All is a GO


By PAPA Source thru Johan


Jul 21, 2011 - 3:35:18 PM





PAPA SOURCE : I have engaged Myself in the Earthly matters NOW as ALL is a GO.

天父源頭: 我現在已經介入到地球事務,因為一切已就緒

This is Papa Source. July 19th, 2011



I have engaged Myself in the Earthly matters NOW, not because its necessary, and yet it is in many ways, even impossible not to be the case.



My Beloved Son Michael of Nebadon has Reign over his Sovereign Creation but as all will know and understand in the future, there are great advantages to being in alignment with All That Is.



As said before, decisions have been made, plans and legions of Workers and Helpers of the Light are on standby for the perfect moment.



Many of you have heard us calling, have relayed many a message and been of Service in that way. Many will be given this message to avoid confusion: ALL IS A GO, the Light has turned on GREEN, and the ACTION for ALL TO SEE will commence when the maximum of protection and safeguarding can be assured, what is on moments notice now.



It pleases me greatly, being called Papa Source by some, to be able to tell you this myself as Michael, your Sovereign and his precious Crew, as this scribe calls them, has all hands on deck. He sends you His Greetings and will be in touch, but the next time you will hear from him, He may as well address you Himself Personally. 



Thank you My Children of the Light, for those who remembered out of practise of Divine Service, will benefit greatly. Bless you All and do not be afraid as all is under our control and monitored extremely well AND WE LOVE ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS.



Papa Source, All That Is.





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