

資訊來自阿凱西記錄,由Jen Eramith MA傳遞,於2011.07.25

When does fear begin in a human life? Do we take on fears right away when we first connect with our bodies, even before we are born? Or do we take them on in childhood or sometime later?



There are two different ways we are going to talk about fear in this channeling. One of them is that fear is an energy that exists independent of any person or any soul. It is energy, like a radio signal, that exists in the universe. The second definition of fear that we will use here is that fear, as most people talk about it, is a physical and emotional experience that is unique to human beings. The way that human beings experience fear – emotion and physical experience-- is unique to the human experience. The way that people feel fear as an emotion is not really possible for souls outside of human existence. So your spirit, before it was ever born, could sense fear as energy, but it did not feel afraid.

Feeling afraid is only possible if you are human because feeling afraid is an experience that happens in your body. You have to have a human body to experience the feeling of fear. You can only be afraid if you forget who you really are as a soul, and you see yourself as separate from the universe. That happens when you are a human being. When you are just a spirit without a human body, you cannot really feel afraid. You can sense fear as a neutral energy, but because you remember that all is well, because you remember that you are made of love and light when you are in that spirit form, you cannot really be afraid of anything. From the perspective of your spirit, your soul cannot really be harmed and so there is nothing to actually feel afraid of.


What happens when a human being is conceived, gestated and eventually born, is that a soul attaches itself to that little human body and begins to experience itself as separate from the universe. As we have discussed in previous channelings (see Childbirth and Abortion in the Archives for members), that attachment happens over the course of gestation and it is different for every soul. Sometimes it happens early, sometimes it happens late. It depends on the soul of that baby and the soul of the parents. Ultimately, at some point, a soul becomes completely attached to that body so that it can be born. A baby is never born until the soul has completely entered the body and committed itself to living in that body for the course of the lifetime. When that happens, it is possible during gestation for a fetus to begin to experience fear.

There are two ways a fetus experiences fear – one is physical and other is energetic. On a physical level, a fetus experiences or senses the fear response of the mother. So if the mother is startled or afraid of something, or if she carries chronic trauma or fear in her body, the fetus is influenced by that and often will pick up the physical patterns of fear. At that point, because the fetus is living in complete connection physically inside the womb and spiritually it is usually still aware of itself as a soul, the fetus does not feel afraid. The fetus does not have any concept of being afraid. It does not conceive of itself as anything separate from the universe so it cannot really be afraid, but it will typically, babies before they are born, will have experienced the energy of fear and will have vicariously sensed what it is like to hold fear in the body because a fetus is exposed to the blood chemicals that a mother's body releases when a mother experiences fear.


On an energetic or metaphysical level, many babies are born with karma or with the energetic resonance of their bloodline. So if there have been fears passed down through generations in that baby's family, then the baby will already be attuned to how fear has been built through the bloodline. But again, the baby itself does not feel afraid until it begins to conceive of itself as something separate from its parents and from the world around it. Over the first few hours or days of a baby's life typically, it does not feel fear. Most people's first experience of feeling afraid occurs during infancy when they begin to conceive that they are separate from everything else around them.

For some babies, this happens right at childbirth. If childbirth occurs without care for the baby's sense of connection, then the baby can feel violently separated from its mother. Where if childbirth occurs with a sense of care for the baby's experience, if childbirth occurs in a way that helps the baby continue its connection, both energetic and physical, to the mother and to other human beings, then a baby does not experience feeling afraid until later in its life.


For some babies, the onset of fear might be a few days or even a few months after birth. At some point, the baby begins to perceive that it is separate from others now that it has a body. That is typically the first experience of fear. From there, the fears that have been engrained through the bloodline will start to be activated. The experiences that the baby has can either help it heal from that fear and let it go or it can help the baby build upon that fear and develop chronic patterns of fear. So that is how fear begins to be built in a human framework.



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