. We say just go with the flow and trust in the guidance of your Higher Self, and your ever present Guides.
Try to live as you imagine an ascended Being would, and focus your life on actions and words of love. The more you can do so, the more you will be ready to move into the higher dimensions. Remember that first and foremost you are a Being of Light, and eventually you will become one with the higher levels of consciousness. So what you are doing now should be in preparation of the end time, and the discarding of any energies of the lower vibration. Whatever remains at this particular time, will keep coming up for clearance even if it is thoughts that are a legacy of a different time in your life. Providing you do not give them the energy to continue existing, they will lose their power to impinge upon your waking consciousness. Hitherto, most souls have responded to their ego that has fed on feelings of grandeur and self-importance. It will change when you can put other souls before yourself, and work towards unconditional love. Just imagine what a wonderful caring society it would be if that level of consciousness could be achieved.
Having sufficient money for your needs may be necessary but once you see how divisive it is, it ceases to become your god and greed is never an option. Wealth is a challenge that has turned the heads of many people, who forget that its acquisition is simply the denial of another’s entitlement. That is why wealth will be fairly distributed, as in total there is more than enough to ensure every person of a life without need. Keeping people in poverty often without the basic necessities of life is the deliberate plan of the Illuminati, to make them reliant on other people for their wellbeing. It often goes hand in hand with a lack of education, which also prevents them from achieving any level of life that can be called satisfactory. Equal opportunity is a right every soul should have had, but the elite have made sure that the gap between the poor and rich has been maintained.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and amazed that you have all had so many lives, experiencing all aspects of life on Earth. Yet you have never wavered, and have found the strength to become a Light within the darkness that shrouded the Earth. You are truly wonderful Beings that gladden our hearts, and we are truly privileged to be your partners and friends for the final days of this cycle. Our love always goes with you and you can draw upon our strength.
我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa,並且驚奇於你們擁有的所有在地球生命之旅的生活和體驗。然而,你們從未動搖過,並且已經找到了【堅強】並且在籠罩在地球的黑暗之中閃耀著【光芒】。你們都是確實偉大的存有,使得我們的心靈愉悅,並且我們確實榮幸之至的成為了你們的搭檔與朋友,在這個週期的最後日子裡。我們的愛總是伴隨著你們,而且你們也能夠借鑒我們的力量。 |