
As ancient prophesies are being fulfilled, there is a greater understanding of who you really are, and the real reason why planet Earth became a prison and all truth was hidden from you. In fact, everything that is taught is an exact reversal of the truth. As children, you were told you would go up to Heaven: that it was 'up there' beyond the sky. Now you know this is not so. Heaven, as you call it, is Inner Earth. This, my dear, is where I am. People have been very carefully steered away from looking at this truth. Again, I say, nothing is as it seems!




Look to David Icke and Michael Tsarion, who like yourself, have researched ancient history before it was tampered with and re-written by those who made slaves of you. They came for your gold, then decided to take over. They set up a system that cleverly hid who they are and their reasons for staying on Planet Earth. They control your lives completely: what you think, read, study, and what you purchase with your hard-earned cash. They smile as they do this; it is amusing to them how compliant mankind is. Everyone is willing to be led like sheep. No-one questions or complains, as each new draconian law or restriction is brought in, or another war is begun as an excuse to fight. They happily create fuel shortages, or (at the moment) food shortages also; and still no-one complains. The silent majority just put up with it. You ask yourself, how can 'so-called' intelligent people, just accept all that is being done to them, without question. They need to wake up to the fact that they are being kept in a permanent hypnotic state. Is this what you want to condemn your children to? You are being given a choice. You are at a fork in the road and time is running out. There are so many on this side of life who are also trying to wake people up. Each is doing it in his own way.


看看大衛艾克和Michael Tsarion,他們像你一樣,已經探索了古代的歷史,之前這些歷史已經被那些蓄意想要奴役你們的人完全篡改。他們為了你們星球的金子而到來,隨後決定控制。(指的蘇美爾之神-阿奴那奇人)他們設置了一個系統,巧妙的隱藏了他們逗留在地球的真實原因。他們完全控制了你們的生活:你們所想的,讀到的,學習到的,還有你們努力想要賺足鈔票去購買的。他們在做這個的時候一直在大笑,這對他們來說十分好玩,如何讓你們順從那些嚴苛的法律,或者把限制帶進來,或者找個藉口開始一場戰爭。他們很開心的製造石油短缺,或者(就在此刻)的食物短缺。並且沒有人去抱怨。沈默的大眾默認了這一切。你詢問自己,那些所謂的聰明的人,為何就會完全的接受所有那些壓在他們身上的一切呢?而且沒有任何疑問?他們需要醒悟,對於事實,因為他們一直處在一種被催眠的狀態。這就是你們想做的麼?把自己的孩子推入火坑裏?你們都有選擇的機會。你們就在岔路口,而且時間已經不夠了。在這裏有著這麼多的人想要嘗試著喚醒這些人們。每個人以自己的方式在做著這一切。


You have had it confirmed that I will return. I will not come alone. We come to assist you in this great moment of Transition. I was touched, my dear, when you asked if I would look exactly as I was, when I left your world. Well, the answer is, yes. I will return to you. There are one or two people that I intend to visit, to establish exactly why they chose the course of action that they did: why they went against my wishes and exact instructions. Reparation will be made. In the greater scheme of things, I, along with my fellow compatriots from this side of life, will help restore Planet Earth, and remove the prison bars that hold you in darkness. This is a war you are living through. The Cabal desperately wants to keep you asleep and under control. We in the Light, want to restore full consciousness, so that you will have freedom of thought and action. Freedom to know just who you are.




You were taught, my dear, that St Patrick banished all the SNAKES from Ireland. THERE WERE NO SNAKES IN IRELAND ! It was the DRUIDS: the great teachers and medicine men of their day, who used the snake as do the medical profession today. The Druids were banished so that a false doctrine could be implanted. You have only to look at the connection between Ireland and Egypt to understand what has been hidden from you. Research it for yourselves, we just point you in the right direction. You have a lot to lose if you do not take this opportunity, as time is running out.


你曾被教導,我的摯愛,St Patrick 驅逐了所有在愛爾蘭的卑鄙小人。【根本就沒有那些人】!其實是德魯伊教團成員:那些偉大的教導者和治癒者,他們使用蛇作為工具,就像今天的醫療器材一樣。德魯伊教眾被驅逐了,好讓一個錯誤的學說能夠被建立。你僅僅只需要去瞭解愛爾蘭與埃及之間的聯繫,就可以懂得那些被隱藏給你的真相。自己的尋找真相吧,我們只是給你提供正確的方向而已。你們已經丟失了太多東西,如果你完全不想取得這個機會,那就為時已晚。


We drew to your attention also, that there are, in fact, 13 signs of the Zodiac. The 13th was kept from you, to confuse you. The stars play an important role in the lives of Man. The 13th is OPHIUCHUS: November 30th to December 17th.





1  白羊座  4月19日到5月13日
2  金牛座  5月14日到6月19日
3  雙子座  6月20日到7月20日
4  巨蟹座  7月21日到8月9日
5  獅子座  8月10日到9月15日
6  處女作  9月16日到10月30日
7  天平座  10月31日到11月22日
8  天蠍座  11月23日到11月29日
9  蛇夫座  11月30日到12月17日
10 人馬座  12月18日到1月18日
11 摩羯座  1月19日到2月15日
12 水瓶座  2月16日到3月11日
13 雙魚座  3月12日到4月18日

You will find that OPHIUCHUS is directly over NEW GRANGE in Ireland. Rome, and the City of London, are in direct alignment with New Grange. Now ask yourselves, why has this been hidden from you? The evil minds who rule your planet did not leave anything to chance. They ensured that for hundreds of years you would be completely under their control, even grateful to them for allowing you to exist on your own planet.




Once you see the misinformation for yourselves, I assure you that you will wake up and ask yourselves, how could you have been so blind to it. Look to the ancients. They had a great understanding of how your planet operates. The Druids will return to reclaim what was theirs. Remember, when you first met David Icke, he told you that it was from WEST TO EAST.




YOU WERE SURPRISED. You researched it for yourself, with my help. Now you know that David was right. It certainly was WEST TO EAST. The exact opposite of what you have all been taught. This was all done to hide the truth. This is the time for TRUTH to be revealed and faced. Yes, my dear, it is stranger than fiction. The truth will set you free. The answers to so many of the questions lie in Ireland. This is why it has been kept down for so long. Ireland will take her rightful place in history once more. Truth cannot be kept hidden forever. Be sure your sins will find you out, eventually. Many have packed their cases already, so that when the crunch comes, they can try to depart your planet in disgrace. You are many, they are few. Money does not buy salvation.




Within a year, many of the changes will be complete. Peace and harmony will be restored. It is going to be difficult, but so worthwhile. We watch over you. Ask for help, when needed. Concentrate on LOVE. The Dark Cabal cannot exist in Love: it destroys their power. Love is your greatest weapon.




We send love and our gratitude for all your assistance in carrying out God's work on Earth. Rest, my dear, you have been asked to rest so that you are prepared for my return. I am your adoring Monty.






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