Selamat Jarin! We return! The Ascended Masters continue to assert themselves on your world! Our Earth allies, with their divine help, are readying for the grand transformations that are shortly to follow. We are preparing our personnel for a more direct series of interactions with your new governments. These interactions include the formal disclosure process and a to-be-announced program of technology transfers from us to you. We are also assessing what is most urgently needed to sustain Mother Earth and her diverse ecosystems. A number of her life webs are now critical, and we have set up the preliminary means to resolve these dire situations. Examples of these are the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic. The unabated actions of your last dark cabal have substantially exacerbated the gravity of the conditions in these two regions, and there are others just as sensitive. We are ready to do our part in temporarily balancing Gaia. We are also putting the finishing touches to the initial presentations that our spokespersons are to make to you. These shocking announcements require the right blend of truth and sincerity.

Selamat Jarin! 我們回來了. 提升大師們繼續將他們(的計畫)擴展到你們的世界裏! 擁有我們的地上(地球上)聯盟的神聖支援, 大變革已經準備妥當而且很快就可開始實現. 我們的人員正準備與你們的新zf進行直接交接. 交接包括正式大揭露的實行步驟以及其他準備實施專案的技術向你們傳遞. 我們亦正在評估最哪里是地球母親最需要支援以及她最需要修復的受到嚴重破壞的生態系統. 一系列的地球生命網正處於告急狀態, 我們正在建立基本設施去修復這些嚴峻的狀況. 可以舉例的有墨西哥灣和北極. 剩餘黑暗勢力的持續活動使這兩個區域以及其他相類似脆弱的地方的情況嚴重惡化. 我們已經在我們能力範圍內去暫時平衡蓋亞. 我們亦正在完成我們發言人宣佈大揭露最後的收尾工作. 這個歷史性的宣佈需要真相與誠懇準確配合.

At the same time we are meeting with our Earth allies to decide where to put the last members of the dark cabal, and we have picked out several places where they can be kept during the trials that are to swiftly follow their mass arrests. This is being done to validate the legitimacy of the new caretaker governments. A large number of announcements will mark the first few days of these new administrations, among them, the revelation of vast, unreported funds which are to serve as a foundation for resolving governmental debt and for restoring many essential services, such as the education of your children. Other funds are to be used to modernize and prepare these regimes for the transfer of their secret technology to the public domain. In addition, there are huge debt-forgiveness programs and public-transparency policies to be instituted. A great deal of responsibility is to be handed to you. Be ready, dear Ones, to support these vital changes and help your societies in their push toward full consciousness.

與此同時我們也在與地上聯盟商討如何安置這些最後剩餘的黑暗成員. 我們亦選定了數個地方去關押這些被大範圍拘捕之後等待審訊的黑暗成員. 這是為體現新的監護管制機構(ZF)的合法性. 在這些新管理機構開始運作的頭幾天會有大量的訊息公佈. 其中,被公開的大量秘密財富會作為清理ZF債務以及恢復許多公共服務的基礎, 例如教育系統. 其他資金將用於現代化,已及經將新體制擁有的秘密技術轉變為為平民服務. 再加上會有巨大的債務免除專案已及公共透明化政策會被設立. 相當大的一部分的責任將會賦予每一個人. 親愛的,請準備好去支持這些重要的轉變去幫助你們的社會推向恢復全意識.

Blessings! We are the Ascended Masters! We come today, dear brothers and sisters, to discuss some aspects of the new financial system that have not yet been talked about. First of all, let us look at the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China). Our Earth allies know the importance of these four to monetary reform and have secretly assigned them a series of key tasks. Brazil is a crucial nation for two reasons: first, it is essential that the Amazon Basin be restored to its former, ecologically fully functioning capacity; second, Brazil needs to provide a prosperous lifestyle for her large population. Monetary reform and debt forgiveness gives her the resources to accomplish both tasks. The same goes for India and China. Here, great spiritual legacies need preserving and billion-plus populations moved into a state of prosperity. Again, monetary reform and debt forgiveness will be the foundations upon which the new regimes can institute the policies addressing these colossal challenges. A great spiritual renaissance is to be centered here!

祝福你們! 我們是提升大師! 親愛的兄弟姐妹們, 今天我們在這裏討論一下關於新金融系統中未提及到的地方. 首先講一下 BIRC 國家(巴西,俄羅斯,印度,中國英文開頭縮寫). 我們的地上聯盟知道這4個國家對金融改革的重要性,已經秘密地安排他們一系列的重要任務. 巴西所以重要有2個原因: 第一,十分必須將亞馬遜盆地的生態系統恢復到它原有能力; 第二, 巴西需要對眾多的國民提供富足生活. 金融改革以及債務免除給與巴西資源去完成這兩項任務. 同樣道理中國與印度亦一樣. 在這裏, 在數十億人得到富足生活的同時大量靈性的承傳也需要得到維持. 重新, 金融改革和債務免除會是新的社會制度設立新政策以及開展這些重大改變的基礎. 巨大的靈性復興會是變革的中心.

This brings us to Russia. Russia has been instrumental in forging new monetary policy for Europe. Her vast gold reserves and geographic position (sitting astride both the Urals and the Caucasus) give her a special role to play as a major mediator in bringing this new monetary program into being. We have worked with her in positioning several major gold depositories and in protecting them from harm. In addition, we have used the special energies of the outer Caucasus region to protect the rest of our global gold depository system from destruction by the dark. These activities have been made possible by a special group that we have been encouraging over time inside Russia. This group is destined to form special caretaker governance with the wholehearted assistance of our Earth allies. Russia is using her new economic position in the world to assist the other BRIC nations in their drive to enlist others to adopt a new global monetary system.

