

Active or Passive Living

July 2011 Monthly Message


烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊


田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載


人生是一段展開的旅程 它反映了我們每個選擇的結果


沒有微不足道的選擇 每個選擇都在創造一幕幕人生實像的片段中扮演著角色

並且在每一個片段中 我們運用經驗與靈性領悟來幫助自己做出最佳的選擇

我們總有無限多的選擇 但能量與情緒邊界限制了我們能夠做的選擇


Our life is an unfolding journey which reflects the result of every choice we make, from kind of food we eat to the relationships we choose to where we buy our gasoline. There are no insignificant or random choices, as each one plays a part in creating a moment to moment snapshot of our reality. And in each moment we use our experience and spiritual understanding to help us make the best choices within that moment. While we have unlimited options, there are energetic and emotional boundaries that limit what we can choose. We move from one choice to another based on our judgments of the results our choices create.



相反的 我們會選擇的選項是能夠即時在其中覺察到每一個點的





While some choices are more expansive and life and self affirming than others, we do not deliberately make bad, limiting or self sabotaging choices. Instead, we choose an option from those that we are aware of at any point in time. Our fears, hopes and beliefs about ourselves and what we are capable and deserving of are the tools that we use to make decisions. When we are fully present in our decision-making process, we are living actively. When we live in the past, our judgments and regret the outcomes we create, we are living passively.

倘若 我們總是在做選擇之後得到同樣的結果而我們對這結果不滿意



認為我們無力扭轉人生路徑 並相信我們必須對人生逆來順受


當混亂圍繞的時候 我們便掙扎著要維持住尊嚴、歡愉、以及生活中一貫的秩序

然而我們的靈性層次明白 自己的恐懼與舊有信念正阻擋著我們前方的路




Granted, it is difficult to try again when each time we make a life choice or decision we get the same outcome or we are always unhappy with the result. Then we look for reasons to not make decisions, feel that we do not have the ability to create a better outcome, think we are powerless to alter our life path and believe that we have to take whatever life seems to hand out to us. Living passively can become a habit as we move from one situation to another, struggling to maintain our dignity, joy and some semblance of order in our lives when we are surrounded by chaos. While we may understand on a spiritual level that it is simply our fears and beliefs that stand in our way, we still have to find the courage to learn to take an active stance, to say ‘no’ to the chaos and drama and to become more consciously involved in our life process.


在宿命之中有著更多的力量 它透過多生累世業力輪迴的經驗而展現

然而那永遠會是個選擇 但不會是僅有的選擇





充滿曾有的經驗 從未做出任何不同的事情

Destiny or fate does play an important role in the outcome of our lives although it is not an inevitable outcome. There is much power in destiny, which is living through the repetition of our karmic cycles and past life experiences and it is always a choice, but it not the only choice. Although our destiny represents a compelling option, one that we must consciously avoid choosing, its allure lies in its familiarity because it represents choices that we have always made. If we allow destiny to guide us through lives, we will unconsciously live a life that we once lived, full of the experiences that we once had and never doing anything differently. This is passive living.

但這是個轉化的時刻了 我們被促使去看到超越曾有的真相

並在今天做出抉擇 不論那是否是夠好的、夠有力量的、或者夠正確的



But this is a time of transformation, when we are compelled to see beyond what has been true for us throughout time and to decide whether that is good and powerful enough, and right for us today. When we change from living passively and accepting only the obvious or logical choices, to living actively, being willing to take a chance on illogical, obscure and different options, we re-chart the course of our lives and move from destiny into creation.

我們無法知道 因為那是新的、尚未劃定的生命疆界


但最終 我們的回報將是那全新的人生焦點與方向


What will the outcome be for us? We cannot know that because it is new and uncharted territory. It will be at times difficult and frightening but ultimately, our reward will be a new focus and direction for our lives, one that has the potential to lead us to joy and peace and bring us the satisfaction that we have thought about and wished for.


