Your life purpose is to create heaven on earth, which is the completion of the ascension cycle that includes humanity, the earth and the third dimension. Every aspect of your being and all of your power are working together as it is the purpose of your many lifetimes. Throughout eons of time this has been an evolving path for all of humanity. You create ascension in the present moment, not in the past or the future, so you must learn to create from where you are.
Each time you manifest a new and different reality you also shift a corresponding energetic vibration that is an ending of an aspect of fear. These endings then help greater amounts of light and higher vibrations become part of the earth's energy. As you review your life and see your shortcomings and mistakes, know that these shifts in perspective are necessary for the creation process to begin. Each time you change your perspective you also change the earth's energy. Each time you create a higher aspect for your reality, you also create an opening for a higher aspect in the earth's energies. As you acknowledge where you are and claim your power to transform your reality, you are also claiming dominion over its fear aspect and a corresponding shift resonates throughout the Universe.
The third dimension is a mirror for your powers of creation and manifestation and your purpose is to create heaven on earth to fulfill the ascension cycle that you and the earth are partners in. Each aspect of reality you create is an individual expression of your God presence. The details of your life are a reflection of your light and mirror it to the world. In each moment creation shifts as you move towards or away from the light within, closer or farther from your divinity and connect to or disconnect from your power. Where you are is where you need to move energy, create a higher aspect of your being and allow a new understanding of yourself as divine.
Creation is the process of manifesting your life path. It reflects your choice of energies in each moment. As you are aware that higher express are possible, set your intention to create a new reality in that moment. Do not spend time judging the value of the past. Focus on creation in this moment because each moment represents the vibration of your consciousness. Every detail of your life path is either grounded in a karmic path or a creative present. There is no power in the Universe that can create your life path for you, or interfere with its progress. To know how much control you have you must see yourselves as masters of the third dimension, as Creator's creators in the third dimension for that is what you are in creating heaven on earth.
創造--是你們人生道路的進程顯化。它反應出在每個時刻中你們對能量的選擇。由於你能夠盡可能的理解那更高的擴展,就在那個時刻設定你的意圖去創造一個新的實相。不要浪費時間去判斷過去時刻的價值。集中注意力在【此刻】去創造,因為每個時刻代表著你意識的真實振動。每個你們人世經歷的細節也根植在一種【業力】方式中,同時也是一份創造性的禮物。在宇宙中沒有力量能夠為你去創造你的人世經歷,或者干擾它的進程,只有你自己可以。為了知道你自己有多大的控制力,那麼你必須把自己當作第三密度的大師看待,作為在第三密度中造物主的創造者,因為這就是你們在地球上參與了進來並去創造天堂。 原文地址