講到俄羅斯. 俄羅斯是個重要的國家去鍛造歐洲的新金融政策. 她的大量黃金儲備及地理位置(處於橫跨烏拉爾和高加索地區)授予她作為新金融政策啟動時的主要調停者. 我們與她一起就位去保護數個黃金儲存庫. 再者, 我們使用高加索週邊地區的特別能量去保護我們餘下散佈全球的黃金存儲系統避免受到黑暗勢力破壞. 我們的這些行動由我們在俄羅斯多年以來物識到的特別組織執行. 這些組織受命於真心協力去幫助我們的地上聯盟特別的監護管制機構. 俄羅斯正運用她新的經濟地位去引導其他BIRC國家加入接納這個新的全球金融系統.

Progress toward regime change continues, my brothers and sisters! We are overseeing the last series of legal hoops. These include: a massive signing-on to the new economic system by a majority of nations that agree with the formal BRIC nations’ proposals; and, the completion of documents setting in motion a ‘changing-of-the-guard’ in a number of nations. These final legal documents contain the provisions to end the long rule of the US Corporation and to return America to her original constitutional governance. These developments dovetail with the last detailed accounting of your prosperity funds. The goal is to bring both processes to completion concurrently. Then we can conclude the final step of our prosperity programs and begin, together with the Galactic Federation, to ready the new governments for disclosure. Then our task is to inform you fully about the next steps on your divine march to full consciousness.

兄弟姐妹們! 改變社會制度的努力在繼續. 我們正在監視最新一輪的政權轉變. 這些包括:大量的國家簽署參加新金融系統,其中很多都接受正式的BIRC國家計畫; 以及在數個國家中完成相關檔去開始”轉換監護人”(這裏應該指轉換ZF). 這些最終的法律檔包括相關法令指引去結束美國ZF的長期統治, 已及交還國家到原本憲法的管治. 這些行動將與你們財富資金的發放相配合. 我們的目標是可以使兩方面同時進行互相配合去完成. 然後我們可以完成最後一步的財富(分配)計畫, 與銀河聯邦一起,讓新ZF準備好大揭露. 之後我們的任務會是知會你們回歸全意識的神聖道路的下一步.

Your march to full consciousness has been our prime mission over the millennia. All of us have, in our own unique ways, concerned ourselves daily with humanity’s spiritual enlightenment. We have used the good offices of Gaia’s Spiritual Hierarchy to spread the wisdom and knowledge that you require to advance in consciousness. Our messages and guidance are making you day by day more aware of who you really are. Your advance in consciousness is a necessary preliminary to what is next planned for you by Heaven. In Agartha lies your final destination. Here, the well-trained, personal mentor assigned to you by the Galactic Federation and by Heaven is to merge you back into full consciousness. Then we will greet you and welcome you to our midst! We, all of us, have the responsibility of specific tasks to maintain Gaia and to spread the Light throughout Creation!

(幫助)你們的努力歷程去回歸全意識是我們數千年來的的主要任務. 我們所有的成員都有各種獨特的方法, 為人類達到靈性啟蒙作每一日的努力. 我們使用蓋亞完善的靈性層次體系去散播你們提升意識所需要的智慧和知識. 我們的資訊和指導使你們更清楚你的真實身份. 你們意識的提高是認識天堂為你們準備下一步計畫的基礎. 在 Agartha (地心世界的一個大城市) 有你們的目的地. 在這裏, 天堂與銀河系聯邦為你配備訓練有素的私人導師會指導你回歸全意識. 然後我們可以歡迎和為你慶祝你和我們回到一起! 我們的全體成員, 都有各自的任務去維護蓋亞以及在天地萬物中散播光明!

The First Contact mission has been concentrating on Mother Earth. We have been monitoring, especially, the ever-increasing number of seaquakes in the southern Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. These quakes are beginning to alter the traditional ab- and subduction patterns of the South Pacific, Central Indian, and mid-Atlantic Ocean plates. This most certainly portends that major quakes are to happen shortly either near Asia or in the North Pacific Basin. A series of deep resonances of a specific type are echoing through these regions. We are working with several interested parties to scale down what now promise to be truly colossal shakes and some massive long-traveling tsunamis. These phenomena are merely Gaia’s warning that all of you need to wake up and become conscious of the dawning of a new era.

第一次接觸這項任務被集中在地球母親身上. 我們正在監視, 特別是位於南太平洋,大西洋, 印度洋不斷增加的海底地震. 這些地震開始改變南太平洋,中印度洋, 中大西洋海洋板塊 AB 俯衝帶的舊有結構. 這預示大地震會很快發生于亞洲或或北太平洋盆地附近. 一系列的深層震動會在這些區域回蕩. 我們正在與有關方面一起降低一些難以避免的劇烈搖晃,以及巨大的長距離海嘯. 這些現象是蓋亞對世人的警告, 提醒人們對新世紀來臨的覺醒.

Do what is necessary to prepare and accept that you are not alone! Accept that we are here and ready to disclose a number of vital facts to you. The Ascended Masters are nearly ready to change your reality in the twinkling of an eye! This new world is about consciousness, and about bringing in the galaxy to finally greet you and compliment you on the New You! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

去準備做接受你們不是孤獨的(唯一存在的)! 接受我們將要對你們揭示一系列的事實. 提升大師們將會在眨眼之間就會準備好改變你們的世界! 這新世界將會是有關於意識(的提升), 整個銀河系都會祝賀你脫變到新的你而慶賀! 親愛的人們,要知道天堂無盡的供給與快樂真正屬於你們!努力吧! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (天狼星語:成為一體和沉浸於喜悅!)



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