Titles—— Father Melchizedek
By Father Melchizedek thru Hazel
Apr 10, 2011 - 5:03:44 AM
Titles are just another diversion which reinforces divisive thinking. It is used to distinguish and discriminate one’s position from another. It has hierarchical benefit but is superficial at the most. Those of you on earth who have been exposed to the celestial mission for earth –Shan and humanity may be gratified by your encounters with Ones you call High Celestial Beings. There is a spiritual hierarchy for the purpose of clarity of roles rather than distinction through status. For WE in the higher celestial realms know that there is only ONE and WE function within the realm of ONE. There is no ego to drive or manipulate. WE do not see ourselves as separate from God or each other but work within the framework created for effective universal management.
Titles on your earth have been used indiscriminately and further breach the reality of ONENESS. It creates disparity in status that one may always be influenced to “over lord” another. The motivation is totally ego driven. The ego abstains from recognising ONENESS in all through its need for self gratification. WE in the higher realms are at this time seeking to encourage and draw you children back to the understanding that each makes up the whole and there can be no competition between souls when only ONE exists. We watch you try to outdo each other and this has created false power struggles and engendered a warring culture. In the process each struggles with himself and fights himself when he seeks to overcome another. It is sheer blindness through ignorance of truth that nurtures this self destructive abstract.
Man is yet to be trusted with titles as it is mismanaged and breeds divide. If each can find himself/herself each will realise the God potential borne within and will come to see eventually that they are no different from God. If each sees the other as God then each will strive to live up to that image. There is no entity greater than God. God is the sum total of all, which comprises each of you. Some may return to God consciousness sooner than others but that does not suggest superiority or inferiority. These terms are non-existent beloveds in the realms of God and must therefore become obsolete in your realm through cultivated changes in the thought structures of each.
Titles are contrived, God is not. Titles are unreal, God is not. Do you need a title to feel good about yourself? When you see your image in a mirror what do you see? Is it a label given to you by someone else or imposed by self? All creatures of God are equally loved and cherished regardless of title. God is only concerned that His children will return to Him by claiming their God identity.
We see so many in your realm “dropping” names in an effort to impress and at the same time intimidate. Can you see your brother or sister as yourself? Is your greatness not theirs and your weaknesses too? When you can comprehend this your will relinquish the ardent need to assume titles or to use it to the detriment of others as you pave your way for what you may think is an upward climb.
I will remind you that God is the essence of all that is humble. He uses His title to over light all with deepest compassion and Creator-love. He is the highest anyone of you can endeavour to reach yet the title of God is belittled and anomalous in your world. You prefer to wear false names, condescend others instead of observing the birthright of each. Little ones the title God is used for your benefit until such time that you merge into achieved ONENESS. It is only then you are just what you are (“I AM”) without need for name. God is not concerned with defending HIMSELF/HERSELF for HE does not have a title to defend. HE has children who HE efforts to lead back to HIM.
Titles are misnomers and you should see them for what they are. Start seeing yourself in terms of qualities and attributes. Call yourself Love, Kindness, Generosity, Humility, Charity etc and then you will start living your title in truth and embodying what the greatest and infinite source and intelligence represents.
Titles which precede or succeed your names are equally irrelevant if they cannot be placed soberly in context. They create a veritable distraction from that which is real and pre empts you ones from seeking the truth of who your really are. You must define yourself by who you are not by who someone else tells you, you are. Who you are is the truth you find within you that will confirm the God presence your bear.
If you were to allow God to knowingly be your goal, on your journey to the kingdom you will realise the potent force that you are through the enhancement that God’s presence offers you. He said boldly that you must know HIM as yourself. Little ones it is time to perish the thinking that you are someone other than God. When you see yourself as less you will never be able to accept and tune into your power and potential. These crucial times demand a return to the light and reclamation of your true identity. Put yourselves through the study and discipline of self mastery and as you progress in your study the title of God will sit more comfortably with you. Blessed be the day when you can achieve that mastery that you may come in the humble knowing that God is all there is.
Do not lose sight of that which is REAL and TRUE. It is time to be grownups now and to put away the toys that have long been distracting; and have deviously led you down the wrong path. Tune in now beloveds to the frequency of the Holy Spirit within you. You are each incumbents to the Royal throne. Let this vision empower you that you may humbly accept the sceptre, even now in your plane of existence that you may first rule yourself before embarking to be a teacher of others.
I leave you with the blessings of the ONE and the reminder that God is the ray within each of you ready and willing to shine through at your call.
I am Father Melchizedek come again this day to offer some enlightenment to your perspective. I leave you with MY love and celestial joy.