首先 有意願去承認內在的不適




並且 我們必須承認自己對於自己是誰、正在做甚麼並不滿意
What does it take to live an active life? First, the willingness to acknowledge our inner discomfort, that inner knowing which tells us that the life we are living is not right for us. This is that uncomfortable feeling that arises when we know our path is not right for us, that the circumstances of our life are limiting our self expression and we have to acknowledge that we are unhappy with who we are and what we are doing.




在那些片刻 我們必須敞開自己去考慮人生的其它選項----



隨著生命的開展 那會使得我們開啟並聚焦在嶄新的旅程上




Then we have to be willing to hear and listen to the still, small voice when it tells us to try something new or different, to move forward when we would rather stand still. At this point we must be open to consider the options that our spiritual understanding awakens us to and use our emotions as a guide to help us develop the excitement and passion that will keep us committed and focused on this new journey as it unfolds. Our feelings of joy and satisfaction become our barometer for whether we are making powerful, life expanding choices or staying on the familiar path of destiny.



嚮往喜悅的意圖 促使我們敞開自己去接受那些超越所能設想的新事物


嚮往愛的意圖必須伴隨信念 並且信任愛將在最佳時機找到我們


在那嶄新路徑上 我們將會與成功的至高願景交會

Active living is created through intention, by embracing the highest vision for our life and allowing the Universe to partner with us in its creation. An intention for joy requires that we be open to receiving things that bring us joy beyond what we can envision for ourselves. An intention for love must be accompanied by the faith and trust that love will find us at the perfect moment. An intention for success will be fulfilled when we allow our vision for abundance and fulfillment to allow the Universe to show us new pathways that will meet our highest vision of success.






We often take a more active role in creating our reality when we feel stuck, disappointed or have tried everything we can think of and nothing seems to work. While that is an option, we do not need the motivation that comes from fear or unhappiness to begin creating the life that we want to live. Each moment can be lived actively, with intention, passion and commitment and a genuine desire to make our life experience the best, most wonderful and fulfilling that it can be.

宇宙是我們的生命夥伴 但它等待我們踏出第一步




我們須要去信任 特別是在無法找到相信任何事物的理由時包括信任自己



(譯註: constant factor常數, 是數學方程式中不變的數字。)

我們必須有意願去接受 去憶起----

The Universe is our life partner but it waits for us to take the first step, which is our desire and intention for a different reality. We need to be willing to shine our own light, even when we can’t see our way through our darkness, to activate our co-creative partnership. We need to trust, especially in those moments when we can’t find a reason to trust anything, including ourselves, for the Universe to remind us that its presence is the one unwavering constant factor in our life. And we need to be willing to receive, remembering that it was never our intention that we walk this path alone, unsupported and unguided.

主動的人生促使勇氣升起 使得我們有意願從舊有的模式去經歷完全不同的人生

我們早已明白了舊有的人生 但在其中尚未有前例能協助我們往前走






自私意指照顧自己 滿足自己的需要確保我們把自己放在第一位

Active living requires the courage to be willing to experience a life that is totally different from that which we have known, and we often won’t have examples to help us along that path. We may even find that there are people who resent our joy and success and who try to move us off of this path. Can we have faith and trust in a benevolent Universe and be guided by the knowledge that we deserve every good thing in life? We can if we are firmly committed to our own joy, learn to be self-ish, meaning that we take care of ourselves, meet our needs, ensure that we put ourselves first because our joy is created through our intention for it.





在那裡 我們釋放所有能量、情緒、精神層面與過往前世的連結


在那裡 我們擁抱自身的偉大並且探索自身潛能中無法限量的可能性

而從這裡 所有事物對我們而言都成為可能

我們成為運用潛能的大師 成為照亮世界的光

並且遠超越療癒之境 而成為此生靈魂所渴望的最佳表達
And when we live actively we send a clear message to the Universe that we are willing to live the highest expression of our energetic potential and committed to creating a reality which embodies it. Active living also moves us beyond karma and into creation, where we release all energetic, emotional and psychic connections to the past and move into higher dimensions of experience where we embrace our mastery and explore the limitless possibilities of our potential. And from this point, all things are truly possible for us and we become masters of our potential, the light for the world and the perfect expression of our soul’s desire for life beyond healing.




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