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原文:http://spiritlibrary.com/akashic-transformations/akashic-records-for-june-2011 Akashic Records for June 2011 阿凱西記錄2011年6月資訊 from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA, Wednesday, 1 June, 2011 來自阿凱西記錄,由Jen Eramith MA傳遞,於2011.06.01
導讀: 1. What energies and experiences can we expect in June of 2011? 2. How can we find the greatest benefit with using the energy this month? 1.我們可以預期在2011年6月會有怎樣的能量和體驗? 2.我們如何運用這個月的能量來得到最大助益?
1.What energy and experiences can we expect in June of 2011? 1.我們可以預期在2011年6月會有怎樣的能量和體驗?
This is meant to be a very productive month. There is a strong forward motion that is not like a push or a shove. It is like a steady progression. The energy in the winter and spring has brought challenges. It has also brought a lot of support. This month you will feel that, instead of things going up and down and you trying to keep track of so much change, you will have a clearer sense of the direction that things are moving in. 這將是一個非常富有成果的月份。有一種很強烈的前進動力,這並不像是推或撞的力。這像是一個穩步前進。冬天和春天的能量已經帶來了很多挑戰,也帶來了很多的支持(譯注:即這些挑戰帶給你的經驗)。這個月你會感覺到,並不像前面所經歷的上下顛簸讓你試圖保持跟上改變的節奏那樣,代之的是你會對〖讓事情有所進展的方向〗有更清晰的把握。
The challenges in your lives will start to line up so that even if the challenges are still there, they are all going to go in the same direction. You can apply some of the same solutions to different problems. You will see patterns more easily and that will help you find solutions. The potential is that June can feel easier, but that will only be the case if you are willing to work. You keep your eyes open, you keep your hands on the steering wheel, and keep paying attention to and working with what comes up in your life. 你生活中的挑戰將開始排列起來,這樣儘管挑戰仍擺在那裡,但它們都是朝著同一方向。你可以用某些同類的方法來解決不同的問題。你將更容易地看到挑戰的模式,這會説明你找到解決之道。整體趨勢就是在6月你將感到更容易,但是只有在你願意去行動的情況下才會如此。你睜大你的雙眼,將雙手放在方向盤上,保持警惕並與出現在你生活中的物或事協同工作。
If you try to rest in June, you are going to get lost. If you avoid working on your path it will be as if you are on a river and get caught in an eddy -- you will feel like you are being pushed around. June is a time to take pleasure in work. It is a time to take pleasure in getting things done, moving things forward, working with one another to find solutions. That is the overall momentum for the energy in June of 2011. 如果你想在6月裡好好休息下,你將失去些什麼。如果你想逃避你所面臨的工作,你就會像在河中遇到一個漩渦一樣--你會感覺到無力掙扎。6月是一個以工作為樂的月份,是一個以〖完成事情、推進事情、與別人協作找到解決辦法〗為樂的月份。這就是2011年6月份的全部動力。
2. How can we find the greatest benefit with using the energy this month? 2.我們如何運用這個月的能量來得到最大助益?
The best way to benefit from this energy is to plan in advance for what you have to work on. At the beginning of the month, take some time to reflect on your year so far. Much has changed. Much has changed in the greater world and much has changed in your individual lives. So much of the change has been fundamental -- the foundations within you have shifted. Paradigms are shifting; the centers of power are shifting. This is true in the world; it is also true for you as an individual. 要借此能量獲得助益,最好是對你不得不做的事事先做好計畫。月初,花些時間來回顧今年從頭至今的一些概況。很多方面都發生變化了,很多變化發生在更廣的世界裡,很多發生在你自己生活中。如此多的變化都是根本性的變化--你內在的基礎已經轉變了。模式也在轉變;權力中心也在轉變。這確實地發生在你們的世界上;也確實地發生在你個人身上。
You might not have really been able to make sense of it or figure out where it is all going to lead, but if you will look back, at the beginning of June, look back on your year so far and make a list of your challenges. What have been the biggest changes in your life? What have been the most confusing or difficult or challenging experiences so far for you? For each of those challenges, then ask yourself, “How do I feel about this? How did I feel about this issue before? How do I feel about it now? What has changed and what needs to change?” Then after doing that, look back and notice that there are some patterns, there are some similar themes in these different challenges. 此月裡如果你不回顧(在月初時,回顧你從年初至今的概況並列出你面臨的挑戰的清單),你不可能真正弄得清楚或者勾勒出事情走向的全貌。過去在你生活中對你來說最大的改變是什麼?迄今為止對你來說最困擾你的或困難的或具挑戰的體驗是什麼?對於每一個那樣的挑戰,請自問:“我對此有何感受?以前對此問題有什麼樣的感受?而如今對它又有什麼感受?是什麼改變了以及什麼需要改變?”然後在這樣做以後,回顧並注意到,在這些不同的挑戰中,有很多種不同的模式,也有很多相似的主旨。
Even if they are very different parts of your life, you are going to find that they are similar themes. You might have the same emotion about all of them, or you might need to make the same type of change in all of them. Look for the similarities, look for the patterns and then look ahead to June. Think about what your plans are, think about the people you will be seeing this month, the projects or tasks you want to have accomplished. Consider how those patterns can play into your plans. Think ahead to how you can solve some of your problems before you reach them by learning from what has happened so far this year. Maybe your theme is empowerment or speaking up for yourself. Maybe your theme is being a better listener. Maybe your theme is learning to count to ten before you lose your temper. Whatever it is, each of you has something that has been building and it is time to finally learn this and apply it in June. That is the best way that you can really work with this energy. 即使它們是你生活中的不同組成部分,你將發現它們有著相同的主旨。你可能對所有的它們都有著同樣的情感反應,或者你可能需要對它們所有作出同樣類型的改變。去找這些相似之處,找同類的範本,然後朝前看看6月(該如何做)吧。想想這個月你的計畫是什麼,想想這個月你想要見的人、你想要完成的項目或任務。考慮好那些範本該怎麼應用在你的計畫之中。更進一步地想想如何在你開始著手接觸他們之前,通過從年初至今發生的事中學習到的來解決你的一些問題。也許你的主要目的是增強自信或大膽地表達自己,也許你的主要目的是成為一個更好的傾聽者,也許你的主要目的是學習〖在你發脾氣以前數到10(來避免不值得的亂發脾氣)〗。不管有什麼樣的目標,你們每個人都有過去已經建立起來的某些經驗,正好去最終學習這經驗並把它用在6月的生活中。這就是你能真正用好這能量的最好方法。
Other than that process, you do not need to make anything happen this month. So much will be happening already! Just watch for the experiences that come to you. Watch for the people who show up in your life, watch for the problems that show up. They are giving you what you need to move forward. You do not need to make it up, you do not need to search, this is not a time for quiet contemplation, and it is not a time for deep spiritual search. This is time to work on your life and do the best you can with it. Take every step you can with as much integrity as you can muster. 除上面所提以外,這個月你不需要刻意讓任何事發生,早已有很多事在發生著。只需要等候將出現在你面前的體驗,等候出現在你生活中的人,等候暴露出來的問題。它們會提供給你你前進之所需。你不需要彌補,不需要刻意去搜索挖掘,這不是一個靜思冥想的時候,也不是一個進行深層次靈性探索的月份。這是一個把重心放在你的生活並盡你所能過好它的時候。盡可能完整地走好你的每一步。 |