A DAY FOR PEACE Meditation
Lord Ashtar, through Beth Trutwin, March 20, 2011
Greetings, Ground Crew of Earth, this is Lord Ashtar. Since March 9, 2011, when we commenced the Cosmic Wave of Unity from the Ships, to begin the New Reality of this Universal Underworld which is designed to bring humanity on Earth to its Highest Level of Consciousness, Earth has made a massive shift. We are in the final stages of separating the wheat from the chaff. Within hours of the 9 x 9 Cosmic Pulses coming through the Star Realms of Heaven into Earth, Mother Earth experienced birthing pains and a great expansion causing the Land Masses to Shift once more. Since then we have seen a magnetic storm, major tsunami, nuclear meltdown and a new war has erupted. This is just what one would expect to see in the separation of worlds. You will experience more surprises yet to come in the united States government. On this event timeline information is being processed very quickly, you are questioning the validity of everything you have ever known. On the Inner Planes, all the Children of Ra, incarnate on Earth now are being asked if they wish to continue in the New Earth with Landings in place, in a 5th Dimensional Universal Galactic World. It is a free will choice, and not all will feel comfortable there. They are being counseled of their choices and will move into a realm that is for their highest spiritual growth at this time.
At the same time, the dark Ones are grappling for their last chance of power. They feel absolutely stunned that they can no longer keep you quiet with fear and manipulation. Your pundits are out there tweeting up a storm chanting the TRUTH and this has never happened before. You turn off the tv and go to meditate instead of staring at it blindly accepting the programming. This has them falling apart at the seams. Congratulations.
Your Galactic Family on the Ships is a society of Extraterrestrials whose Mission is to help Earth succeed in Ascension. We have equipment that is designed to receive and tabulate your thoughts, emotions, fears, and deeds and give you feedback through the Angels, in the form of life challenges and rewarding moments that Guide you on the path to be a better YOU. You have this now in your car insurance companies. They give you a camera to install to take pictures of the safe drivers to give them a discount. We have much more precise cameras, everything you do is on video. Everything. This is true for Everybody. Likewise your Guides and Angels stand by at every moment Guiding you through this feedback process.
You may be tempted to fall into despair as the bombing increases in Africa. Do not let it effect you that way. Use it as an importance for change. Purge it from your physical body with the violet flame. How? The violet flame of the Kumaras is the tri-fold flame anchored in your heart womb space. Wisdom, Love and Understanding together forming the violet flame. Imagine it burning inside your heart. You have seen icons with the sacred heart flame. Everybody has this, not just the saints and angels. Take deep breaths and breathe into your heart to activate the violet flame and imagine it goes out from there to your body first, to purify it, then to the situation where you would like to add love and light.
There are emails circulating that indicate with all this misery, surely the Galactics should come now and ‘save us’. This is miscreated, immature, lower thinking. You are the Galactics and you are already here. YOU are commissioned with changing it. This IS YOUR MISSION. You signed up and you read the small print on the contract.
We come in after you change it and we help you by clearing away everything that no longer works and the counseling and technology needed to put into place all the things a 5th Dimensional Society has.
I have been asked How Can I Help More?
There are things you can do. I want to share this with you today.
Today, the vernal equnox, is a day when your Planet position is in neutral position. This allows the transmissions from your Central Sun, the home of Helios and Vesta, Ra, Sekhmet and Alcyone, to float through the Milky Way Galaxy and through your Sun Sol, into Earth, with the greatest penetration today than for the next many months. Today is the day for New Creation. The pulses from the Central Sun go out through Father Sky into Mother Earth. These pulses enter Earth through the equator and into her center core at Inner Earth at the blue Sun there. Consider these Cosmic Pulses as the male fire energy penetrating the watery womb of Mother Earth and then the pulsing orgasmic euphoric energy of new Creation which started as Creation from the Voice, from the Mouth, the Word made manifest, the Central Sun, traveling the body of the Milky Way and Birthed out again as new Creation in Mothers Womb space at Galactic Center in Heaven and these undulating fractal pulses of orgasmic 100th Dimensional Love are permeating every cell along its way. This is effecting your Body and the Earth. Your heart is expanding yet again as you traverse the Higher Realms of Consciousness. The Ones who cannot hold love are having one last showdown at the hoe-down. They truly believe their controlling ways will work once more, yet they will not.
I invite you to meditate with me now. This is one thing we can do that will help the most to bring us to Zero Point. I am here, with all the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Legions of Angelic helpers, Christed Ets from your Solar System and outside your Solar System. Millions of us, your family, are present now, tuning in and joining with you as you read these words and take them into the violet flame of your heart and float them to the outer Universes after passing through Earth and returning finally at Galactic and SuperGalacticCenter. You are much more powerful than you know.
You join me now, in a large meeting room on The New Jerusalem. Here present are members of the Angelic and MagicalKingdoms. There is enough room for us to form a large circle, holding hands together. You can feel the ecstatic joy and love, we welcome you here.
Imagine inside the circle a ball of light a few feet across floating in the center of our circle in this room on the New Jerusalem, floating a few feet off the floor. It has multiple colors of light and flashes like lightning in the center. Take the light from your violet flame in your heart and send it to this light ball in our circle and as you do, imagine your body becoming small, the size of one cell and allow that cell to float on your flame into the center of this light ball floating in the center of our circle.
Now you see the light ball grows and this is our One Cell joining together in Unity Consciousness. The colors swirl as the ball grows in size and the light bolts through the iridescent light ball.
Now we will be opening a large door in the floor under the ball and we allow the light ball to leave the New Jerusalem, through the door in the floor. We watch as it floats out to the stars of this arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The energy of this Unity Consciousness coming together with all of us here and others participating from their Ships, is experienced by all on Earth, whether they are conscious of it or not. It floats into the Equador Portal into Inner Earth, into the Heart Womb of Earth and raises her up. This Unity Consciousness added to the situations unfolding on Earth now Shift the energies to a ceasefire and a new direction for the governments of Earth. It Shifts the energy revealing the final arrests and it opens a door where we Galactics can then land and bring relief to the Earth torn places of Japan and all of Earth where we may comfort and assist in mass healings.
As the Vernal Equinox of Earth makes possible the greatest absorption of the Unity Consciousness and Love from Space, vast changes are possible. Send Love to the Ones who played their stage roles so well. Bless them on their Journey as the 3D Earth leaves the realm of 5D Earth. You are not losing them, you will be able to visit anytime at will. Use the gift of Ho'oponopono every time it is needed. Be calm and exude love as we endure the final birthing pains for new Earth. Blessings.
This is Lord Ashtar, Captain of the Galactic Federation.